View Full Version : Why I hate action village

04-06-2003, 02:48 PM
Action village is the best online store some people say... i say no. My birthday is tommorrow, april 7th. So i made a nice little list last week tellin my dad what i wanted. I made a shopping cart with the stuff i wanted. I made sure they were all in stock, with the stock checker. My dad came home and ordered the stuff, after checking to see that they were in stock. Still yes. So he ordered them on thursday 2nd day air so it could be here by monday. Last night we got a nice little email from actionvillage saying an item was not in stock, and they will ship the entire order out next week ground. They insist they stated the items were sold out, yet their website stated they were in. Unfortunately their poor customer service has caused me to just find out now that they haev backordered everything and i get nothing. It is now too late to do anythng about it, and i have asked for a refund because i am not wating another two weeks to get the stuff i paid for to have by today. I paid for it to be here today, not to get an email saying everything is now backordered today. Is it just me or this ridiculous? please dont flame me... customer service has een a interesting topic in the forum lately (cough micromagrt cough) but the other issues were resolved in the best of ways. Please do not flame me, but vote on your opinion.

04-06-2003, 02:55 PM
Not ridiculous.. sorry

You can't honestly expect their site to be updated the second an item is unavaliable do ya? Especially since you can pick stuff up from them if you are local...

04-06-2003, 02:55 PM
I've heard a lot of bad stuff and a lot of good stuff about PB Gear. I personally have had no problems with them to this point, and I've ordered a good amount of gear through them. If I order on a Sunday night it's here by Wed(ground shipping).

Sorry to hear about your misfortune.

04-06-2003, 02:57 PM
i have done a lot of buisness with pbgear.com and have had
no problems. actually i have have had excellent service.

04-06-2003, 03:03 PM
i was upset by the 3 day email thing.. that was ridiculous. They haev a stock checker to ensure things are in stock.. if that says they are instock, dont ya think they should be in stock? if not take the friggin thing off. I guess i was just unlucky tho...

04-06-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by srrdude
i was upset by the 3 day email thing.. that was ridiculous. They haev a stock checker to ensure things are in stock.. if that says they are instock, dont ya think they should be in stock? if not take the friggin thing off. I guess i was just unlucky tho...

Easier said then done. ;)

04-06-2003, 03:05 PM
Originally posted by srrdude
So he ordered them on thursday 2nd day air so it could be here by monday... they will ship the entire order out next week ground.

That is ridiculous, they should ship the items out 2nd day air, not ground. I would call and complain about that, otherwise, it's tough luck, there have been many other people with the same experiences/opinions as you.


04-06-2003, 03:07 PM
oh it gets better... if i choose not to wait, they charge me extra for something i already ordered becuase they made a back order mistake.. their fault.. my money.. not fair.

04-06-2003, 03:10 PM
I have never had a problem with action village, I dont know why everyone has a problem with them. I guess I am just lucky.

04-06-2003, 03:12 PM
you're the 534263253557432345635791173074131645th person to tell me that PBGear.com sucks

04-06-2003, 03:22 PM
what exactly did u order? go give your local store some bussiness. they deserve it, unless its boston paintball...

04-06-2003, 03:29 PM
haha... brad nestle doesnt carry a lot of the stuff (paintballmaxx) so i thought id order it online. They have just now changed the stock status to backorder on 2 of the things i ordered (but they wont ship the rest unless i pay extra) i ordered a silver mirror morph (out of stock, backordered) dye core 2k3 black and blue jersey (out of stock, backordered), dye hybrid black blue pants (in stock, backordered), raven 6+5 obg pack (in stock, backordered), and pig pods (instock, backordered). I might have mixed some of those up.. but thats what i ordered.

04-06-2003, 03:40 PM
cool stuff. decking ur self out, eh?

04-06-2003, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by irbodden
Not ridiculous.. sorry

You can't honestly expect their site to be updated the second an item is unavaliable do ya? Especially since you can pick stuff up from them if you are local...

Maybe they should get new software. The stuff is out there where stock can be updated real-time.

I say just email PBgear whenever they screw up. Eventually they'll realize they suck at book keeping.

04-06-2003, 03:59 PM
indeed i am ME.. hehe they match my gloves.. hahaha. My jt stuff was gettin boring.... Thanks nippinout.. The only problem is their email service sucks.. tok em days to reply.

04-06-2003, 04:19 PM
I have had some bad, and expensinve orders from them adn have had to cancel 2 orders because of the same problem!! Although they got the last one right!

