View Full Version : Poor velocity Consistency

04-07-2003, 06:28 PM
I purchased a used RT, S/N 00360, so its pretty old. Again, I bought it used. I put a lvl 10 kit in it right away. For the past few months it has had very poor velocity consistency.

My air system is an 88/4500 dynaflow, puchased from a friend who had rather good consistency with it on his matrix. Is the air system reputable for mags? The guage seems to show a lot of dropoff on each shot.

I was wonder what parts should i look at, or replace to improve the consistency. Its out of free repairs i've been told, so should I Just pay to have it overhauled by AGD?
I'm basically looking for a nice and consistent gun, I can use in tourney play.

04-07-2003, 06:33 PM
For velocity inconsistency, I would check the reg seat o-ring if I were you. Also if you are using too long of a spring, or too tight of a carrier your bolt will suffer alot of "stiction"(great for stopping on paint, but will make the bolt move inconsistently, and thus give bad fluctuations over the chrono). I would check these too areas to be sure they are in proper shape, and check back with a report on if it helps or not. good luck