View Full Version : What is wrong with PBN?

04-06-2003, 07:40 PM
I have been poking around alot lately on PBN, it's the best place I know of for bushy support right now, but I've been going into the other forums there, and I've noticed something, almost everyone there is a complete jerk. I've never seen someplace that is so meanspirited. Furthermore, they go about it in a completely idiotic, immature manner. Honestly, reading through the posts is like listening to a dozen manic-depressive, abused 10 year olds who missed their pills for the last week. I pray that kind of thing does not happen here.

04-06-2003, 07:49 PM
We all know that :)

04-06-2003, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by einhander619
I have been poking around alot lately on PBN, it's the best place I know of for bushy support right now, but I've been going into the other forums there, and I've noticed something, almost everyone there is a complete jerk. I've never seen someplace that is so meanspirited. Furthermore, they go about it in a completely idiotic, immature manner. Honestly, reading through the posts is like listening to a dozen manic-depressive, abused 10 year olds who missed their pills for the last week. I pray that kind of thing does not happen here.

hey n00b go away... my spyder r00x. i can gog u from mile away with out aiming because my brass eagle paint can seek in on your body heat... your Auto*** stands no chance against my TRICKED out Spyder....

you mean you DONT want us to be like that

04-06-2003, 07:55 PM
That was so good it's scary...

I've known it for a while, but it seems that it's gotten WAY worse lately. I mean, you can't make a sincere post in the small talk or PB talk sections without someone being a complete cack to you. What's best is when a bunch of misinformed, psuedointellectual 14 year olds engage in political discussion. When I figure out a way to slap someone in the face over a phone line I'll be a rich man.

04-06-2003, 07:57 PM
wow the word for a bundle of sticks or a british ciggerette is blocked out, thats... new

04-06-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by einhander619
That was so good it's scary...

I've known it for a while, but it seems that it's gotten WAY worse lately. I mean, you can't make a sincere post in the small talk or PB talk sections without someone being a complete cack to you. What's best is when a bunch of misinformed, psuedointellectual 14 year olds engage in political discussion. When I figure out a way to slap someone in the face over a phone line I'll be a rich man.

hold up on the bashing of 14 year olds, im 14 (until next sunday!), and i actually am intellectual, and i can engage in a political discussion---oh no, wait, thats why im here and not talking to those morons!

04-06-2003, 08:02 PM
Now now, we were all 14, not hatin' there. It's just that there's so much teenage angst contained in PBN it floors me! Throw in people like Jim Drew and you've got a dangerous mix - testosterone and snake oil.

04-06-2003, 08:07 PM
umm... i looked through pbn for a while, and i didnt see any dumb posts, but i did see an AO member making fun of other ao members off the board...

04-06-2003, 08:17 PM
See what is wrong with pbn is that there are 20,000 12 year olds around and no mods that give a crap.

04-06-2003, 08:57 PM
I go to both forums for different reasons. Both are cool and both hate eachother.

04-06-2003, 09:50 PM
It sucks over there. 90% of posters are unintelligent, uneducated boobs who only want to flame you or rip you off in a trade.

04-06-2003, 10:01 PM
I have officially decided what it is good fore..I just got back from poking around there and decided that it is fun to make fun of people! In fact, I am like a whole other person there! Its a place to vent frustration on morons, and call them names ;) However, I dont do that here...I try to be civilized... ;) :D :p ...oh man, just found this, you go jack and coke! :rolleyes:


Don't you just love it when you hear:

"they [Intimidators] feel cheap because.. they use the bob long millenium (spyder clone) bodies for the timmy as well... so they may feel cheap.."-Espo

"...The Timmy is nothing more than a solenoid driven Spyder..."-WARPED1

"...timmys i aint know jack about, all i know is they are milled down left over spyder bodies. and we all know the quality of those old spyders..."-jayel579

Such venerable intelligence.

Funny, I didn't know my GZ was cut FROM a millenium body...

When was the last time a Timmy was produced FROM a millenium body? "

This was posted by jack and coke....


04-06-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
I have officially decided what it is good fore..I just got back from poking around there and decided that it is fun to make fun of people! In fact, I am like a whole other person there! Its a place to vent frustration on morons, and call them names ;) However, I dont do that here...I try to be civilized... ;) :D :p ...oh man, just found this, you go jack and coke! :rolleyes:


Don't you just love it when you hear:

"they [Intimidators] feel cheap because.. they use the bob long millenium (spyder clone) bodies for the timmy as well... so they may feel cheap.."-Espo

"...The Timmy is nothing more than a solenoid driven Spyder..."-WARPED1

"...timmys i aint know jack about, all i know is they are milled down left over spyder bodies. and we all know the quality of those old spyders..."-jayel579

Such venerable intelligence.

