View Full Version : Air questions

Umbra Solis
04-04-2003, 07:59 PM
While I'm not new to paintball, I am new to HPA systems. I was wondering if there were any primers to them, and yes I checked Warpig. All the brands are a bit intimidating, and I can't seem to tell the difference between them. Any help would be apreciated, thanks.

04-04-2003, 08:01 PM
A preset tank (non adjustable output pressure) is a good tank to start off with. Id reccomend a fiber wrapped one, Pure Energy or Crossfire IMO, because steel is VERY heavy.

04-04-2003, 08:14 PM
You have pre-set (non-adjustable) as FG said, which are normal set in the 750-850 range. These are the cheapest tanks and are screwed in to the gun.

Then you have adjustable, which can adjust the pressure of which the air leaves the tank. These are generally more expensive and do not usally feed into a bottomline type set up or screw in.

Then you have stell and carbon fiber. Those are the options of which the tank can be made of. Either type of tank could be either of these. The carbon fiber is lighter, but more expensive while the stell is heavy and cheap. I would suggest carbon fiber.

And not to forget 45ci 68 ci 88 ci 90 ci and 114 ci, along with 3000k, 4500k, and 5000k. These all deal with the amount of air that your tank can hold. The ci stands for cubic inches and is the actual size of the tank with 45 being the smallest and 114 being the largest. Then you have tha amount of air pressure the tank can hold. That is the 3000 psi, 4500 psi, and the newly relased 5000 psi. A tank that is 45ci / 4500 psi will hold 45 cubic inches of air at 4500 pounds per square inch. So as you can assume a 3k would be the least expensive, while a 5k would be the most. Also not all fields fill 4.5k psi so you might wanna check it out.

As far as my suggestions go since this is your first tank i would suggest a 68ci/3k psi carbonfiber crossfire tank or a PMI tank. Unless you want to get a higher grade tank like the flatlines, max-flo's, armegeddons, and so on.

I think that about covers it

Umbra Solis
04-08-2003, 10:32 AM
thanks folks, this helps alot. Now all I have to do is get the money for one!