View Full Version : I just witnessed a horrible thing.

04-01-2003, 11:43 PM
I live in dorms. I went down to the computer lab to scan in some pictures, me and another guy get on the elevator to ride back up to my floor. The doors open up and we get off and turn right to go down our hall. All of a sudden 4-5 paintballs come flying down the hall and hit the soda machine RIGHT in front of us, the other guy actually had to jump out of the way.

We look at the splats for a minute then turn and look down the hall carefully. One of the people on our floor is on the ground holding his face. I wasn't sure what was going on for a minute. I walk up to him and look down he gets up covering his face still cussing up a storm.

He shows me his face to see if he's bleeding, the paintball hit on his cheekbone RIGHT below his eye, it was just a centimeter away from his eye socket.

Turns out one of the guys on my floor had a stingray and decided it would be funny to shoot someone as they came out of the bathroom. He was going to shoot the guy in the back but he missed twice, and the guy turned and thats when he hit him in the face.

First off, this is unbelievable wrong, stupid, retarded..you name it. Another thing is we aren't supposed to have paintball guns in our rooms in the first place. I'm hoping they don't start searching rooms for guns because I have 2, and no place to store them.

The guy who shot him said his sorry's n stuff and it seems the other guy cooled off. But i swear it was a hair away from taking out his eye.

04-01-2003, 11:47 PM
That sucks man. You shouldnt do it, but the dude who got shot should definately deal some violence with his hands, not a gun :(

If i got shot like that i'd walk up with my gun of choice for the situation, toss him a mask and suggest he put it on in a hurry.

04-01-2003, 11:52 PM
thats what happens when walmart sells the cheap stuff.....stupid people that don't know what the heck they are doing get ahold of a marker and crap like this happens:(

At least the guy was ok,,,coulda been a lot worse.

04-02-2003, 01:59 AM
One of the functions of a paintball club if giving people a place to store markers off-campus.

As for your situation, honestly, I'd rat out the idiot who decided it would be funny to shoot someone with a marker. That guy should be expelled, end of story. Send a message to anyone else on your campus considering being that stupid.

- Chris

04-02-2003, 02:30 AM
The idiot should considder him self lucky we all dont come there and beat the stupid out of him.

If this idiot was one of my troops...

04-02-2003, 03:20 AM
i to am living in the dorms, montana though. And i'm just saddened and frustrated everytime i hear something like this... poor moral choices from non-paintballers with paintball stuff

I'M VERY glad to hear that everyone is alright.
There's the uneducated Walmart newb, but then there's people who buy paintball stuff just to do stuff like that.

People smashing mailboxes with baseball bats or using bats in a violent beating don’t mess with baseball as much as this stuff does to paintball.

I mean, people getting hurt is NEVER I good thing… but a person getting hurt from a bat is seen differently then someone getting hurt from a paintball.

04-02-2003, 06:25 AM
Originally posted by thecavemankevin
thats what happens when walmart sells the cheap stuff.....stupid people that don't know what the heck they are doing get ahold of a marker and crap like this happens:(

At least the guy was ok,,,coulda been a lot worse.
What a CROCK! This is NOT a Walmart issue, but one of idiots doing stupid things.

Inexpensive markers are a VALUABLE part of paintball…. And if you can’t see that.. oh well.

Originally posted by raehl
One of the functions of a paintball club if giving people a place to store markers off-campus.

As for your situation, honestly, I'd rat out the idiot who decided it would be funny to shoot someone with a marker. That guy should be expelled, end of story. Send a message to anyone else on your campus considering being that stupid.

- Chris
I agree.

04-02-2003, 06:37 AM
Saying it's Walmarts fault is like saying when someone gets shot it's gun shop's fault.

Responsibility for ones actions.

Load SM5
04-02-2003, 07:29 AM
That guy needs to be turned in and expelled. There is no end to human stupidity. He could've killed someone, the idiot.

04-02-2003, 08:38 AM
If you know the guy and he does this stuff all the time or you think he'll do it again, turn him in. Specify the incident, let public safety handle it. The guy who almost got his eye shot out should agree to help. This person is sick and if he does it again and seriously injures someone you'll regret ever turning him in. He deserves trouble, I doubt he'll get expelled but probably suspended and probation, and it'll send a message about these incidents.

04-02-2003, 09:06 AM
What this putz did is criminal. End of story. The victim is lucky that he only has a few bruises to show for it. This guy needs to be dealt with by the proper authorities.


04-02-2003, 09:53 AM
I say toss the shooter to the wolves. He needs to learn paintball guns are not a toy to be played with in an unsafe enviroment. It even says on the guns, "this is not a toy"...


04-02-2003, 10:27 AM
I was an Assitant Hall director for 2 years, trust me someone is going do talk and this guy will go down ALONG WITH YOU!!

My suggestion is take your markers home, to your folks, store them at a buddies of campus crib or in your car. If they find that in your room you will be bounced right out of school. Any Res. Life personel can search your room at anytime and if your guns arent locked up in some kind of locker they will be found.

I personally would have kicked this guys *** off campus, but then again I dont run your hall ;)

04-02-2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by obsolete898
Saying it's Walmarts fault is like saying when someone gets shot it's gun shop's fault.

Responsibility for ones actions.

If you want a rather funny MP3 about the topic of 'Responsibility for ones actions' check this guy's rant about Guns (http://www.werewolves.org/~two/). Goto the audio section, 2nd page. Heck, check out ANY of the rants here.

04-02-2003, 12:25 PM
that sux..

i was playing with this one n00b on his first game... his glasses fogged up and he took off his mask right before i bunkered him. hit him right on the cheak from 3 feet away. i was unbelievably mad at him. he's ok but he will never play again because "paintball is too dangerous"

04-02-2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
that sux..

i was playing with this one n00b on his first game... his glasses fogged up and he took off his mask right before i bunkered him. hit him right on the cheak from 3 feet away. i was unbelievably mad at him. he's ok but he will never play again because "paintball is too dangerous"

maybe you shouldn't be bunkering noobs? not cool at all.


04-02-2003, 12:49 PM
i like bunkering n00bs. they make fun sounds when you bunker them.

sorry if you feel that way but i've been wanting to shoot him for ages. he's the reason my last gf broke up with me

04-02-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
i like bunkering n00bs. they make fun sounds when you bunker them.

sorry if you feel that way but i've been wanting to shoot him for ages. he's the reason my last gf broke up with me

good reason to step over the line:rolleyes:

04-02-2003, 01:14 PM
noob are funny, some kid at my local field got an sto and thought he was all big and bad and was cocking off, and shooting as fast as he could, well we hid behind the back bunker the whole day. So we madde him cry three times that day, what we did was had one guy go bunker him, and he didn't say anything but just placed his barrel plug in adn i rounded the bunker and lit him up again, quite funny since he left the field crying, and his friends were laughing at him since he is 17 years old.

04-02-2003, 01:17 PM
btw we never planned this to happen, it just kind of went, but we did it about 3 times that day, noobs are funny.

and dude, that guy should be taken outside and shot in the nuts from pointblank range andd told to respect his paintball gun.

04-02-2003, 01:59 PM
geez. this is why i think there should be some kind of safety course required before you can purchase a marker. people are just stupid.

04-02-2003, 04:28 PM
people like that should die

if you're gonna do something like that at the very very very least aim for their feet so there's no chance of a face shot but even that wouldn't be too cool to do

04-02-2003, 08:18 PM
damn them college kids