View Full Version : Timmy, Bushmaster, E-mag, Orracle, Matrix, IR3 PICS!!!

04-03-2003, 05:29 PM
Thanks for your help im acutally going to get an ANGEL SPEED now but u all helped me look at what i really want in a gun.

04-03-2003, 05:30 PM

04-03-2003, 05:31 PM

04-03-2003, 05:32 PM

04-03-2003, 05:34 PM

04-03-2003, 05:42 PM
A. Go down to your local field and test them out.
B. Decide which one is best.
C. No one's opinion but your own should influence your choice.

PS, then buy a NYX Matrix.:)

04-03-2003, 05:44 PM
Any criteria you have? Price range? Do you need nitro and a hopper as well? Have you shot any of these before? did you like any you have? Can't go on pictures straight man =)


04-03-2003, 05:54 PM
The only two I have experience with are the EMag and the E-Orracle.

The Emag is awesome, not Pretty enough for some people. But it is Heavy, super reliable and i am just comfortable working on mags, so it was best for me.

The E-Orracle is one of the most fun guns I've used. I really like cockers, it is really light, it has awesome parts- no need to upgrade, and the trigger is still the best I've ever felt/ easiest to adjust. the only negative is that the battery didn't last that long, but it takes normal 9 volts, so that's easy.

It really all comes down to feel and style... once you get into this level/dollar amount. try them out, no one can tell you which is better for you.

04-03-2003, 06:35 PM
I was lookin at the NYX's too when I was lookin into new guns... nothing special, really. It's cheaper to find an LED with a bolt kit, trinity, inline reg, new chip, and then wait til that ACE for matrixes comes out (ugh I forget who makes it). Essentially with the NYX you're just paying for the ACE, milling, and possibly the board... the only 3 unique features about the gun.

It depends on what you want on a gun. If you want a fast, light, inexpensive electro, spring for the bushy. Timmies are really light, but I don't like em, they kinda feel cheap. Matrixes are a tad heavy, definitely not as heavy as an e-mag, but shoot fast, accurate, and are ultra quiet. The e-mag is the heaviest, no question, but reliable, simple, and fast. The angel is well... an angel. Buy it new and you really can't go wrong... they're fast guns, but not that accurate.

If it were me, I'd go for the matrix. Wouldn't buy it off Actionvillage, though, nor would I play with it without efficiency mods. this is a better deal.... LED matrix with trinity reg and bolt kit installed for $860 from The Matrix Center: http://www.thematrixcenter.com/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=24&idproduct=130

Anyway I like the matrix because of its extremely low recoil, accuracy, and rate of fire. It is somewhat of a gas hog, but I really wouldn't care about that, or the weight, necessarily.

I've owned an emag, and I can tell you that they're good guns, at least with a level 10 and a TL63 blade trigger.... and ULE parts. They're not bad accuracy wise, and have a good rate of fire, and when set up properly they can rip like nobody's business. Plus it has hybrid and manual modes, unique to the e-mag, found on no other gun. I don't like it though because it is somewhat noisy compared to some other guns, and it has a lot of recoil compared to other guns. Other than that it's easy to maintain and is really reliable.

04-03-2003, 06:50 PM
with high-end guns, all will peform excellently. when you get to that point, it is personal preferance and what you like in a gun that should determine your purchase.

04-03-2003, 07:33 PM
Like everyone has said, at this point it's personal preference. I've had the chance to shoot all those guns ecept for the NYX Matrix (shot an led though) and would have to say in my opinion the Ir3 was probably my favorite. Just try to get out there and shoot them all before you decide. If you're on a budget I'd get a B2k3 bushie with PDS. For the price and with a few mods it will shoot almost just as good as those other ones.

04-03-2003, 07:41 PM

Why get one? Because they rule.

04-03-2003, 07:51 PM
personally, i'd go with the e-blade or the matrix... maybe even the timmy lol. They all shoot very fast and all shoot very very nice. Those are just some of my personal picks that i like. Seriously, go out and try them, because this will be your gun, not mine, not Slipnot's but YOURs, it should revolve around what YOU like.

04-03-2003, 07:52 PM
tim tim timiny

04-03-2003, 08:36 PM
I say if you have the money spring for a 2003 shocker. But I do prefer the E-mag outta the choices given. But thats my personal preference.

04-03-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by darklord

they're fast guns, but not that accurate.

