View Full Version : AR15 Stock for Xmag

04-01-2003, 10:03 PM
OK tech fans, this one has stumped everybody else, so I'm throwing it into the sharkpit of Automags.org:

I have a cut-n-carved Xmag.
I want to mount a collapsing AR-15 rifle stock.

Key points: the large recoil spring tube on an AR stock lines up precisely over the velocity adjustment knob. With the stock in place, you could reach a long hex wrench right up the stock and adjust the knob like normal.

Problem: I had an airsmith make an Emag-style rail that went back to a collar, but the stock applied torque to the works and caused it to sieze up.

I have a couple of photo mockups that I can post, but I think that the concept is pretty simple. If one of the engineering wizards on here can come up with an answer, I'd be ROYALLY impressed and in major debt.

Many thanks,
Mike "marksman" Marks
Captain, Team Dead By Dawn

04-01-2003, 10:43 PM
what you really need is something like the ar-15 lower receiver ring setup where the stock screw in. It is relatively beefy, and I am not sure how you would attach it to the xmag, especially without doing anything drastic to the body/frame. Emag is easy. (mount it on body rail somehow or new body rail)

I don't know why you would want one, though..

04-01-2003, 10:46 PM
This was the original concept, using a modified Emag sight rail. At least the way the airsmith did it, it did not pan out. The problem was not at the meeting of stock and rail, but actually the torque applied to the main body at the six rail mounting-screws.

04-01-2003, 10:52 PM

The "why" is fairly simple. I have spent a lot of time with an M16 carbine in my hands and I simply like the feel and like to take advantage of a lot of accumulated muscle memory. Plus, I play scenario ball (I know, gak....) but the bottom line is that the type of engagements we run into there are far different from those on the hyperball court. I will never give up my beloved 'Mags (having Emag and Xmag both) but as all I'm talking about is a threaded sleeve, I am pretty stymied as to how impossible it has been thus far. Hence my posing the issue here.

You are precisely right though, the existing aftermarket paintball stocks have sufficient brackets, it's just a matter of how to get that to bolt onto the Xmag itself.

04-02-2003, 01:15 AM
I think your idea of using the screw hole on emag body rail is not too bad. But, to get the rigidity you need, you have several choices. Looks like you used fairly light guage material. I would have gone with heavier aluminum and bigger screws.(retap the body rail) I would make provision to wrap the back bottom and add a screws there as well. Remember that AR-15 has forged billet receiver and very strong, I would want to build similiar thickness.

Ideally, new body rail that extend the back beyond the valve with ring would be the best...

04-02-2003, 08:52 AM
Do you know someone who would be able to make such a rail in a timely fashion? I checked my basement and Santa still hasn't brought the fancy milling machine...!

04-02-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Marksman
Do you know someone who would be able to make such a rail in a timely fashion? I checked my basement and Santa still hasn't brought the fancy milling machine...!

There are more than a few machinists on AO. Search for Sluggo bodies and I am sure those folks can help you out.


04-02-2003, 06:29 PM
First off- thanks for the replies!

I looked for Sluggo bodies and found one post with two photos of what looks like an almost featureless aluminum tube with holes bored through it... but for an Xmag this would not accommodate the warp-breech.

Is there an X-mag Sluggo Body?

If so, can anybody reading this post a photo, or direct me to somebody who has one?

Many thanks-

04-02-2003, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Marksman
First off- thanks for the replies!

I looked for Sluggo bodies and found one post with two photos of what looks like an almost featureless aluminum tube with holes bored through it... but for an Xmag this would not accommodate the warp-breech.

Is there an X-mag Sluggo Body?

If so, can anybody reading this post a photo, or direct me to somebody who has one?

Many thanks-

I dont think I made myself clear. I said email the machinists whom are making the slugos they can help you build what you need.


04-02-2003, 07:09 PM
I am actually working on a similar project. I will be using a back-bottle adaptor, positioning the tank as a stock. What you could do is

1) Tap the body to accept the two screws required to mount a back-bottle adaptor

2) Mill a piece of material to provide a flat surface to accept the BBA (the end of the body is slanted, so mill a triangle-shaped piece of metal)

3) Attach the BBA

4) Attach any after-market stock. You can get those from several outlets

Granted, it won't be an AR15 stock, but it will be a stock none-the less. Someone makes an AR15 stock for the Tippman, but I don't know if it screws into a standard ASA. If it does, you're in luck, but it would be angled.

If that doesn't fit your fancy, I would then have to say that this sounds like a job for Doc Nickel. I hate to recomend him, because I have contacted him several times and have never recieved a reply, and he is always mentioning how "behind in work" he is, but by the looks of his site (www.docsmachine.com), he has the expertise and is nuts enough to figure something out. If he actually replies to you, let me know.

04-02-2003, 08:39 PM
Thanks amigo!
I'll give doc a holler and post back here if he replies.
Many thanks.