View Full Version : Serious question

04-09-2003, 08:13 AM
Not bashing here, I really wonder.
If cockers are so good and everyone thinks every pro shoots one, why are 90% of the "f/s/t" ads on most other forums cockers for sale?

04-09-2003, 08:46 AM
Because there are soooo many out there. They are easy to build and customize. I own several, just because they're fun projects. People get bored with one so they trade it. You really cant go wrong if you score a cocker in a trade. (unless the thing is smashed)

04-09-2003, 09:03 AM
I've owned several cockers in my 13 year pb carreer, and I still fail to see the attraction. I mean, c'mon, 80 moving parts?! No matter how much you baby it, stuff is gonna break. I get mainly cockers in my shop(my garage, under the table work, shhhhhhhhhhh!) for repairs.

04-09-2003, 09:30 AM
You've owned several cockers, and fail to see the attraction? I'm so sick of the idea that cockers fall apart because they have many parts. All guns have lots of parts. We mag shooters hate the myth that cockers shoot further, but we love klinging to a BS statement that cockers fall apart. I own two cockers. They dont require any more "babying" than any other gun I own. They require half a brain, and a good maintainance schedule. God!!:rolleyes:

04-09-2003, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
You've owned several cockers, and fail to see the attraction? I'm so sick of the idea that cockers fall apart because they have many parts. All guns have lots of parts. We mag shooters hate the myth that cockers shoot further, but we love klinging to a BS statement that cockers fall apart. I own two cockers. They dont require any more "babying" than any other gun I own. They require half a brain, and a good maintainance schedule. God!!:rolleyes:
Where did he say they “fall apart”? Anyone who does not admit that the more parts you have, the more chance of something breaking is ignoring simple logic.

If you take a product and make it with 100 moving parts, it has a higher chance of something going wrong over a similar product that only uses 10 moving parts.

This is not saying one is “better” than the other, but it is NOT a myth that the more parts you have, the more chance that it will break, and the more things you have to maintain and watch. I think you are just wanting to fight about something. And if that is the case, at least pick a fight over something someone actually SAID.

04-09-2003, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by shartley
at least pick a fight over something someone actually SAID.
and you should be the person to make such a statement?

04-09-2003, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by wyn1370
and you should be the person to make such a statement?
Yes.... actually. Do you have a problem with that, or are saying that I pick fights over things people DON'T say? :rolleyes:

Come on.....

(fixed TYPO ):rolleyes:

04-09-2003, 09:49 AM
Its not the fact that theres so many parts, it the fact that there so many "moving" parts, the more moving parts you have, the more strain its going to put on the gun.

04-09-2003, 09:54 AM
yea my friend got a huge bruise on his chin from the back block..lol

04-09-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Yes.... actually. Do you have a problem with that, or are saying that I pick fights over things people DON'T day? :rolleyes:

Come on.....
nope you're right, you pick apart what they do "day" untill it suits you needs

04-09-2003, 09:57 AM
haha lmao. that must have hurt

04-09-2003, 10:02 AM
It looks like someone else is hunting for a fight too….. oh well. … and I made a typo…. I guess if that is all folks can “get” me for I can live with that. ;)

Now… what was the topic of this post? :rolleyes:

04-09-2003, 10:08 AM
Shartley, you will comment on something whether you have a clue or not. Ok, he said "gonna break" I said fall apart. Why do you have to step in to defend. Its like you always have to pick a side, and then start an arguement. He asked an initial question, and I answered with what I consider a factual- close to realistic answer.

Sure anything with more parts, has a higher probability of breaking. We're not talking "probabiltiy" we're talking about realistic performance. Thats like saying "Anything with an 800psi input is more likely to blow up in your hands" "All mags are eventually gonna break."

I never once said cockers are better than mags. I was answering a simple question about the prolific availabilty of AutoCockers. I wasnt attacking Warped1. I dint quote him. I was speaking in general about the notion that a cocker will fall apart simply because it has lots of parts. All guns have lots of parts. Timmies, and angels have way more parts than a cocker, and they're considered reliable too.

Every aspect of what I post on these bords is based on actual experience. I will not go along with the idea that cockers are unreliable, and that its many parts are it down fall. I own two cockers, an Emag, and an RTpro. I love my Emag. Its my primary maker. But I cant count the amount of times, the "quirks" in my Emag force me to pull out the cocker. And I KNOW the Emag inside and out. A properly tuned and maintained cocker will work, and keep on working. Theres no magic about them. They are tough "work horse guns"

Shartley, how many cockers do you currently own. How many have you timed perfectly? Are you just stepping in to assert your opinion ONCE AGAIN, with out adding any actual help to the thread topic. Lemme see...nope, not a single sentence in your reply regarding the answer to this thread topic.

Sorry WARPED1. The first answer is my opinion, but I think its a pretty fair and accurate guess why there are so many cockers out there.

