View Full Version : After Action Report: Ultimate Madness (pics!)

04-07-2003, 11:32 PM
Ok, here's the official after action report for this years Ultimate Madness as seen through the eyes of one of the members of AGD Pride, me.

A good question to ask right off is, "Where do I start?". Well, how about from the beginning and we'll work our way through the weekend.

We ended up leaving Friday at about 12:30pm and arrived in Huntington, WV by 10:30ish. Getting slammed by traffic going through Chicago caused us to lose a lot of time. Unfortunately, because of that, we missed the AO meet & greet and the planned dinner at Shoneys. Next time guys! After getting all our gear setup, we managed to get to bed around 1:00 or so in the morning.

We woke up early Saturday at 7:00ish and drove to the Civic Center located in the heart of downtown Huntington. Michelle (my wife), Carrie (Chester's girlfriend), and Clare started playing in the womens division at 8:00 as Team Syncronicity (sp?). The event was setup to play the first 6 games of the prelims on Sat and the next 2 plus the finals on Sunday. Syncronicity won 2 and dropped 4 games before their division was done for the day.

The Kids, Lions, and Pride started playing the first of their 6 scheduled games by 12:30. Out of the 6 games played, the Lions won 4 and dropped 2, Pride matched them point for point by also winning 4 and dropping 2 (Losing to Nasty and The Union), and the Kids, because of a delay in the games, only managed to play 5 games, winning 4 and dropping 1. All in all, it was a excellent day and all 3 teams were playing extremely well. Our coaching on the sidelines definatly helped each other to win as many games as possible.

Sat night was the players party and it was great to see all the AOer's there. Dinner was catered and there was free beer for those who were over 21 and free soda for those who were underaged. Once dinner was announced, all thoughts of order and control were tossed right out the window. It became a mad rush to get as much food as possible before everything ran out. It was funny to see 200+ people get up and start running all at the same time.

Afterwards, there was a little shindig at Jon's hotel room in which everyone did a pretty good job in putting a rather large dent in the local alcohol supply.

Sunday started early again as Syncronicity finished their last 2 games of the prelins with perfect maxes, allowing them to advance to the finals ranked 7th overall. In the finals, they won 1 and dropped 2 to put them in 5th place. Congrats and great finish girls!

We started playing our games at roughly 12:00. The Kids won 2 and dropped 1 to finish the prelims, the Lions and Pride maxed their remaining 2 to finish as a part of a three way tie for 3rd place. What a great feeling it was to have all three factory teams in the semi's! We all definately deserved to be there, thats for sure.

The organizers were nice enough to place all three teams in different divisions so we all had a shot of going to the finals. In our division, we had the All Americans 1, The Saints, and Farside 2.

This is where it gets hard to type and I start to get a little emotional. Our first game was against the All A's. Talk about a matchup! The All A's only lost one game in the prelims and were on a roll. But we definately wanted the win and we played the best game of our lives, beating the All A's soundly; 60 points to 10. Buuuuut, after the game, the All A's complained that a cameraman was in their way and was talking to them while the ref started the game, causing them to break late. In what turned out to be a MASSIVE miscommunication and a tragic series of blunders by the refs, head ref, and ourselves, we were forced to replay the game. We lost the game and in turn the 60 points that we had played so hard to win.

After the second game there was an approx one hour debate at the scorestable which involved Rosie (The Ultimate ref) Tom, Jon, and Troy from National Paintball Supply and a gaggle of people who were there watching the games.

When that debate was over, Rosie pulled the three of us plus Tom aside and said, "I was wrong. You won and I never should have allowed that game to be replayed. However, I'm not going to reverse my decision." I can honestly tell you that we were all devastated. I was on the brink of tears because Rosie just told me that we should have walked away with the 60 points but instead we got a big fat 0. In the end, it turned out that this was what caused us to miss the finals and to be a part of the top 4 teams. What a crappy way to get knocked out of the semis.

We managed to pull ourselves together to play our last two games of the semi's, winning 1 and dropping 1. But despite our best efforts, Farside 2 was on a roll and took the division, advancing to the final 4 and eventually to first place. Congrats to them for a very well played tournament.

Whew, sorry that was so long but obviously there was a lot that needed to be told.

On a side note, the new AGD Pride jerseys made their debute. You can see them in the pics below. I think they turned out great and they sure do look slick. I hope everyone likes 'em.

Thats about it everyone. I wanted to give a special thanks to Tom, Jon, and Troy for their support and for sticking up for us when the huge debacal was going on over the All American game. It's a great feeling to have these three in your corner fighting for you.

Next up, Challenge Cup! Enjoy the pics!

04-07-2003, 11:33 PM
Some of these pics are from other sites. I'm reposting them here to make it easier to track them down.

Here's a pic of us getting fire up before a game.

04-07-2003, 11:34 PM
Us getting ready for the count down. (These next few pics were of us playing the 1st game against the All A's)

04-07-2003, 11:35 PM
Here's a pic of me shooting down the tape line.

04-07-2003, 11:35 PM
Here's a pic of me crawling and grabbing the flag.

