View Full Version : Bam is killing paintball

04-05-2003, 11:57 PM
There have been lots of threads about how tv is giving paintball a bad name. But if you have watched CKY or jakass you will have seen ban ambush his dad with his tippy. He does it in Cky4, I think that's the one. He weights for his father outside of his work and in the middle of a parking lot he fires like 50 shots at his dad. Also in jakass the movie, if you slowdown the part where bam wakes up his dad with those fireworks you can see bam fireing paintballs at his dad. In both of those his dad has no eye protection and in jakass the movie his dad is only wareing boxers. That is probably one of the main things that inspires idiots to do driveby's with blade's they got a wall mart of ambush there friends in their dorm room like what is described in a previous thread. These guy's are giving paintball a bad name and if people start losing eye's from these atacks they will start baning paintball. I dont hate bam, he is my idol, but I wish he would not give paintball a bad name like that.

04-06-2003, 12:02 AM
i agree with you totally, and it should stop. but we have to realize that there will always be idiots that do that kind of stuff, and we cant just make them disappear. you really arent putting this to anyones attention, as we all know whats happening. and i dont think complaining will do any good

04-06-2003, 12:12 AM
How about the people who shoot up schools and stuff with guns. Does it mean everyone who owns guns are raving lunatics? NO, but they bring the bad media attention. Paintball is not the only victim of Jackasses!

04-06-2003, 01:06 AM
Serriously now, your blaming bam margera and the cky guys for ruining paintball? Are you all on crack? sure its bad, But they do have disclaimers.....

I have met bam margera, and i have spoken to him about it. They respect paintball, especially since they know how much those buggers can sting. But you gotta realize, they make money off of it.

Look at eminem, he may be ruining society to some, but he is making money doing what apparently he does best. I mean, i do not support what they do in the ways of the paintball stunts, but you need to admit, it is funny, and it does sell.

Now dont blame Bam, Blame the fools who dont read the warning labels, both on the movie/show and printed on the side of the marker.

Dont Judge something unless you are in their shoes. Ok?

04-06-2003, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by Doug_7
.... Also in jakass the movie, if you slowdown the part where bam wakes up his dad with those fireworks you can see bam fireing paintballs at his dad. In both of those his dad has no eye protection and in jakass the movie his dad is only wareing boxers.....

Are you sure about that? I'm gonna have to go through that in slow motion and check it out. I do remember the jackass episode where they shot johnny knoxville up with paintballs. I dont think he was wearing a mask for that. Just remember, they're jackasses.

04-06-2003, 08:00 AM
It looked to me like he was standing there with a fire extinguisher, not a paintball gun.

04-06-2003, 09:54 AM
If you are going to blame Bam for some non existand death of paintball, may as well blame him for the non existant death of shopping cart use as well.

04-06-2003, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by gimp

I do remember the jackass episode where they shot johnny knoxville up with paintballs. I dont think he was wearing a mask for that. Just remember, they're jackasses.

i think he was wearing shop goggles and strapped on a rotating wheel of death.

04-06-2003, 12:27 PM
Paintball is stronger now than it ever has been. To say the Jackass is ruining paintball is like saying Jackass is ruining grocery shopping. It just insn't happening.

04-06-2003, 04:47 PM
will u stop whining about shows ruining paintball cause there not. i saw it he did not shoot 50 paintballs but rather less than 20.. and u can bet half than those missed. now some ppl agree with tv ruining paintball... i myself disagree tv vannot ruin a sport. otherwise many sports would have bean done for. now quit ur whining and get over it:mad:

04-06-2003, 04:54 PM
TV is one thing, an obscure at best skater video is a totally different thing. The laundry list of things Bam and the other folks in the CKY videos have abused is huge. it would make as much sense to blame them for the "death" of any number of other things. Get over it, they made fun of something you like, at least have a sense of humor about the things you care about as well.

04-06-2003, 08:04 PM
I really hate to say this but I will anyay....

the problem is not with the tv shows,music,movies and so on and so on.

the problem is with the lack of common sense,

the inability to tell right from wrong

and the need to blame others for personal stupidity.

if you listen to a song about killing some one does that
mean you have to go out and do it? ..... NO!

If you watch a movie that has violence in it do you have to go out and reinact the scenes ?????? NO!

and if you se a moron on a tv show wearing a set of trucker sunglasses being shot up with a paintball gun should you go out and try it ... once again NO

and some may say that their children can't tell the difference between what is right and wrong.


I am just saying Bam is not holding a gun to your head and making you reinact scenes to his movie, and if you feel as though you need to reinact them you probably shouldn't be watching.

sorry for the rant

04-06-2003, 09:36 PM
right, and marilyn manson made those kids shoot up the schools, the crazy train song has a subliminal msg that says" get the guns, get the guns! shot shot shot shot shot!!" goremetal has mad me a violent serial murderer, and no one EVER SHOT ANYTHING with a paintball gun untill they saw it on a tv show or in a movie. get real. seriously, baseball wont get banned if i started cracking skulls with them, they wont ban toilet paper for it being misused nor will they shaving cream or whooped cream.

cry all you guys want but it will never change anything. it is funny to wacth ppl get hurt, and paintball is a goldmine for this kinda entertainment. plus, they are playing the geralized concept of the sport out there anyway.

04-06-2003, 10:05 PM
I never said I hate Bam, I said he's my idol. But people on other threads are moaning about how that malcom in the middle was so bad because they only wore shop gogles, but bam is basicaly telling kid. "Hey, ambushing your friends with a paintballs is funny,". Comparing that to marilin manson is totaly BS because he doesn't go out and film himself killing someone. If he realy respected paintball he would not ambush his dad in the middle of a parking lot. Because no kid actualy listens to those disclaimers and everyone who watches those shows and has acess to a camera will do some sort of jackass knock off. I have done tons of that kind of stuff and I have seen so many kids riding down hills in shopping carts. Most of you would probably share my point of view if it wasn't someone like Bam who was doing it.

04-06-2003, 10:56 PM
Funny, I have access to a number of video cameras and I have yet to recreate something from a CKY video or Jackass episode. I think you perhaps underestimate the common sense of most people. Just because Bam ruins a rental car or goes crashing about in a shopping cart does not mean the general population will.

As I said before broadcast TV is a lot different than a CKY video. Something on FOX during prime time is going to get a lot more viewers than an obscure skater video.

As Troy so well pointed out, paintball is doing fine. If Bam is really killing paintball, where is your evidence of it's death? Have you seen a single instance of someone seeing Bam abuse paintball gear and that negatively effecting paintball in some way?

If it was not Bam, but some other individual with similar levels of exposure I could care less. Show me total abuse of paintball gear on prime time, and I'll feel slightly differently. Show me some guy on an MTV show or obscure skater video doing it and I'll just laugh at how dufus some people are, and how damn funny they can be while being so dufus.

04-07-2003, 02:10 PM
Im sorry but I found CKY4 skit hilarious...especially before hand when he shoots himself in the foot and freaks out. Sometimes you people gotta lighten up.

04-07-2003, 09:18 PM
when I first saw the title I thought you were talking about the team Bam(chicago area and posts on here as well) and I was like WTF :eek: but nevermind

04-07-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by SirOssis
when I first saw the title I thought you were talking about the team Bam(chicago area and posts on here as well) and I was like WTF :eek: but nevermind

Yeah I thought the same thing... Im all like wtf did those purdue guys do now? :rolleyes: (a number of bam guys go to and play for purdue @ the college level) ;)