Wc Keep
04-09-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Where did he say they “fall apart”? Anyone who does not admit that the more parts you have, the more chance of something breaking is ignoring simple logic.

If you take a product and make it with 100 moving parts, it has a higher chance of something going wrong over a similar product that only uses 10 moving parts.

This is not saying one is “better” than the other, but it is NOT a myth that the more parts you have, the more chance that it will break, and the more things you have to maintain and watch. I think you are just wanting to fight about something. And if that is the case, at least pick a fight over something someone actually SAID.

he said no matter how much you baby it stuff is going to break. meaning its going to fall apart.

everytime i play i see way more cockers than anything else. its just the favorite gun of pbx. funny thing is that we fix our mags more than they fix their cockers.

but i think cockers are in the for sale section more than any other type of gun is because people want to get a new cocker so they sell their old one knowing that there is a good market out there for used cockers and that people are willing to pay for it.

04-09-2003, 10:12 AM
Okay boys.. go get all your “pals” to gang up on Shartley! Run! LOL

That is not how I took his post… but how you took it. Fine. No problem. And what did I say in MY post that was wrong? What did I say in MY post that could not be applied to ANY product? Where in MY post was I defending or putting down any product over another? LOL

This has turned into a “get Shartley” thread and that is sad…….

04-09-2003, 10:18 AM
Dude, you're so clueless. You had nothing regarding an aswer to this thread in your very first post. You immediately came in and rebutted my answer. No one wants to attack you. You just constantly leave youself open. Try being helpful. Try just once to fight the urge to contradict some one. Add your opinion on the THREAD TOPIC and leave it at that.

04-09-2003, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
Dude, you're so clueless. You had nothing regarding an aswer to this thread in your very first post. You immediately came in and rebutted my answer. No one wants to attack you. You just constantly leave youself open. Try being helpful. Try just once to fight the urge to contradict some one. Add your opinion on the THREAD TOPIC and leave it at that.
Yeah… I understand.. only YOU can post arguments or things not “directly” involved in the thread topic. Only YOU or your pals can choose what they want to post, or what they want to comment on.. for ANY reason.

Come on folks… talk about getting a clue, or not having one… apply the SAME standards to yourselves as you do to others.. I do.

04-09-2003, 10:22 AM
Hey Keep, thats a good point. I guess the typcal cocker owner does know there's a huge market. It is very easy to swap out cockers. Thats sorta what I was getting at but you put it better.

04-09-2003, 10:22 AM
y doesn't everyone stop fighting and start giving some answers to warped1 one.

Im gonna geuss that you see so many autocockers for sale becuz everyone bought them when they first came out and now they're saling thier old ones to get a newer cocker, a different gun, or they quit playing paintball and they're saling all their stuff.

04-09-2003, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Yeah… I understand.. only YOU can post arguments or things not “directly” involved in the thread topic. Only YOU or your pals can choose what they want to post, or what they want to comment on.. for ANY reason.

Come on folks… talk about getting a clue, or not having one… apply the SAME standards to yourselves as you do to others.. I do.
Come on Shartley, go back and read from the begining. I answered his question with out a single arguementitive comment...then you came in... Stop changing reality to back your own twisted train of thought. Lets look at another interesting fact... I dont see too many "lets all gang up on JEDI" threads. Hmmm, I wonder why. Take a hint, and go away. :rolleyes:

Wc Keep
04-09-2003, 10:32 AM
teen you brought up another very good point in that people are getting out of paintball. another reason is that many times you see people needing cash in an urgency and sell their gun. when time comes to get a new gun they get another cocker. i so want a cocker now....

and shartley notice we have made arguements but have also given our opinions about the topic. where in any of your 6 (no wonder he has so many posts) posts in this thread alone have you actually given your opinion about the topic???

04-09-2003, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by JEDI

Come on Shartley, go back and read from the begining. I answered his question with out a single arguementitive comment...then you came in... Stop changing reality to back your own twisted train of thought. Lets look at another interesting fact... I dont see too many "lets all gang up on JEDI" threads. Hmmm, I wonder why. Take a hint, and go away. :rolleyes:
Go away?!?!?!? LOL

Wc Keep
04-09-2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Go away?!?!?!? LOL

i dont get it you say that in this thread YET YOU STILL HAVE NOT ANSWERED WARPED1'S QUESTION!!!!!!

04-09-2003, 10:38 AM
Or maybe now the X-mag is out and every cocker owner knows they're better than their cocker. Now theres a mass exudus, to get rid of their chopper. :D There, I said it! haha.:D

04-09-2003, 10:38 AM

04-09-2003, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
teen you brought up another very good point in that people are getting out of paintball. another reason is that many times you see people needing cash in an urgency and sell their gun. when time comes to get a new gun they get another cocker. i so want a cocker now....

and shartley notice we have made arguements but have also given our opinions about the topic. where in any of your 5 posts in this thread alone have you actually given your opinion about the topic???
My opinion on the topic….

