View Full Version : VOTE! most used gun in nppl

04-04-2003, 06:12 PM
what do u guys think is the most used gun in NPPL, im not even gunna put mag up there cuz we all kno its not

04-04-2003, 06:16 PM
i would say that with current fad it would have to
be timmy's

Rancid Milk
04-04-2003, 06:25 PM
I dunno, I see a lot of angel and cockers out there too.

04-04-2003, 06:45 PM
you forgot impy's.... its a throw up between impy's and timmies at the moment.... angels are going down in popularity, as are cockers..... atleast on the nppl scene

04-04-2003, 06:56 PM
Don't forget the PSP also...................

Jack & Coke
04-04-2003, 07:05 PM
What! No MAGS...??? Blaspheme! ;)

Didn't someone once say, "This is the Year of the Mag" ?

04-04-2003, 07:32 PM
I have seen many timmys in the NPPL, PSP.

So thats my choice.

PS- J&C, LOL nice sig

04-04-2003, 07:36 PM
matricies are getting kinda populer..

04-04-2003, 09:14 PM
I'd have to say cockers and angels because thats all I see anybody using when there are pictures from NPPL events in APG.

04-04-2003, 09:33 PM
angels, because they are better than any other gun on the planet.

04-04-2003, 09:51 PM
yeah man, you dont have impulses listed on there.

but the matrix is and is going to be the next best thing, until the nerve comes out

04-04-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by jayel579
yeah man, you dont have impulses listed on there.

but the matrix is and is going to be the next best thing, until the nerve comes out

go ahead and add the new evil gun to that hype monkey post

04-04-2003, 10:09 PM
sorry i missed you cliffio

04-04-2003, 10:15 PM
nothin, im just kiddin around

04-04-2003, 10:16 PM
The matrix will never take off IMO, it's been around like 4 years or so, plus it doesn't work well "out of the box". You need a plethora of upgrades to make the thing tourney quality.
The cocker is dead, let it rest in peace. The Angel is starting to lose popularity, maybe the new IR4 will ressurect the popularity.
The Timmy is nothing more than a solenoid driven Spyder.
If the XMag ever goes into full swing, it'll take over.
The Omen by Evil is nothing special, even the Evil factory team doesn't use them, they use the Impulse. Which brings us to a good point, the Impy is definatly one of thee best tourney markers out there. Upgradeable galore! It is highly underrated.

04-04-2003, 10:23 PM
this timmy w/ a solenoid you are talking about, is the most used marker besides rec markers in paitnball proboly

theres at least 20 at my field every time i go

the implulse has some problems, they need to fix.....

04-04-2003, 10:24 PM
no prob cliffio :D

i agree, i think the matrix needs work in order to be good. i am just saying from the stand point of people like new toys that no one else has. my buddy has one, seems to be a nice gun so far, hes got more plans for it though

cockers i have never been a fan of, just too many moving parts and i cant work on it on my own.

i here good and bad with impulses, but mostly good. another buddy of mine is letting me play with his hyper sports works impulse tomorrow, so ill be able to judge how they are.

ive played with my brothers 02 CnC lcd angel, and i really like it alot. i just bought my Emag. love it too, but now im looking at an IR3.

timmys i aint know jack about, all i know is they are milled down left over spyder bodies. and we all know the quality of those old spyders.

04-04-2003, 10:25 PM
the gun has been popular for less than a year, i HIGHLY doubt its the MOST used marker other than the rec ones.

04-04-2003, 10:27 PM
Ive seen angels and cockers the most, and then impulses

04-04-2003, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
The matrix will never take off IMO, it's been around like 4 years or so, plus it doesn't work well "out of the box". You need a plethora of upgrades to make the thing tourney quality.
first nowadays matrixes are coming even more well equipet so for better prices so that you dont need tons of upgrades. they are VERY fast guns and with right barrel accurate. many ppl at my field use them and i have to say they are really nice guns (espcially when u play at teh same field where a few of the GZ (New York Extreme) guys play. and also Kayles normal body trix is so sweet, its got eye and all, and the NYE trixes are so freakin sweet, cant wait till they get some in soon

The cocker is dead, let it rest in peace. The Angel is starting to lose popularity, maybe the new IR4 will ressurect the popularity yeah cockers startin to dwindel but theyre still out there

The Timmy is nothing more than a solenoid driven Spyder that one hurt my ears. a timmy is much more than a noid driven spyder. first, does a timmy use a spring to return the ram to a "cocked" position? no, is the spyder regulated like a timmy is, He!! no, is teh spyder as fast as a timmy, i hope i dont need to answer that one.

