View Full Version : Hyperframe??

04-03-2003, 10:16 PM
I bought my Mag used and it came with the hyperframe on it, but I do not know much about how to change the fire modes. I have figured out how to use the game timer, reset the ball counter and change the rof. i was reading up on it and I found out this much: that the original board had three fire modes on them and came with a tourney lock found by removing the left grip panel. I tried removing it and push it many times as well as almost every combination of the buttons that i could come up with. apparently due to new rules not allowing guns with any other fire modes beside semi on it, centerflag made a new board that was option for the hyperframe. how would I be able to tell weither I have a semi only board or three fire modes? :confused: and If I do have the three modes how do I change them, and get that tourney lock going?
and any other information on the hyperframe would be appreciated as well :)

04-03-2003, 11:38 PM
Well, to turn it on hold the mode button for 3 seconds. Then it will come up at semi right? Then hold down the mode set button for 3 seconds, then the mode "SEMI" should be blinking. After this keep on touching the mode set button (just once) to change fiering modes. If this doesnt work pm me i have a 3 fireing mode board i can sell you.;) LMK

04-04-2003, 10:59 AM
when I turn the hyperframe on it shows "F 13 semi" and when i hold in the mode button the bps(13) starts flashing and that is the only thing that I could figure out how to change. I could not figure out how to get semi to flash. is there some other combination to pushing these buttons? If they designed a new semi-only board they would have no need to put a tourney lock in it though, right??:confused:
anyways if I this will only do one fire mode, how much does it cost to replace this with the original board(3 fire modes), or the new full auto board? and where can i find it.
The centerflag website does not seem to have much info on it.

04-04-2003, 12:08 PM
Hint, hint, look at the bottom of my sig. I am selling a 3 mode board. Pm me and we'll talk if your interested.

04-04-2003, 12:50 PM
You can get the instruction manual from Centerflag at:


Also, they has a new fullauto board that has the a 20 bps ROF limit. It also has settings for the solenoid dwell. They will give you a $30 credit for your existing board, but it MUST work. I sent in a working board only to have it no longer work after they received it. If you send in your existing board I would suggest sending in the entire grip frame, complete with battery. That way it is protected and they can just turn it on to verify it works.

04-04-2003, 03:02 PM
I went to the centerflag site and they have no info on the new boards or prices on the original ones. where else can I find such information?

04-04-2003, 03:09 PM
You are correct, they don't. You have to call them (630-553-2611). I believe the new board is $75. They will give you a credit of $30 for your old board. Verify the prices with them.

04-04-2003, 08:19 PM
what fire modes come on the new board? is it only full auto?

04-05-2003, 12:21 AM
semi 1-20 burst (3-5)1-20 fullauto 1-20

04-05-2003, 07:17 PM
i think ghillieguy has a board and was hinting at the fact that he will sell it to you i dont know if you missed it but i am sure he will be able to save you some $$$.:D