View Full Version : Efficiency And the Level 10 ??

04-02-2003, 09:02 PM
Need some honest opnions on what kind of Efficiency your getting with your emags using a level 10. I'm hearing horror stories about it. My dilemma is i'm a former Micro Emag owner before the introduction of the level 10. I could not deal with the chopping I was getting in tournament situations. And the warp just slowed down my movement. But I always loved the feel of the gun but it had to go. Then along comes the level 10 now i'm contimplating getting one again. So if you can give me amount of shots your getting from a 65/4500 and a 88/4500 I'd apreciate it.


04-02-2003, 09:19 PM
I know this isn't exactly what you asked (cause its 3k not 4.5k) but with my micro E-mag and LX I get about 600-700 shots off of my 88ci 3000psi Mega Reg.