Cockers are great markers. They do have more moving parts which is part of the selling point for them. Some folks like to tinker, adjust, replace, etc. This can be a selling point as well as a negative if you don’t like to “mess” with things.

Cockers (as well as other markers) also have a lot of things you can get for them. You can swap out this and that, add on this and that, and really go to town making your marker unique to you. Mags have in the past not really had that ability like other markers, such as Cockers. It is wonderful that they now are beginning to however.

Also Cockers have things that visibly move…. That is also a selling point for those who like to watch things move.

Any marker (to include Spyders) if properly maintained will last a good amount of time. It will do what it is suppose to do. And depending on the time, knowledge, and ability of the owner, they may choose a higher maintenance marker, or a lower maintenance marker. It is all up to the customer.

Also because of the prevalence of Cockers, you will inadvertently see them being sold and resold more frequently than Mags. This in itself probably makes up the majority of the reasons we see them being sold privately. Not to mention that folks often times get board with their markers and just want to get another one. We see this with cars too. There does not have to be “something wrong” with a product for it to be sold.

Better? ;)

04-09-2003, 10:41 AM
"I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?" :D

04-09-2003, 10:42 AM
I own as of now, 2 cockers, and 0 mags. I just traded my mag for my new cocker, and I have to say I like the cockers better. If for nothing else, the sound of the back block.

Back block-question answered, no need to pursue this thread any longer:D

Wc Keep
04-09-2003, 10:46 AM
its about time. and it only took you 7 posts.

actually jedi the xmags that i have seen have caused their owners nothing but trouble. one of their owners is actually thinking about selling it.

04-09-2003, 12:02 PM
it's not that good, the only thing is there pretty back block ;)

04-09-2003, 12:04 PM
Thats the main thing I hate, the only cocker I like is the PGI conversion Firestorm, because it eliminates the backblock completly:).

04-09-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Wc Keep
its about time. and it only took you 7 posts.

actually jedi the xmags that i have seen have caused their owners nothing but trouble. one of their owners is actually thinking about selling it.

Thats news to me WC. I not hearing that at all. I would think we would have seen some of that on the boards and someone would have checked into the problems if this were so... Has this person contacted AGD about this problem? And what is this problem?

04-09-2003, 12:36 PM
Not saying one is better than the other, after all, it's all opinion:
Number of complaints on any mag at my fields I frequent= 0
NMumber of complaints on various cockers at same fields= elevbenty billion(I don't know the real number, but you get my point:))

04-09-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Not saying one is better than the other, after all, it's all opinion:
Number of complaints on any mag at my fields I frequent= 0
NMumber of complaints on various cockers at same fields= elevbenty billion(I don't know the real number, but you get my point:))

Average numbers of mags at most fields = < 1
Average number of cockers = elevbenty billion.

Your field must not have any L10 equipted mags.:D


Wc Keep
04-09-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

Thats news to me WC. I not hearing that at all. I would think we would have seen some of that on the boards and someone would have checked into the problems if this were so... Has this person contacted AGD about this problem? And what is this problem?

one person had extreme blending problems. it was probably due to the cold weather effecting the paint or their lvl 10. the other person i do not remember what their problem was but they were just fed up with it.

04-09-2003, 02:58 PM
Well your statement made it sound a bit more than one... In fact it was like it was recent and more widespread the way you put it. And that I have not experienced nor heard of..

and if you are thinking of the same person he had one of the Blue ones and those had the over long thread problem on that first batches that would not allow the USA made Cocker barrels to seat all the way before they tightened down. And that was way early on corrected by removing a thread loop. Seems the European cocker barrels varied a bit and that was not discovered.

04-09-2003, 03:01 PM
I love how people jump all over Shartley...

You guys do realize there is a diffrence between "break" and 'fall apart' right? Break would mean that possibly the 3 way leaked, the gun got knocked out of time, etc. Where fall apart means just that... the gun falls apart

That's like if someone made the statement, "My 'Mag chops more then a gun equiped with an ACE." Then the next person saying "You're wrong idiot! 'Mags aren't blenders!"

How dare Shartley point such a thing out :rolleyes:

04-09-2003, 03:29 PM
I never chopped with my LVL 7 mag a few years ago, I chopped bad, dimpled paint.

MAGma 14
04-09-2003, 03:45 PM
because people know that they probly wont sell a spyder on a forum cause you can buy them preatty cheap but people will buy a cocker cause you save $100 instead of $10:)

04-09-2003, 04:35 PM
actually, I see more mags and angels. Occasionally there is a shocker, but they are always those ugly 99's.

04-09-2003, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by PzYcO
yea my friend got a huge bruise on his chin from the back block..lol

and thats why God invented the beaver tail...