View Full Version : Just got a matrix, any do's and don'ts

04-04-2003, 11:57 PM
Hey I orderd a led push button matrix from paintballwizard and I am supposed to get it in on Thursday. Can you help me out with some things I should and shouldn't do to it. Thanks

What should I set my armageddon tanks' psi at also?

MODS- Sorry I couldn't realy find any other place to put this but if you know of a better place to place this please feel free to.

04-05-2003, 12:04 AM
dont take it apart if you dont know what your doing

oh yeah, one more thing..... dont try and shoot pebbles out of it, that wont work


04-05-2003, 12:19 AM
I don't know anything about em, but get a front reg and get a bolt kit. Those are Do's :)

04-05-2003, 12:28 AM
That pink GOO that ur supposed to put on the bolt assembly or whatever - DO NOT USE A LOT, just a thin, thin amt. on whatever it needs to be put on.

A buddy of mine literally slapped on mad amounts of this stuff, and it massively gunked up his Trixie. was nasty..... He has sent it into the Matrix Center 2x in the past month and a half. Massive solenoid problems as result of the goo and other crap mixing, and entering it.

~da baller

04-05-2003, 09:33 AM
i hear you need bolt kits, and its no myth that trixes are gas hogs. people say that the smallest tank you should have for a trix is a 88/4500 (600-700 shots, yes i read this on a review on pbreview). so basically, dont shoot very much or have a huge tank

04-05-2003, 10:01 AM
with the bolt kit and trinity reg they are suppose to have better shots per fill

04-05-2003, 11:05 AM
do not sell it thats another good one :)

04-05-2003, 12:04 PM
I herd from the matrix center guys not to use that Dow 33 stuff, also some people said to grease it up before I even use it, and to set my armageddon and 500 and my reg at 200, and that I should check my reg and make sure it works first because it will act as a gas threw and **** up my solenoid (how do I check it out?).

04-05-2003, 12:25 PM
Ok well what does the reg come set at stock? Will I have to change it?

04-05-2003, 12:47 PM
So back the reg out and velocity will rise up and forward will lower velocity?

04-05-2003, 04:08 PM
to me you already have done a dont! you didnt buy a mag!!

:D just joking nice dont know anything about them so good luck with it!

:eek: didnt buy a mag well wazz a heck!!!!:p

04-05-2003, 04:13 PM
LOL I already have a mag I want to sell for 150 w/o tank or hopper...intested:D

But any way anything else I should know about this gun.

04-05-2003, 04:18 PM
:eek: what you doing!! first u buy a marker thats not a mag and now your trying to sell a mag because u got a marker that wasnt a mag

:eek: wants to sell a mag!!!! well wazz a heck!!!!!:p


04-05-2003, 04:19 PM
Sell it! LMAO!

04-05-2003, 05:19 PM
DO: keep it, keep o-rings lubed (buy some Matrix Muck), get a bolt kit (wait for lee's), get a LPR of some sort (trinity), good inline reg... fast hopper (halo b/egg2). And a few o-ring kits of course.

DON'T: 1)sell it
2)trade it for a mag
3)sell it and use the $ to buy a mag/upgrade your current one

A mag shouldn't compare to it, unless we're talkin about a ULE E-mag or an X-mag....

04-05-2003, 06:35 PM
LOL I just ordered it and I need to sell my mag to pay for it, trust me I don't like automags wouldn't buy another one, and the next gun I am going to get after this one will probably be a viking anyways. I was going to get the aardvark bolt kit.

04-05-2003, 09:46 PM
Do: Bolt kit, LPR(front reg), and fast hopper as already mentioned.
: spare o-rings are a good idea(doesn't even need to be a few kit as only a couple have a tendancy to go bad)
: learn proper bolt assembly
: get a LP pressure gauge on the reg
: always push the bolt out don't pull it
: message me if ya have any specific questions
: great info resource www.aardvarkdirect.com

donts: don't believe the negative hype about the matrix. main 2 are high maintanence and gas hog(I've got 2, I lube bolts maybe once a month at most, play just about every weekend and have only had 1 oring go bad on me since march last year. and I get plenty of shots out of me 68/45

: don't over lube(frequent lubing is ok... just don't make the bolt look like a frosted donut)
: don't over pressurize the gun(blow out the solonoid)
: don't hesitate to ask me or anyone at aardvark any Q's

04-05-2003, 10:51 PM
trust me I don't like automags wouldn't buy another one, Whoa there, Skippy!
It's cool that you're getting a Matrix and all, but 'dissing 'Mags, on a Mag forum, when Mag owners are trying to help you???

Screw you, hippie :mad:

04-05-2003, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Russ
Whoa there, Skippy!
It's cool that you're getting a Matrix and all, but 'dissing 'Mags, on a Mag forum, when Mag owners are trying to help you???

Screw you, hippie :mad:
Jesus man, lay off.

He wasn't dissing the Mag at all. All he was saying was that they weren't his preference. People are allowed to like different guns you know.

04-06-2003, 01:28 AM
I don't like my mag...the only mag "I" like are the emags w/ lvl 10's and the cnc mags...those are beautiful

04-06-2003, 03:02 AM
dont put oil on delrin stuff... it'll make it swell up and crack :eek: