View Full Version : 4 month lead time on a new x-mag

Roy Hatch
04-02-2003, 09:59 AM
is this right? I hope not..

04-02-2003, 10:05 AM
I believe I saw one hanging on the wall at Adventure Games Paintball in Manchester NH.


Roy Hatch
04-02-2003, 10:25 AM
but I am mostly concerned about the time it takes for my customers to recieve the xmags they would order from me, being a AGD dealer. Its hard to keep their interest in mags when I have to tell them that its a 4 month lead time and they can get a Timmy or Angel in a week.

I support AGD in all things. I think the Amags, Xmags and Emags are the best guns around. Most reliable, fast etc. The reason I am posting here is to perhaps raise the consciouness level at AGD regarding a potential problem in becoming/being competitive in a global environment, and perhaps shedding the "custom" persona that results from having a gun that is really good, but you have to wait forever to get. If you want to take market share away from competitors, you must have stock to sell to the people. I know Tom knows this, I hope for him to hear a volume level here that will allow him to rationalize putting more capital into ramping up production of the Xmags.

Roy Hatch
Paintball Quest Inc
Phantom Regiment Paintball Team

04-02-2003, 10:27 AM
ahhh, that puts a different twist to your post. ;)

50 cal
04-02-2003, 11:35 AM
As with any thing fairly new, tooling up takes time and boatload of effort. I bet in a few months the X Mags will be as easy to get as standard E Mags.

If you want something bad enough, the wait isn't too bad.

04-02-2003, 11:35 AM
Roy I hear ya but the lead time is 6-7 months (has been so far). Not 4... And I am certian if Tom had a nickel for every time someone told him the production needs to increase he would not have to sell ANY of them to go on vacation this year. Your preaching to the converted here. He knows but doesn't control the situation of the bodies. They are trying to get the flow up.

And you do not have to tell a customer anything with these things realy but the truth and not worry about them still being there when it's time. There is alway another one. You just order some to get in line and believe me the customers come out of the wood work when you announce you have one for sale.

You do not have to settle on the color until your notified its your turn and its getting ready to go to anno. If it comes that time to chose a color, you contact your interested parties and if they back out then you can cancel or better yet just order them in popular colors and solids that will sell to anyone. Odd fades and such are not a good choice to take a risk on.

But this is the way this situation has to be delt with as of now. It's how I am doing it. Just order two or three and get yourself in the line for them is all you can do. And when its approaching time for the order to fill...THEN start selling them! :)