Anyway I like the matrix because of its extremely low recoil, accuracy, and rate of fire.

They're not bad accuracy wise,

all of your credibility just went down the toliet. You have nearly 1500 posts, you know better.

Edit: I cant decide on an eblade or xmag.


04-03-2003, 09:02 PM
i would say no to timmy.. mainly because they are made out of the bodies of the "bob long millenium" (.. spyder clone). but they rip like hell.. and they are sweet.. but go with a NYX matrix..

04-03-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by gtrsi

all of your credibility just went down the toliet. You have nearly 1500 posts, you know better.

Edit: I cant decide on an eblade or xmag.

jb Meh. I'm comparing em stock... most guns will shoot the same with a good barrel.

04-03-2003, 09:45 PM
gz timmy or the ir3, if it were my gun

04-03-2003, 10:00 PM
My own thread!!

04-03-2003, 10:01 PM
My own thread!!

04-04-2003, 12:18 AM
No EMag on that list?! Shame on you!

04-04-2003, 02:21 AM

04-04-2003, 10:31 AM
I normally don't bother replying to the which gun should I buy threads but... Two people commented that angels aren't accurate. I own an IR3 and I am using a freak barrel and my angel shoots dead on. I also own an E-Mag which I shot as my main gun for the last 2 years. They are good reliable guns. I prefer the angel.

04-04-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by EsPo
i would say no to timmy.. mainly because they are made out of the bodies of the "bob long millenium" (.. spyder clone).
yep and cockers are more accurate and mags chop
I love stupid people, I hope to own a few of my own some day.

Jack & Coke
04-04-2003, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
i would say no to timmy.. mainly because they are made out of the bodies of the "bob long millenium" (.. spyder clone). but they rip like hell.. and they are sweet.. but go with a NYX matrix..


My GZ Timmy is NOT made out of the bodies of the "bob long millenium" (.. spyder clone).

With the exception of the first batches of Classic bodies, neither are any of the Timmy's currently being made today.

Get a clue and stop spreading ignorance!


04-04-2003, 05:59 PM
IR3 love to hold not to shoot (not that accurate)

Thats BS, accuracy is mostly based on velocity, correct me if im wrong. I just cant stand reading and coming past that saying.:rolleyes:

paint magnet
04-04-2003, 07:30 PM
If I had it to do all over again...

Ir3. Definately.
Next option: Ir3. Then an Emag, then E Orracle, then timmay then the 'trix. (silly wabbit, 'trixes are for kids)
The Ir3 delivers performance and style, is lightweight, very accurate, very fast, versatile, comfortable with the 90degree frame, and packed with more features than you can count (which you won't care about now but will appreciate later). It is simply amazing. I don't know where you got the thing about one gun being more accurate than another. I used to think like that too when I owned a cocker, then went to AO day. Not only did my cocker not work, but people were shooting me with mags at ranges I thought were only attainable while shootng a cocker :rolleyes:

The Emag would have ranked first, except for the fact that it doesn't have as many features as the Ir3. Now before you fellow mag lovers jump on my *** about me preferring it because it has an LCD screen, the features are acutally nice to have. Like the three different programmable game timer settings, easily adjustable dwell, light weight, COPS 2 and especially the comfy 90 degree frame. The Emag isnt' all that heavy unless your a pansy, it does have some heft to it due to the fact that it has a huge battery and it's made out of steel. It's the 'man's' gun of paintball guns, none of the sissy stuff like buzzers (yes, I realize I'm contradicting my statements about the ir3 here), nothing to go wrong. Also it shoots just as straight and far as any other gun.

E Orracle. Seems like an awful lot of money to pay for a hybrid electro. Although like all cockers, they are AWESOME, when they work. They require constant tinkering to perform at their optimum level though.

Timmys are rather sweet, but they are kind of large and expensive, and have had some reliablility issues.

The Trix, hmm... haven't found it to be any more accurate than any other gun, that being said its' also larger, heavier and much less ineffecient. It is fast and quiet though. Basically like a shocker. In fact almost identical to a shocker.

These are just my opinions though, and I hope you find a marker you are comfortable with and enjoy it.

04-04-2003, 11:49 PM
What are some major things you want in your new gun?


You give us such little to work with here. IMO I'd get the IR3 cause I have one and I like it. Cause its fast, its light, its compact, good gas effencey, and is as accurate as any other gun on the field that has a a freak.(since i have a FREAK on it)