View Full Version : Perspective

04-08-2003, 12:21 AM
Tonight was a real bad night!:(

Wasn't sure if I should post this or not, but since my wife is asleep and if I called any of my friends this late, their wives would kill me I will.

At 7:45 PM, my wife and I were getting our two little ones ready for bed. I went on AO for a few minutes and then went to tuck my boys in for the night. My 3 year-old Vincent was rubbing his eye and whimpering. I took him to the bathroom to get a closer look at his puffy eye. When I finally got him to open it, his eyeball was huge and looked as if it were trying to come out.

Needless to say, I scooped him up and made the 10 minute drive to Kennedy Memorial in 5 minutes! Got into traige to have him checked out and they gave him some more benedryl ( I gave him some before I left in case it was an allergic reaction) and put us in the waiting area. Two hours later, they took us into the Pediatric ER unit. Needless to say, this was my baby's first time in that hospital since he was born, so he was not a happy camper. He clung to me like a coat.

Then the doctors could not decide what the cause was. They decided it was either an acute allergic reaction to something or and Orbital something or other infection. They gave him some AH eyedrops, more Benedrylm and antibiotics. They checked in on us every 10 minutes or so to check on his eye. Needless to say they came in everytime I got him to sleep! :(

Finally at 12:03 AM they discharged us. I have to take him to his Pediatrician tomorrow for a follow-up. He looked puffy when we left, but at least he looked human again.

Other parents on this board can understand that my heart still has not left my throat! This kind of scare puts everything else into perspective. I would gladly have taken his pain and discomfort onto myself if I could have!
Tell you what, makes you remember, that your kids are really what makes life worth living.

I am just blowing off some anxiety here so I will delete this thread in about 48 hours.

04-08-2003, 12:40 AM
Hope your kid gets better soon, good to hear they were able to help.

04-08-2003, 12:47 AM
A Fathers prayers are with your son. You are doing OK, keep it up:)

04-08-2003, 01:02 AM
Well, I'm not a father yet, but I love kids. Yours has my prayers.

04-08-2003, 01:09 AM
Sounds like a rough night. Hope your son feels better soon.

04-08-2003, 01:21 AM
glad to hear he's alright. hope he feels better real soon and they figure out what caused it in the first place.

04-08-2003, 08:52 AM
i haye kids but i wish nothing but health for your sone and your family in the future, i could belive seeing my son like that(when i have one(strait to a toddler)) get better soon!(thats for your son not you deadeye);)

04-08-2003, 09:21 AM
I understand. And no need to delete this thread... a lot of us Dads have made posts like it here. Heck, I know I made one for every time my kids got hurt. ;) It helps sometimes to express yourself..... express away!

I am glad things are much better now. My thoughts are with you.........

04-08-2003, 05:54 PM
I hope he is alright. Did they figure out what was wrong? BTW, I doubt 48 hours is enough to truely calm down. Nothing gets you going like thinking your kids are hurt.

04-08-2003, 06:04 PM
Glad to here your son is getting better. Hopefully everything will be alright for both you and him.

04-08-2003, 06:54 PM
Dude, I think all fathers have that feeling. Its the hopelesness. Knowing that there is something you can't fix. Its bad enough not being able to fix something but it 100 times worse when its your kid. The first time my daughter was really sick totally freaked me out. Especially cause mommy wasn't home. You just can't wait until they are better. You wish you could take all the pain. You sound like a good father. Keep up the good work.

04-08-2003, 09:51 PM
Thanks for the support!

The doctors have no idea what caused it. I guess that was the scarriest part about it. He is almost one hundred percent now. He looks like he has a black eye without the coloring! He will be taking anti-biotics (he loves the bubble gum flavored stuff) and getting prescription eye-drops (these he hates) for the next few days. We took him in for a follow-up this AM and the doctors ruled out the orbital something or other. His doctor is pretty confident saying it was a severe allergic reaction. Time to buy an Epi-Pen!:D

I am still pretty drained, so I stayed home today, but back to the mines tomorrow. Thanks again for the good wishes!


04-08-2003, 10:04 PM
that scared me just reading it well until you said it was nothing really really serious... my 4 y/o cousin was just put in the hospitol today, she has a bad fever or some virus i think... details get blurred going from the doc to my aunt to my grandpa to my mom and then finally to me:rolleyes: i hope both of our little ones get better soon!

04-08-2003, 10:55 PM
That must've been scary! I'm glad that he's doing better.