they use the Impulse. Which brings us to a good point, the Impy is definatly one of thee best tourney markers out there. Upgradeable galore! It is highly underrated. ok, but, much like what you say about trixes a impy needs a bunch of upgrades to be worth the name "tourny" quality. such as eye , triggers, and such. and also the only thing a timmy has that makes it similiar to a spyder is a similiar body block. the reason i say body block is because the milling and use of the body is totally diff then a spyder. and dare i say that really an impulse works more like a noid driven spyder than a timmy, i mean look at it, the impy uses the noid to push the ram foward, then it uses a spring, just like how a spyder does, to return the bolt to "cocked" position. hmm...:rolleyes: :D

ps w00t finally got quotes lol:D cut and paste is a magical thing:rolleyes:

04-04-2003, 10:33 PM
oh jesus that mess is hard to read, if you cant use the "quotes" right lets just not use them, 'k? :)

04-04-2003, 10:41 PM
yeah lol woops ill try to fix

Originally posted by Cliffio
oh jesus that mess is hard to read, if you cant use the "quotes" right lets just not use them, 'k? :)

04-04-2003, 10:53 PM

04-04-2003, 10:58 PM
Thing is, Impulses don't need the upgrades that are available.

04-04-2003, 11:06 PM
oh please

so the stock impulse for 400 bucks doesn't need any of those upgrades, thats a riot

04-04-2003, 11:14 PM
to each his own! :D

04-05-2003, 12:02 AM
Whatever works, works.

A lot of teams in the NPPL are shooting Impulses nowadays though. Take a look at the Badlandz video ... you can't go more than 2 scenes without seeing an Impulse :).

Jack & Coke
04-05-2003, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by WARPED1

...The Timmy is nothing more than a solenoid driven Spyder....


Originally posted by jayel579

...timmys i aint know jack about, all i know is they are milled down left over spyder bodies. and we all know the quality of those old spyders...


04-05-2003, 12:13 AM
FINally the 1337 timmy owner photo shopper comes to town! keep it goin J&C LONG LIVE INTIMIDATOR!:D

Jack & Coke
04-05-2003, 12:22 AM

Why be marker hatin' fools?

Stop being lamers:p


04-05-2003, 12:54 AM
LOL, people can be total morons about some things, such as the timmy things, thats because you people know nothing of the guns.

I am glad we have some people on AO, that actually know something about timmys.

04-05-2003, 01:08 AM
that phrase could be said about any and every marker

everyone talks about almost all the guns yet have no expericnce.

Ronin 23
04-05-2003, 02:18 AM
:D :D :D ....you fellows wouldn't have missed so many English classes while you were in grammar school. Playing hooky doesn't pay in the long run.....lol

So far this year, I have managed to be present in Huntington Beach, New Orleans and Toronto for the major tourneys that were there. Our teams play the GPL where the diversity of tournament-level markers is astounding. I have shot, broken down and analyzed every single marker of consequence and each and every one of them have their flaws and advantages.

If your poll is intended to show "which marker is the most popular, hence superior to all the rest" then using the NPPL (or PSP for that matter) is NOT the best indicator of a marker's relative superiority over its competition. Most of the teams sporting any marker may have some level of sponsorship from a particular manufacturer that they are OBLIGATED to honor. Your method would be more effective in deriving which manufacturer has the most money to put towards marketing their product than proving which one is prefered by the most discerning and technically proficient 'ballers.

For the volume based on your question's assumption, the WDP Angels are still very well represented but their numbers are dwindling. Cockers were making their resounding prescence felt due mostly to the introduction of the electronic frames like Planet's and this marker poses a forminable threat that's enhanced by its strong tournament lineage. Impulses were to be seen in hordes as well Matrices. ICD's BM2K's, AKA's Excaliburs and Vikings.....and lest we forget e-Mags and X-Mags also maintained their visible presence.

Now..... knowing what I know from a technical perspective, of the markers that I've mentioned above the only thing separating the lesser seen guns versus the "more popular" ones is the amount of money being pumped into marketing them.

My personal choices based purely on 'usable' performance (ie. being able to hit what you aim at) would be an e-Bladed Cocker, X-Mag and Matrix (I really don't need to know the temperature or to text-message someone).....BUT if somebody were to give me a free gun to shoot besides those three, I may opt to shoot any of the ones I mentioned above.

Just my long-winded 2 cents.