Their shipping thing gets me. I live in Alaska. The only shipping they offer is 2nd day air. And let me tell you, paying $45 shipping for a $30 order and getting it in 5 business days is aggrivating. Part of the problem is that UPS says that Alaska is not part of the US, and we have to pay more and wait longer!!!! BULLSH*T! USPS shipping is the same from Ill. to here as it Ill. to N.Y.! (example) Then, get this! I only have a POBox box. Bills go to a PO Box. UPS goes to a house only! PBGear only ships UPS to here, right? They also refuse to ship to a my house because my billing address is a POBox! Get that!!!! It took me over 20 days to get my freakin order! And took my friend almost 2 months!!!!!!!!
Sorry, no local store at that time.
I can't blame them for everything. But organization is a key element to a succesfull business. And Sometimes they seem disorganized. But hey, so do I, I guess.

04-06-2003, 04:21 PM
wow. that sux. dont count it as a part of the US? wooow. lame. we dont have 49 stars on our flag.

04-06-2003, 04:28 PM
I feel bad for you, I hate waiting and finding out it was for nothing.
I have heard many bad stories as well but I have ordered from them quite a bit and expected to have problems but so far they've always done very well.
If I really need something,I ALWAYS call and ask first.I never trust those online stock quotes.Just call and ask if it's all there and when it will ship.I guess that's something you learn after enough online shopponig mishaps.Don't even get me started on the 3 month loader mishap I had with Firstcall Paintball.
Anyways,HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!And look at the bright side,it can only get better from here.;)


adam shannon
04-06-2003, 04:57 PM
while i had ordered from them last summer. they do get you to order and pay for items that they know arent in stock. they never used to be so bad about that, but recently they started playing that game. i guess their assumption is that you will order and rather than get a refund when you find out they fibbed about stock levels you will just suck it up and wait thus getting them the sale rather than you shopping around for a store that has the item in stock.

they made me wait 4 months last year till they admitted the pants i ordered and paid for were discontinued and they would never be getting more. they just kept saying they were out of stock.

and now im waiting for dye sticky 3's that they said were in stock just to hit me with the "out of stock" e-mail 3 days later.

04-06-2003, 04:58 PM
i've had both good and bad expieriences with action village. the first time i purchased off of their site, i ended up cancelling my order after two weeks of waiting. the second time however, i was surprised when my package was delivered very quickly :D basically, if pbgear.com has an item in stock, you will get it quickly and with good customer service, but when items are back-ordered, they take a long time to process it through their various warehouses.

50 cal
04-06-2003, 05:06 PM
I've never had a problem with Action Village. I usually call with an order instead of doing it online.

Get the sales persons name when doing it. After getting their name, they usually treat you better. Hey, it's what works for me.

04-06-2003, 05:08 PM
i was thinking about ordering some stuff from them but i was going to call to make sure the "stock checker" was accurate. the problem is i couldnt find a phone number anywhere on their site. perhaps i am blind or stupid or both but i looked real hard and couldnt see it.

04-06-2003, 05:16 PM
Wow its sad to see im not the only one..

04-06-2003, 05:18 PM
I've been ordering there the last 6 or 7 years or so, I've never had a problem with them ever.

04-06-2003, 05:21 PM
lucky. I wish i can say 100% of my orders ent well.. rather than sucked

04-06-2003, 05:28 PM
Forget about talking to the secretary people, they do nothing and don't care. Call up and demand to talk to Pualy. He's a good guy, got me the stuff I wanted, threw in a gun case, and overnighted it to me.

04-06-2003, 05:37 PM
I've had some big problems with them too, only one good order through them. Now I order through my store, it's cheaper. One time, I had a big order on, about 6 itmes. Only one thing was "out of stock" when I ordered. The next day I check on it and everything is backordered. I figure, just some prob, they will fix it. I don't get my stuff for 2 weeks. I call, they say it's been shipped. 2 more weeks go by, still nothing. I call, they say it was all a mistake and it will be shipped tonight. 1 more week, I call, tell the guy how mad I am. They did something, it turns out only my tank cover was out the whole time. They gave me air shipping and 50 bucks off. Pretty good in the end, but I missed a tournament because of it all. I don't need the tank cover, it's more of a safty thing for me, so I just waited for it to ship. Like a month after I got all of my other stuff, I remember, "hey, where's my tank cover?" I told them to cancel it and that it doesn't take DYE 2 and a half months to get them a tank cover.

