View Full Version : Micromag detents , and force fed loaders?

04-02-2003, 05:21 PM
I have heard of trouble of the micromag detents being to weak to handle halo B's. Is it the same with the A's? And is it allright with warps? Thanks

04-02-2003, 05:30 PM
Mines never had a problem with the Halo B. I have heard of it though. I suspect a stronger spring would fix it but since I have not had to bother I do not know what to recommend. Seems like BlackVCG had an idea of one to use but I cannot recall what he suggested...

The newest updated B (this would be the third version) is supposed to be a little less force too. I have not gotten any of these so I cannot say from personal experience. I have some on the way though.

I am using the Second version B (the pulser one) with no problems of this type on the Micro Emag though... By the way that very same Micro E is for sale in classifieds.

04-02-2003, 07:44 PM
If I got a Halo , and it went through the detent , how easy is it to fix?

04-02-2003, 08:11 PM
Again I do not know cause its never been a problem for me. I assume its as easy as putting in a stronger spring. But finding that stronger spring is the question....

04-02-2003, 08:16 PM
Well in my case - HARD to fix the problem

Was happening with a Halo A and B (First Version B and Second - don't feel like sending the frelling thing again with more money to try the 3rd version)

Pro Team was useless - made no offer to fix the problem (said well try a harder spring)

Harder spring did nothing to fix the problem.

Moving the detent around to stick more into the chamber did nothing to fix the problem.

The problem with the one we've got is there is a LOT of room in the chamber between the front of the bolt and the detent. Doesn't really matter how strong the spring is there is enough room in the chamber to fit 1 1/4 paintball so boom you have a chop.

Level 10 won't fix this type of problem cause it's partially double feeding. With Level 10 you just have a gun that stops fireing instead of a chop.

Slapped a regular Level 7 bolt back on a put a monster Foamie on the end of it. This was to hopefully take up some of the slop in the chamber area. Slows the gun down a little but at least now it shoots and rarely chops.

This was with a Micro2K Vert Feed not a Micro E.

So far that's been the second Micro Mag we've had and hope to never see another one.


04-02-2003, 08:27 PM
I have heard this stuff Barry. And I not heard back too much from people trying stuff and succesfull either. So I just am glad mine doesn't do it I guess. I have heard of one or two fixing it with a whole new detante but I agree that PTP is less than stellar to deal with on this and ANY matter that I have delt with them on.

I would at least try the Third version B. I mean what can you lose? The Angel guys are having the same or a similar problems with Halo B's and I am still not hearing that this new version helped it or not.

04-02-2003, 09:24 PM
The guy who previously owned my micro emag ran a halo on it. He said he had some problems with it at first but haggled with PTP until they gave him a new detent and spring for free. He said after installing it he had no problems.

04-02-2003, 10:01 PM
yeah.. the new halo software shouldnt give you crap with your detents.. its said to work with single detented imps, so im guessing that it will be perfectly fine with your micro. or you can just get a warp/eggy :D