View Full Version : e-mag question

04-01-2003, 11:10 PM
i just got an e-mag on trade and after i fire about 450 shots out of my 68/4500 the valve or selinoid seems to have ecsesive recharge time like 1 second is it becasue my preset tank drops below 550 when it get to about 2500 psi or ?? is the selinoid hot and wont alow it to fire corectly ??? i dont know if you need more info lmk

also when this starts i will take and just shoot slower like allowing .25 seconds between each shot then it will fire and then skip a shot here or there i know my triggers adjusted right and i know the valve is lubed up and ihave replaces all the parts and it does this with both bolts lvl ten and stock ??? just wondering if its a serious prob and should have agd look at it or?????

04-01-2003, 11:21 PM
sounds like a problem with the HPA system...

can you try another HPA tank? It will help eliminate that as an issue.

04-02-2003, 08:21 AM
well i think thats what it was but it had to be a couple of things cause my board crapped out last night not the agd 1.37willcome up than fade away and its not the battery casue i'm at full charge tested with a multi meter and the gun .......... so i guess i'll have to burn a star