04-06-2003, 05:38 PM
ok im no longer upset.. now im just straiht up pissed. after 3 days of waiting for an email i finally got a hold of someone, and they were utterly ridiculous so i replied saying i wanted my order cancelled and my money back because the when i ordered them they said "in stock" and now they are not. Well here is the response i got:

Hello Kevin,
Your order has been cancelled. We do apologize that you overlooked the stock check we provide, some people dont notice it till we point it out.

Why dont they just frickin call me stupid while they're at it! i did check and i mentioned this to them several times thoughout my emails. it also bugs me how they take no responsibility for screwin up and politely say its my fault, in a hidden manner. Action village can suck my.. er you know.

04-06-2003, 05:46 PM
yes after replying to the rude email shown above i got this email:
your request for customer service has been recieved. We will reply in one bussiness day.

They need new one, one that goes with my above post suchs as:
Your request for customer service has been recieved. You are either lying, or you are stupid. We will tell you either or both, in one bussiness day. We are never wrong, and everything is your fault. Thank you.

04-06-2003, 06:05 PM
I have had nothing but problems. I went away from paintball for awhile. Back then I only used to order by phone worked great. 4 years go by and I start playing again..make my order from action village.

I ordered a dye invision, freak barrel set, and 2 12v Revs.
Everything checked out ok..so I have them send it ground.

Waited for confirmation email the next day...nothing. I call and ask about my order they say it was never placed..so I have them place the order again..this time everything was on back order ( a day later mind you ). So I make some changes to get it shipped out.

I then get an email confirming BOTH orders I call right back not 5 minutes after just getting off the phone. They see my first order and tell me its cancelled. So I get my second order 1 week later (which is good). Then 2 weeks go by I get my FIRST order!! I don't know how they screwed it up..they told me it wasn't there..then they told me they cancelled it.

04-06-2003, 06:07 PM
and i assume the artards charged you for both.

04-06-2003, 06:58 PM
but of course.

04-06-2003, 07:02 PM
sadness. I may hafta call this.. pauly.. and get myself a free gun bag too! haha.. actuallly i doubt ill ever order from them again.

04-06-2003, 09:13 PM
just so you know, when you save a shopping cart on that site, and you reload it, it will tell you the stock status of the items at the time you saved it. like, 6 months ago, i saved a shopping cart with a rainmaker in it. when i reloaded it like 2 weeks ago, it said it was in stock, but when i went back thru the menus to the rainmaker, it said it was backordered.

04-06-2003, 09:51 PM
Seriously, if your order was that important you should have called the order in, that way you know right then if anything is wrong or backordered. I've delt with them numerous times and have always had really good luck with them. I ordered 1000$ worth of guns and gear from them two months ago and received excellent service, but I called it in because I personally wanted everything right. Once you've done alot of mailorder stuff you learn to C.Y.A, sorry to hear that it did not work out for you, I know how much I look forward to getting new gear in the mail.

04-06-2003, 10:06 PM
i am aware that you can save it, but unfortunately i cant go back in time to save it so i can use it to prove im right. I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they would get it right the first time.. now my order has been cancelled and im taking my bussiness elsewhere. Tomorrow im calling in to complain and make nice big stink. *beams* What fun. Really.

04-07-2003, 12:29 AM
i agree that they have some crapy service. the NEVER update there site so that probably why it didnt show up as not in stock. its a good store but they crap out on stuff.

04-07-2003, 12:48 AM
I've got a contiunuation.....

.some of you have mentioned that we should have "phoned in our order to make sure it's right!!"

Are you ready? Are you Sure????

Like I live in Freakin' Iraq or somethin'

I even had to have my phone account reviewed by my local service provider! MY LOCAL OPERATOR COULDN'T EVEN GET THROUGH!

I had to pay long distance! From Un-America, I guess.

Somebody shoot me....

04-07-2003, 04:46 AM
action village has pb gear for about 1/2 the price of a lot of retailers... Thats pretty good. and when you dont have to deal with old washed up wew's, running surly pb shops, its an added bonus.

04-07-2003, 05:25 AM
My first order ever was a spyder compact, a tank, mask, squeegee, and paint. Everything was fine, THen i ordered a few upgrades for it and more paint, again eveyrthing was fine. Everything i ordered after that which totals up to about 11 orders so far, have been hassle free, i mean, you at least have to expect some error, they are only human.

