View Full Version : paintball workout

04-04-2003, 01:44 AM
Well, It's starting to get nice out. I can't hide my wimpy muscles under a big jacket any more. So, I've got to start going to the gym again. I'm no stranger to a gym, I've got my normal routine. I'm wondering what I can do to work out that would benefit paintball.

The main things that I can think of are;

Sprints. I've even heard of people who wear weighted packs and sprint with them. Also sprinting while crouched down, so you can practice bookin it up to that 50 off the break without getting shot.

Wrist and grip excercises. That marker gets heavy, and the faster you can move it the better.

Flexibility. This one is obvious. I think that stretching is really key.

I don't think I would concern myself with distance running or to much endurance stuff. For me, a game of paintball isn't very long. If I don't get shot of the break, then the games usually only last 10 minutes at most. I get pretty tired by the end of the day, but thats not much of a problem.

Thats really all that I can think of. Do you guys have any workouts you do for paintball? Or can you think of anything else that would be beneficial?

04-04-2003, 02:14 AM
Do squats. If you're like me, then you spend a lot of time sitting on your haunches. Climbing stairs is good, too.

04-04-2003, 02:59 AM
I just started streching every morning again. It's a good idea to do when you want to squeeze into an oddly shaped bunker.

04-04-2003, 06:53 AM
i think paintball you would want to concentrate more on cardiovascular stuff, sprints will help, but do endurance stuff to. a game may not last long, but if you have more endurance you'll be able to do a full sprint more often and for longer. terms of sprints, i find something like the shuttle run works pretty good, or suicides on a soccer feild....in case you don't know what they are the shuttle run is when you have 2 lines about 10 yards apart and you time your self how long it takes you to go down and back, down and back (normally there's 2 objects at the end, why it's called the shuttle run) suicides are basicly the same thing on a larger scale, but work on endurance more too, you start at 1 end line, run up to the goal line, back, up to the 18 yard line, back, up to the 50, back, down to the other 18 yard line, back, down to the other goal line, back, down to the other end line, and back again. (sorry if you knew this stuff, some people don't though) terms of lifting i would lift to get tone, not bulk, lift relitivly light weights, but do a high number of sets. if you do that you'll end up just fine tuning you're body, you get built, but what it will end up doing in the long run is you'll end up being 130 lbs, but being able to bench 210. terms of the marker being heavy, well i don't know what to tell you to improve that, kinda hard to think of a weight thing to do when rarely do you lug around an abject as you do a paintball gun.

p.s. this is just what i would if i was you, this is what i did when i had to get in shape for soccer season (i wasn't the 130 and bench 210, but i'm 130 and can do the elevated leg press w/ over 800lbs on it, yet i have normal sized legs) but i'm no personal trainer, so take it for what you will

04-04-2003, 11:57 AM
work the obliques to help your snapshooting. add biceps to your list of muscles for helping you tote your marker around.

04-04-2003, 01:17 PM
legs, work the calves

04-04-2003, 03:48 PM
i work out 12 ounces at a time
seems to work good :p

Rancid Milk
04-04-2003, 05:49 PM
The wrist deal-

What I do for hockey is:
I take a stick (I use a hockey stick but any thin type of stick would work fine as long as it is strong) and cut it to be about one foot or 1 1/2 feet.

I then drill a hole through it and put some heavy string (about 5 ft. long) in through the hole and tie a knot on it so that the rope can't slip or come undone.

Then I tie the other end of the string to something that has a bit of weight to it. I took a canteen or something like that size and filled it with sand.

Then you just roll the stick around which brings your weight up and down. roll it to about the point where your weight comes all the way to your stick, then unroll it fully again.

hope this helps,

04-04-2003, 07:58 PM
:rolleyes: Hockey stick curls suck :)

04-04-2003, 08:04 PM
I have one of those hockey stick curler things except mine is with a pcp pipe and i just used a carbiner to attach the rope around a dumbell

Rancid Milk
04-04-2003, 10:36 PM
tisk tisk tisk mossman, THEY DO NOT!!! :)

I have one of those hockey stick curler things except mine is with a pcp pipe and i just used a carbiner to attach the rope around a dumbell

that works to :)

04-05-2003, 02:48 AM
OOOohhh!! that hockey stick thing is great. We used to have something like that in our school gym. I break a hockey stick about every 3 weeks, I'll have to save my next broken stick and make one of those. They work great. I totally forgot about those things.

04-05-2003, 11:58 AM
during wrestling season, you have to

"work 5 times as hard in practice, so a match is nothing" I try to do the same for paintball

04-05-2003, 06:14 PM
I personally don't like sprinting with a pack, it messes with my balance. Just do a ton of sprints.

Mav D MagMan
04-05-2003, 10:01 PM
Want to reach that 50 faster? Learn to run on your toes (it's hard on your calve muscles) but you can cut a lot of time off your sprint...

A good way to get in shape for paintball is a mix of endurance and cardio (can't remember the name for it!) But you have to be able to go fast and recharge after but also be able to do it all day. Long jogging with a mix of sprints will do that for you, like if you're running a track sprint the strateways and jog the curves (to recharge catch your breath etc.)...

Flexibility is important to.... Stretching really helps this. The thing about stretching is you can't stretch cold muscle, you need to warm them somehow (a short jog can accomplish this) and it isn't a good idea to do a lot of running without stretching either.


04-05-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by GatoLoco
during wrestling season, you have to

"work 5 times as hard in practice, so a match is nothing" I try to do the same for paintball

yea , in wrestling , after we had done live wrrestling in practise for 20 minutes we had matches of 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 30 then victory laps(worst part, i hate those)

it was hard, but made matches a lot easier

04-06-2003, 07:42 PM
ah yes, who doesnt love sprinting after a 2-3 hour wrestling practice and going home to eat salad and water?:D

04-06-2003, 07:57 PM
Well in paintball you might want speed/endurance.

For speed, I would do resistance sprinting and stadiums.

Do sprints with sleds, I do about 20 sprints, 50 yards each, pulling a 70 pound sled.

Stadiums.... well find a local high school football field or somewhere with big stands, what do you do? Run up the first pair of stairs, then sprint down the top to the next stairs, run down, sprint to the next set of stairs, sprint up, etc., until you reach the end, then turn around.

If you want to increase your endurance, jog many miles :)

Oh and like MAv D Magman said, RUN ON THE BALLS OF YOUR FEET! stay off your heels, dont heel run!

And practice your stride, keep it consistent.

One thing that will kill performance are tight hamstrings, which most guys have since most dont stretch much. Find a extruded corner or doorway in your house. put half of your butt against it, keeping one leg on the ground, then put one leg on the wall, so that your legs make a perpendicular angle.

IT IS A VERY PAINFUL STRETCH! do each leg for 1 minute, twice! Don't cheat yourself! do all of it!

04-06-2003, 10:10 PM
uh i sit at home and practice fanning and walking the trigger on my impulse! i play back center, so i practice reloading fast and shooting fast..that all i do!

p.s. i just got my shooting into a rhythm so i can shoot to the beat of a song!! it's awesome!

all you hear from my room is *click click click click click click clikc click click click* and little flashing green lights:D (impulse)