View Full Version : anyone know if there is a way to intelli a halo

04-02-2003, 12:04 AM
I have a halo and normally run an intelli set up with a rev, but would like to switch it to my halo....is there any specific way that any of you know of to do this without hacking it up?

I know i can figure it out if i mess with it, bypass the eyes i guess, but if someone has specific experiance with this it would help


04-02-2003, 06:51 PM
well, i dont know how to do that, but i dont think u need to intell a halo. They are fast enough as it is.

Evil Bob
04-02-2003, 07:03 PM
No, you don't need to intelifeed a halo, it's not an "agitating" feed system that waits for gaps to appear in the ball stack before it spins up. The halo maintains constant spring tension on the ball stack, the moment it perceives movement, it will spin, it doesn't wait for a gap or space to appear before it starts feeding.

-Evil Bob

04-02-2003, 07:51 PM
it wold be posible to intellifeed it. I would have to get my hands on one to see how the circiut works, but they have an "eye" that tells the circuit the balls moved. all you would have to do is isolate that and add your intelli cicuit to it. not hard.

not sure it is worth while, but it could be done.

Evil Bob
04-02-2003, 08:00 PM
You would turn the Halo into a blender. The "eye" tells the motor to stop spinning. There is sufficient torque to crush multiple paintballs. I highly advise against doing this.

-Evil Bob

04-02-2003, 08:05 PM
that is not exactly true. it uses the eye to sense when the balls are moving, but it uses a torque sensor on the motor to tell when it has fed enough. so that would still work. even if you pulled the trigger and held it, it would just stop once the torque on the motor reaches a certain threshold. It would just come back and keep trying to feed about once a second. (as if the eye had failed) this is a failsafe incase the eye fails.

04-02-2003, 09:40 PM
Want better performance-send it in for the latest upgrade, takes care of all the headaches for the price of shipping if your currently running a Halo B...