04-07-2003, 11:36 PM
Another of me shooting the last All A from the center after crawling.

04-07-2003, 11:38 PM
Here's a pic of the Lions on the break.

04-07-2003, 11:39 PM
A pic of Chance

04-07-2003, 11:39 PM
A pic of Steve

04-07-2003, 11:40 PM
A pic of Chester

04-07-2003, 11:40 PM
The Lions at the awards ceremony.

04-07-2003, 11:52 PM
A shot of the Pride boys

04-07-2003, 11:53 PM
Here's a pic of me coaching from the sidelines

04-07-2003, 11:53 PM
A shot of the big man himself. :p

04-07-2003, 11:54 PM
Here's us lounging between games.

04-07-2003, 11:55 PM
Us watching the Kids.

04-07-2003, 11:55 PM
Wake up! :D

04-07-2003, 11:56 PM
Here's a good shot of the front of our new jerseys.

04-07-2003, 11:57 PM
Carrie and Capo

04-07-2003, 11:57 PM
Clare modeling a custom Pride jersey. ;)

04-07-2003, 11:58 PM
Isn't my gun shiney? :p

04-08-2003, 12:00 AM
Clare and Michelle

04-08-2003, 12:01 AM
Team Syncronicity!

04-08-2003, 12:56 AM
Sunday started early again as Syncronicity finished their last 2 games of the prelins with perfect maxes,
they actually played 3 games and maxed them all, not 2.

btw, don't forget these :)


04-08-2003, 09:15 AM
So thats where Steve went....:)Those are some cool pics! :D

04-08-2003, 07:13 PM
Losing like that sucks. When I played for Constant Pursuit a team we beat (their only lose) contested the game. They (the other team and the refs) were talking about replaying the game. Well, there was no way we could. We sent 9 people (out of 10) straight down the right tape (woods ball back then) and they would be ready for it next time. It was out last game of the day and a few of us just packed up out gear and said no way to a rematch. The refs decided not to replay the game.

I'm not trying to say that you could have done that. Only that I can easily imagine how bad it feels. We didn't make the semis. I can only imagine how bad missing it because of that would have been... :(

04-08-2003, 07:14 PM
congrats guys... there is enough evidence with the picture of you shooting out the last all american... next time the all a's are screwed... watch out.

glad to see you guys had fun and that allen was caught off guard by the camera again... seems to always be the case.. HAHA

gongrats lions on the fourth place finish and what appears to be winning a few AGD products... how appropriate...


04-08-2003, 10:04 PM
I want to thank Carrie and Michelle for asking me to play with them at UM. I believe that we did really well for not having played as a team before (with the exception of the couple practice times that michelle and carrie had). The only complaints that I had about our games was two instances: I got pulled at the beginning of one of the games for playing with an "old hit that I hadn't wiped completely" and getting shot out by someone I had clearly gotten on their jersey. The ref went over and checked her but let her stay in. After the game, I saw the unmistakable hit that hadn't even been wiped yet. Oh well! Either way, I had a good time and we got some great prizes, too. :)

Carrie, me, and Michelle

Butch Borsic
04-09-2003, 05:53 PM
Scott i couldn't have said it better for how the weekend went.

Heres my 2 cents....
I just wanted to say this was one tournament where AGD Pride jelled together and knew why we were playing and the expectations of our preformance. I felt that we played with true heart and enthusiasm. We played relaxed, took our time playing and we closed games mithotically. We knew and felt what eachother was doing and complemented it with the correct reaction. Good JOB Guys...!

The issue with the All A's game was devistating to us emotionally. Some of us felt at fault for what had happened. And some of us took upon themselves to try things they normally wouldn't do to try and get back into the finals and have it back fire. I take this as a lesson learned and to look out for in the future.

I would like to thank all you AOers out there who were present at the Ulimate Maddness and who were reading the minute by minute posts on AO, for supporting all the AGD teams and cheering us on. I'd like to thank Tom and the AGD support staff for having the faith and beliefs that anyone of the AGD teams could win the tourny. And also i thank Troy from National PB supply for sticking up for us when the All A fiasco went down.

Well thats my two cents.
This weekend most of the Pride Guys wil be refing at the college tourny at CPX. maybe we will see some of you AOers there...


04-10-2003, 09:09 AM
You guys defintely did great. And I know I and Tom, and everyone else at the booth as well as everyone watching the thread are very proud of you as well as the other teams.

04-10-2003, 11:22 AM
Well...thanks for the details Scooter...I am now more convinced than ever that no wrong can be righted by replaying a game. I will keep that in mind if I even find myself having to decide things like that... Tragic and I can see how that would mess your whole mind set up for the rest of the meet. But we are proud of you anyway.

04-10-2003, 05:03 PM
gonna post up a few more pics

Tom & Chupas

04-10-2003, 05:06 PM
Pride, Kids, and Lions

04-10-2003, 05:09 PM
is chupas holding your gun there clare or does he have the same color?

04-10-2003, 05:17 PM
he borrowed my xmag for most of that day :)

04-10-2003, 05:34 PM
hanging out by the scoreboard