MAGma 14
04-07-2003, 05:44 AM
thats were I ordererd my mini from a week ago Im supossed to get it tommoro but Ive never had problems with them

04-07-2003, 02:33 PM
well, I've had OK luck with them, until the last time, I ordered an Evil pipe and they have been backordered for over a month and a half... the bad part is that everytime I call, they say, "oh those will be in this week" ... I wouldn't mind them saying "we have no idea", I just can't stand the runaround.


04-07-2003, 03:09 PM
they may be human but their computers are not. They openly stated that i overlooked it. Lets face it guys, thats the worst thing customer service can do. I stated in every email that i checked both the checkout age and he stock check page before ordering and all were in stock, however in every email the state that i am wrong, and that it said it was out of stock. They were not here, i was and my dad was, and we both saw the same thing, if this were not the case i would not have ordered from them.

I dont care if they are just human, they cant use that as an excuse for screwing up.

Your at a resturant. The guy brings you the wrong stuff. Oops thats okay your only human.
Or you order the catch of the day. 3 hours later he comes back and says that they dont have it. He says ou must be mistaken , said it was gone. Then he makes you wait again before responding, and instead of helping constantly reminds you he is not at fault, you are.

That is not customer service. That is gay, and i will not tolerate that crap.

Any one of you can criticize me and say theyre only human, but dont do this until they screw up your order.

04-07-2003, 03:10 PM
hey, happy birthday srrdude.

04-07-2003, 03:18 PM
someone remembered on ao? wow.. strange. Thanx!! hooray for me.. no its time to call pbgear and make a stink..

04-07-2003, 03:29 PM
All this stuff makes me laugh realy,if you know anything about mail ordering,the #1 rule is to always phone in your order,websites are slow and have a high chance of screwing up your order,plus it takes usually 1 or 2 business days just for your order to be processed,just phone it in for gods sake,then you can find out of its actually in stock,get the guys name so you can ***** if something gets screwed up,and lastly it actually gets sent out that day,not in 2 days when the order is finally processed.Dont be afraid to call you guys,even if its not toll free,youll save yourself some headacks for a few extra dollars on your phone bill.They cant bite you over the phone,dont be afraid to call.

04-07-2003, 03:40 PM
Me orders Mag, gets black dragun, me sends black dragun back, pays shipping AGAIN, me gets another black dragun, me sends black dragun back, me pays shipimng AGAIN!, me finnally gets mag, but not before calling up, and cursing 5 minutes straight about how I betetr get my money for shipping in credit, got the credit with gear bag, as well as a screw up on there part and got my TKO mag for 95 dollars:D

2 black draguns isn't a mistake, it's pure stupidity.

BTW, there cocker pnuematics are about twice as much as everywhere else.

04-07-2003, 03:53 PM
I don't think our problem is prices, or availability..but rather customer service. MY order was over the phone and was still severly screwed up, after my online order was screwed up.

Also yes error occurs but when it happens more then once, I tend to shy away from doing business with them. I've paid more money for things just to get better service before, and I'll keep doing it.

04-07-2003, 03:59 PM
yes magis, i am afraid to call. see that would defeat the purpose of online ordering. The have it for a reason, it better work. I did in fact just get off the phone with jason at pbgear. He beat around the bush and took no responsibility for any of it. He blatantly lied to me and said it was out of stock for a month, when it changed status on saturday. He said he was lookin at my order record while we were talking and said that only one was out of stock, the jersey. Yet the emails i got said otherwise.they said that several items were out of stock (didnt specify... great) and so i dont know if i should just disregard ALL the crap he gave me rather than some.

04-07-2003, 04:14 PM
NO! Don't talk to Jason, he's a lier, and a cheat. he will do nothing but lie, i'm tellin ya talk to pauly. He'll get something done even if he har to go check your box and put it on the truck himself, good guy:)

04-07-2003, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by RRfireblade



I'm someone,i think.


04-07-2003, 05:07 PM
Yes i know you did.. i meant like on my birthday... thanks to you too! ao is great... and yes im callin again to talk to pauly... this is the 3rd time... *5 mins later* and i get chris.. he is an idiot at well.. cept he yells back.