/s/ Mel C. Maravilla

04-05-2003, 05:14 PM
There are lots of Cockers, Angels, timmies and imps being used right now. I am guessing that the number of cockers and angels will stay about the same for a few more years, as ppl that have these guns love them. More ppl shooting timmies since they are the hot thing right now, I am still not sure why, and less shooting Imps. The problem with imps is that they do need lots of upgrades to make them really nice plus with the 2 new Smart Parts guns coming out, the imp will take a back seat to these guns. I would be surprised to even see imps in the smart parts catalog for 2004. I just don't see the matrix really taking off, nothing wrong with it but there are just to many other choices out there.
The days of only two or three kinds of guns dominating the toury scene is over, too many good products being made.

04-05-2003, 05:29 PM
angels will live forever in the nppl because you get it and it is awesome you dont have to dump a ton of cash on upgrades and you dont have to worry about maintnence. long live the angel

04-05-2003, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by elpimpo
angels will live forever in the nppl because you get it and it is awesome you dont have to dump a ton of cash on upgrades and you dont have to worry about maintnence. long live the angel

yeah, i agree. angels will always be popular. impys are starting to get some credit also.

04-05-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
The matrix will never take off IMO, it's been around like 4 years or so, plus it doesn't work well "out of the box". You need a plethora of upgrades to make the thing tourney quality.

The Matrix is absolutely one of the fastest most accurate markers out there.A best buy for the money.

The cocker is dead, let it rest in peace. The Angel is starting to lose popularity, maybe the new IR4 will ressurect the popularity.

The cocker is still one of the finest markers available.There current popularity speaks for itself.
The Angel is also about the best marker availble on the market.Great resale value too...

The Timmy is nothing more than a solenoid driven Spyder.(timmys are overrated but still great)
If the XMag ever goes into full swing, it'll take over.(never gonna happen)
The Omen by Evil is nothing special, even the Evil factory team doesn't use them, they use the Impulse. Which brings us to a good point, the Impy is definatly one of thee best tourney markers out there. Upgradeable galore! It is highly underrated.(Impulses are simply what they are.A good middle of the road marker with a high ROF)

04-05-2003, 11:31 PM
WTF is all this talk about the Matrix not taking off? There are anus loads of them in the PSP, the Matrix HAS taken off.

And people, stop with the "Timmys are Spyders" crap. They operate on the same design as Angels, Bushmasters, Impulses, etc. However, I don't see many people calling those guns Spyder clones. The whole thing about them being milled from Millenium bodies is also irrelevant (mostly due to the fact that they haven't been being milled from Millenium bodies for quite some time now).

04-06-2003, 11:33 PM
I have to agree with Ronin 23. If my team was sponsored by AGD I would use a X-Mag. If my team was sponsored by WGP I would use a E-Blade Cocker. If my team was sponsored by WDP I would use a IR3 Angel. I tend to think The amount of money spent has a lot to do with it.

Jack & Coke
04-06-2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by Mook564
I have to agree with Ronin 23. If my team was sponsored by AGD I would use a X-Mag. If my team was sponsored by WGP I would use a E-Blade Cocker. If my team was sponsored by WDP I would use a IR3 Angel. I tend to think The amount of money spent has a lot to do with it.

Mook564 is correct http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

05-04-2003, 08:30 PM
Heres the Top three guns used I think

1. Angels
2. Cockers
3. Impulses

05-04-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by magsRus
Heres the Top three guns used I think

1. Angels
2. Cockers
3. Impulses

cooming in almost a month after the last person. and how do timmies not facter in. im an angel fan but timmies are way up in the standing anymore

05-06-2003, 07:33 PM
The only reason the Evil team is not using the Evil gun is b/c it is still being tested, they want to make sure it is perfect before they allow the team to play with it.

05-07-2003, 11:07 AM
ha, make sure its perfect

theres no way thats true, companies dont take time to perfect their crap, they just put it out there and hope they dont need to recall it. just lookin to make money

05-07-2003, 12:51 PM
autocockers are losing popularity because a lot of people have them, so why get 2?

05-07-2003, 04:38 PM
even the Evil factory team doesn't use them, they use the Impulse. Last time i looked they used GZ Intimidators covered in evil stickers. Whoever put angels is not being realistic.
I would say it would be close between the Intimidator/Impulse/Matrix in the most used. Howver it is hard to tell cause u have to factor in the rookie/novice/am teams that use all different guns.

05-07-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by 845
Last time i looked they used GZ Intimidators covered in evil stickers. Whoever put angels is not being realistic.
I would say it would be close between the Intimidator/Impulse/Matrix in the most used. Howver it is hard to tell cause u have to factor in the rookie/novice/am teams that use all different guns.
ok dude look threw any mag that has nppl psp or any kind of tourney coverage. every page has at least one angel. ya were not being realistic.