View Full Version : pb on cnn

04-02-2003, 09:58 AM
I was just watching CNN(home w/ a neck problem). Right before a commercial it showed what looked like a reported in a mask.(looked like a spectra) He was dressed in full army fatiges. He looked to be over in iraq or someplace similar. I was just wondering why they would be wearing pb masks. He wasent talking or anything, they just showed a pic of him. Very strange...

04-02-2003, 10:41 AM
are you sure he was not wearing a GAS MASK??

04-02-2003, 10:45 AM
yup i thought that at first also, im posotive it was a pb mask.

04-02-2003, 10:56 AM

04-02-2003, 10:59 AM
Alot of the guys will wear paintball style goggles without the mask to keep the dust out of their eyes. The gov. issue ones are pretty lame. When I was in, Force Recon wore black ones all the time.

04-03-2003, 10:38 AM
I know what those goggles look like. It was a reporter, NOT a soldier. Im 100% posotive that he was wearing a pb mask.

04-03-2003, 11:04 AM
Frankly, i thought you were crazy, but last nite i saw the same shot on a cnn promo... It was a weird mask, it looked like JT goggles and mask with huge soft head armor like the old Vents Predator.


04-03-2003, 11:46 AM
that's funny.. i seen the same thing but didnt think anything of it. i'm pretty sure i have the goggles he was wearing too. they are JT airstreams from what it looked like to me.. i'm going to run over to my friends house right now to see if i can get them back to take a pic..

04-03-2003, 02:28 PM
I knew i wasent crazy.

04-03-2003, 06:08 PM
I saw a report about two weeks ago talking about how the military was doing some training with paintball guns to simulate close quarters urban combat. They were mostly practicing breaching a room.

04-03-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by govnamac
I saw a report about two weeks ago talking about how the military was doing some training with paintball guns to simulate close quarters urban combat. They were mostly practicing breaching a room.

I wonder what there velocity was set at...Our resourse officer did training with PB pistols, and they were shooting 450...:eek: She has scars (nasty ones) from where she got shot. She also showed us a video of part of her training. She gets blasted in the face with police issue pepper spray, then has to run to a padded guy and beat the crap out of him with a baton! :eek:

Evil Bob
04-03-2003, 10:23 PM
We used to do alot of CQB and breaching training with PB gear when I was in the service, and we never set the velocy higher then 300 fps, it becomes too dangerous. Considering CQB is ranges normally under 50 feet, there is no valid reason to need to set the velocity higher then 300 fps.

Take a round in the neck at 450 and you're dead. The tissue will swell and cut off the flow of blood in your caratoid artery or your windpipe will swell shut and you'll suffocate.

That is extremely stupid and careless.

-Evil Bob

04-03-2003, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
We used to do alot of CQB and breaching training with PB gear when I was in the service, and we never set the velocy higher then 300 fps, it becomes too dangerous. Considering CQB is ranges normally under 50 feet, there is no valid reason to need to set the velocity higher then 300 fps.

Take a round in the neck at 450 and you're dead. The tissue will swell and cut off the flow of blood in your caratoid artery or your windpipe will swell shut and you'll suffocate.

That is extremely stupid and careless.

-Evil Bob

Yes, I know, 450 is insane...however, it is what she told us, whethor its true or not.

04-04-2003, 09:28 AM
i doubt it..., isnt it true when the speed goes up too far the paintball's are not as accurate...

04-04-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Mr.Minus
i doubt it..., isnt it true when the speed goes up too far the paintball's are not as accurate...

yes, that is true...I will talk to her monday when we have school.