04-07-2003, 06:46 PM
I placed an order before X-mas and they sent me half of my stuff and backordered 5 things. Of the things I received one was the wrong part. I sent it back to be included in the 5 backordered items. in february I got the back ordered items and the replacement for the wrong part. the replacement part was the same wrong part again and one of the 5 backordered items was wrong as well. I told them twice about the first wrong part and they still got it wrong. I sent the two wrong parts back again and asked for them to ship the right parts. I waited for 3 weeks and finally found a refund on my credit card with no explanation or e-mail, or call telling me they were doing it.

Their policy if you have something under 10.00 can be replaced by a similar item stinks. I order the parts I want because they are what I want, not similar to what I want. I don't care how much the part costs!

I will never use them again!

04-07-2003, 07:52 PM
yes.. i finally got mine resolved.. im still pissed tho
i dont get my mask or my jersey, they have nothing in stock similar and no idea when it will be in, so they agreed to send my stuff ground. Even though i paid for 2nd day. they refunded my shipping tho.. i guess that just makes me a normal order with hihgly delayed shipping..the ***s.

04-07-2003, 11:47 PM
Yes, they have the most unhelpful customer service I have ever encountered. I faxed in my papers to check out their wholesale rpicing, snd when I get approved and log on to see what they have, I see that all the wholesale prices are up to 60% higher than the retail prices they offer! Not only that, the wholesale site is unstable, and any products released in late 2002 or 2003 are not yet loaded on the wholesale site!

I called them up about three times asking why the prices are so high on th wholesale and got three different...what did they call them?...oh, yeah "reasons". They were worthless. THere is not ONE single reson why a wholsale price should be ABOVE the retail price offered by the same company!

After seeing their site, I have to wonder if they have ANY wholesale customers at all! They just lost one! :rolleyes:

04-08-2003, 07:29 AM
I have ordered hundreds of items from actionvillage.com and never had any problems.

04-08-2003, 03:13 PM
Just order from countypaintball.com, and call it a day. My orders get here from new england, in about 2 days.

04-08-2003, 03:19 PM
Ok I'm throwing in some hate for actionvillage too. I just recently jumped back into paintball after two years and I just could not remember why I didnt like them, but I rememberd that I didnt. I ordered anyway, a cart of about 8 items. Well the day after suddenly some items were out of stock, so I called and had them removed. "All the parts are in stock and the order will go out today" says the guy. Well I get an email saying that more are out of stock that night. I call again and had them removed and now I'm down to 3 items. Next day i get ANOTHER message saying that something is out of stock. Well I called a third time and I was fired up, but the guy insisted that even though the site says they're out of stock and my order status said everything was out of stock, that they are going to send the order today. Hopefully he wasnt lying because if I dont have my **** by sunday there's going to be trouble.

You can bet I will never order from their joke of a store again.

Pony Boy314
04-08-2003, 08:51 PM
Yeah ive been ordering stuff from them for around three years or so. Everything worked fine till my most recent purchase.I ordered a 12v revy, flex-7, and a crossfire air tank. The next day i look and see that the airtank was backordered. So i e-mail and ask how long till i get my order, no surprise they say a week. next week i ask again and they say the same thing. Now i ordered this in early december, and needed this stuff for a tournament so i had them shiped seperatly. Now its april and it was still backordered so i canceled my airtank order. After this ill have to rethink my next item.

P.S. Any1 want to sell an air tank???:D

04-08-2003, 09:18 PM
tm- that is so freakishly like my case is scary.. holy crap they even gave me the same response

04-09-2003, 03:48 AM
I feel for ya srrdude. But yes they are only human, jus like everyone else and mistakes happen. But when they do, something should be done to make it right. Iv'e never really have done business with pbgear.com, Iv'e done business with copaintball.com and they have been extremely reliable and great customer service every time I have delt with them. But now that my captain of my team gets wholesale, I have no need to worry about the stores anymore, I jus thought I would suggest something to help you out in deciding where to buy in the future. Jus glad you didn't get flamed for an opinion:)

04-09-2003, 10:40 AM
There is one nice thing about ordering from them. You get that gamblers rush every time, because you hope you get lucky and they will have everything in stock like the web page pretends.

