View Full Version : Z-Grip

04-09-2003, 01:27 AM
I'm shopping around for a new paint gun - and the Automag RT pro caught my eye. I saws some custom guns with a reverse 45 grip on it called a Z-Grip. I was wondering where i could get one when I get the RT pro because I can't seem to find the grip anywhere online or otherwise.

04-09-2003, 01:35 AM
The Z-Grip has become fairly rare. AGD stopped making them because of lack of intrest. Then WDP came out with the Space Frame and it was the greatest thing since Sliced Bread!

Check the Classified Forums or eBay. Used is the only place to find the z-grip. An RT Pro should be fairly easy to come across.

A Rant:

When WDP rips off the Warp, it will take off too! Go figure. No one wants something *DIFFERENT* in paintball. IT';s like one big high school. Everyone has to be the same, can't be too different! :rolleyes:

Sometimes I think this industry is soo lame.

Later ~ Dave