View Full Version : XMAG delays?

04-02-2003, 03:16 AM
I haven't posted on the boards in a little while and I was just wondering why it has been taking so long to get them out. Where's the actual problem at?

04-02-2003, 06:54 AM
blame europe :)

04-02-2003, 06:56 AM

04-02-2003, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by Ultimator
Wow thanks for the informative post.:rolleyes:

If they had a smilie with a middle finger I'd use it.

04-02-2003, 09:16 AM
ultimator is simpily stating that this question gets
asked about every other day.

quality takes time its that simple

04-02-2003, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by obsolete898

Wow thanks for the informative post.:rolleyes:

If they had a smilie with a middle finger I'd use it. Haha.

04-02-2003, 11:12 AM
There is such a smiley face but I would rather you not use it! :D

Just simply a matter of bodies coming over is only seeming to be about 37 or so a month the last two shipments. And there was only one of those before Christmas. And the preorders are so stacked up from last August. They are filling orders right now from last September and October. And they are filling only partial allocations of those. Takes some time to satisfy a couple hundred back orders if your only chipping away at it with 37 a month or every six weeks or so. Once they get them they have to contact the preorder and double check the color and then send them out to anno. Plus the few you lose to anno problems or damage. And with new preorders coming in every week the line stays long. When you have only that many bodies to fill more orders than that you cannot catch up too quickly. Each of those bodies is on the mill for like 2 hours and AGDE gets some of them too. If you look at the working time per month then you can see the production of a mill is going to be less than 80 if its one mill and everything goes perfect each day for 20 days. I do not know if there are many mills dedicated to this process as they are expensive to own and operate. There may only be the one dedicated to this process. I realy do not know.

04-03-2003, 03:06 AM
That's what I meant about the smilie, we don't have it here and importing it might make a few here mad;).

Just wondering, if it's the milling why doesn't AGD: A.get them made over here. B.light a fire under the current company's butt. C.get multiple shops to mill them.

I know it's good to have demand out run supply(a little), but it could be costing AGD customers.

I just think that there could be a faster way to get it done, and there's just something standing in the way of other options.

ultimator is simpily stating that this question gets asked about every other day.

Now it got asked again. If you don't want to answer don't post. If I wanted to search I would have, but I didn't. I hope it doesn't tear you guys up to much.

quality takes time its that simple

It's not that simple. There are other quality guns out there and they don't take anywhere near the time the XMags have been taking.

04-03-2003, 08:55 AM
I suspect its because a Three Axis milling machine is difficult to schedule time on and VERY expensive to obtian dedicated time for in small numbers and programing set up time and all is figured into that plus the need to program and run it over here may just be cost prohibitive. I suspect its been looked into and found not to be a viable option.

04-04-2003, 01:57 AM
That makes sense, but with the demand the could put in a huge order. I'm just wondering why other companies get it can get it done faster. I don't think the milling is any more diffuclt than alot of other highend milled guns. I could be wrong I don't know a whole lot about the miling process.

04-04-2003, 09:57 AM
Other companies are bigger than AGD.