04-09-2003, 11:31 AM
The only real problem I have with them is I have to have my bank verify my address with them every time I make a purchase. I am currently deployed so I cant call them very easyly (12 hour time difference and irregular phone access). I have been trying to get enough gear together so I can play some one on one or one on two games here so I have ordered uite a bit of stuff recently. (Max Flow Tank, Shocker, 4 cases paint, 2 mask, chrono, SCBA adapter, and various other stuff) Those where all ordered in about 5 seperate orders, so you woulds think by now that my shipping addres would be okay but nope every time I have to re verify. ARGGHHH!!!! Not to mention the crappy delivery times. I guess most of that is the military mail system but it makes me extremely frustated. And then speaking of customer service their reponse to e-mails have been less than stellar. Okay I guess I had more than one problem. As far as the good things, the do deliver to military address, and so far they havent gotten any of the orders wrong. I am just crossing my fingers and hoping that everything gets here okay.

04-27-2003, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by irbodden
Not ridiculous.. sorry

You can't honestly expect their site to be updated the second an item is unavaliable do ya? Especially since you can pick stuff up from them if you are local...

actually, yes, I would expect an ecommerce site to be that updated. MOST, not all, but most storefronts have a product management system build into them, so if the item goes out of stock, it will say that on the storefront. working in an ecommerce environment, i think it should be a standard, not only as a good customer service, but as a service to the storefront owners.

04-27-2003, 02:22 PM
When I ordered a mag from there, I got it and opened the package. I was disapointed to see no barrel (when it said it did). I was supposed to play paintball that next day, so I was disappointed. Anyhow, because I wouldn't be able to play, I got to go out and buy a new barrel! I called Action Village later, and they sent me a RT stock barrel. Hmmm..

04-27-2003, 02:23 PM
I bought my mag, and they sent me an email that said it would be backordered atleast a week, even though their stockcheck said it was in stock... I had ground shipping so I didn't really care... came in after 3 days... opposite of expected

They completely dropped my barrelplug from my order though, had to go to a store and buy one

04-27-2003, 07:35 PM
pbgear.com has never gone wrong for me, its my favorite online store. now paintballonline i hate.

04-27-2003, 07:47 PM
- has never had a problem with either.. although actionvillage did tell me an item was on back order for a week, and it only took 3 days..

04-27-2003, 07:49 PM
Well it being such a popular site and all the orders they must get a day, they have to mess up once and a while

04-27-2003, 11:17 PM
Here is my latest horror story from them.

4-6: orderd JT gloves from them, XL Black/Grey ones, and a DVD.

4-10: Package arrives, DVD is fine, Gloves are Yellow and Small. So I arranged an RMA, and shipped the gloves back to them.

4-11: Shipped RMA.

4-15: RMA Package arrives at PBG at 9:57am, signed for by "RUFFINO".

4-21: I call in wondering where the replacement glover were. After getting basicly told that they will take up to 2 weeks to process RMAs, the guy also tells me that they are out of stock on the XL-Black JT gloves. I told hi at that point to credit my card, and I would get the gloves elsewhere.

4-26: Credit appears on my CC, but is only for the gloves, not for the RMA shipping (which they offered to pay, and I included a reciept for). So I still have to deal with them to get my shipping back. Not that $11 is that big of a deal, it's the principal of it.

Now, let's look at an alternative time line.

4-21: After hearing that there was basicly no way I would receive the gloves I wanted by 1st weekend of May (for Paintball Sam's big game (http://www.paintballsams.com)). I ordered the same item from paintball-online.com. (http://www.paintball-online.com)
Order placed: 12:02pm
Confirmed: 2:19pm
Shipped: 3:01pm

4-23 The paintball-online order arrived (I paid for 2 day shipping). The gloves are, as ordered, XL-Black.

04-27-2003, 11:39 PM
I ordered from paintball-online.com too when Action Village ruined my life. Oh yea and I've been checking back, they still havn't gotten in any minimags since I ordered mine (about a month ago).

04-28-2003, 09:03 PM
Man i couldnt agree more. When i first started paintball(about 3 years ago) Action village was awsome. These days.....its couldnt be worse. First off, when you order stuff the stock check may say that its in stock but it is NEVER in stock. Seriously our last 5 orders or so from them have been out of stock. Right now i have a sale pending, and i got an email one day after i placed the order saying "Stock check: in stock, order processed, item shipped on 4/25". I got the tracking number but that didnt even work...said it coulddnt find my order" Now its almost a week and it should be here cause im in the 1 day shipping area.

Thats bad enough but to make things worse when i went to their site in the stock check for the jersey i ordered it says "Item temporarily out of stock". Grrr if it really is out of stock and my order was not shipped as the email said it was, im not gonna be happy.

Im givin em a call tommorrow to see whats up so wish me luck.