View Full Version : Degassing the mag with a flatline tank

04-06-2003, 12:37 AM
Hey, this is going to sound stupid possibly: I just purchased my brand new Flatline 68/4500 and I was wondering that after I turn off the tank, and shoot the remaining air left in the valve, I noticed that the trigger rod still had some pressure behind it, but not enough to shoot out the rest of the air.

It was also impossible to disconnect the macroline because there seemed to be pressure still in the line. I had to wait an hour before it would let me disconnect the macro.

I must note that prior to using my Flatline for the first time, I was using a screw-in hyperflow, therefore, I could just unscrew the tank and immediately remove my valve, macro, or whatnot.

Is there any way to speed up this one hour wait period I experienced with the flatline? (Without purchasing a proconnect)



04-06-2003, 01:21 AM
Quick Disconnect, Slide Check or Proconnect. That's it.