And two of the three people you quoted also post on AO. Such fabulous intelligence!

Leave PBN alone, AO isn't perfect either.

04-06-2003, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

And two of the three people you quoted also post on AO. Such fabulous intelligence!

Leave PBN alone, AO isn't perfect either.

no no no...Those OTHER quotes were part of the thing jack and coke said, he quoted those people from a thread on AO asking whats cheap about timmys. The other people are merely being called "ignorant" And other names further along in the post behind there back on another forum. I just think its funny that he would do this. I am, in fact, defending the other people WITHIN the one quote. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

04-06-2003, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-

no no no...Those OTHER quotes were part of the thing jack and coke said, he quoted those people from a thread on AO asking whats cheap about timmys. The other people are merely being called "ignorant" And other names further along in the post behind there back on another forum. I just think its funny that he would do this. I am, in fact, defending the other people WITHIN the one quote. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I gotcha, guess I was a little confused.

04-07-2003, 11:14 AM
Simple - they lack the quality and Nazi like Mods that we here at AO enjoy. Oh yes - Im sure it hurts when we put the boot down on you kids from time to time. But if we dont crush out the stupid when we see it - we will just sprial down into the muck that is PBN.

04-07-2003, 12:10 PM
I do my best to run the Automag, Kingman, and M3 forums as closely as I can to AO's. The users tried to remove me from being a mod ;-) it's kinda funny.

AO get's the same poop as we do on PBN. Just the mods here are encouraged to stomp harder.

PBN is still the best place to go OTHER than AO. IT's a strong seccond place.

IT's still the best Non-owners group forum out there. And yes we are mean/bitter. Just as a mod I get my fill of stupidity in the first 3-4 threads. And the little kids are really hard to keep down. a dozen 12 year olds with nothing better to do will flood out a mod without much difficulty.

Just don't contribute to the childness, and keep out of those threads.. That's the best we can do.

04-07-2003, 12:28 PM
Yes I will say I notice Nerobro's moderation over there and I can tell you he tries hard to keep it in line and does a great job over there. But I do fear he gets very little support. Why don't some of you step in and back up the Mods once in a while over there and see if in the end it doesn't eventualy have some affect. They would love to have some support over these kinds of issues. Because without it they will have to assume that kind of nonsense is what you want! Don't sit around and watch while the idiots get to take over! Do something about it.

Jack & Coke
04-07-2003, 02:14 PM
All this "behind the back" talk is really lame.

The MAIN FOCUS of discussion centered around those quotes were regarding the INTIMIDATOR.

Which forum knows the most about the INTIMIDATOR?

AO or PBN?

Which forum contains the most qualified techs and knowledgable people regarding the INITIMIDATOR?

AO or PBN?

Which forum would best debunk and counter any MYTHS and MISCONCEPTIONS conerning the INTIMIDATOR?

AO or PBN?

For the BEST information regarding the AUTOMAG, I post on AO.

For the BEST information regarding the INTIMIDATOR, I post on PBN.

For the BEST information regarding the ILLUSION, I post on PBN.

...see a pattern?

There's no need to "defend" anything.

If someone says they think a certain gun feels cheap, then fine. It's ok.

I'm not trying to change their minds. They should stick up for what they write and not worry about whether AO or PBN folk read their opinions.

Does it really matter?

Now if I changed the quote and put words into thier mouths then that would be wrong. I quoted what I felt was relevant to the discussion.

There are many good posters over on PBN. Terry59, Vern1, Hypersonicas, smokes are just a few of the excellent people who are very helpful. Of course there are many others!

The nature of this thread is divisive and non-constructive.

Why be hatin'?

04-07-2003, 02:26 PM
one word: Kids.

04-07-2003, 04:25 PM
If I want answers about my BM2K or my Tribal, I go to either The Tinker's Guild, or PBNation's ICD and Tribal forums. The other forums on PBNation seem overrun with flaming (or just don't interest me), so I rarely visit them.

04-07-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
one word: Kids.

I am not even going to argue with that ignorant remark :rolleyes:

MAGma 14
04-07-2003, 07:32 PM
I never did like PBN much no offence:)

04-07-2003, 07:40 PM
Honestly, OldSoldier isn't far off with his remark.