View Full Version : Do not use a siphon tank?

04-09-2003, 12:06 PM
I just got my new minimag in the mail and since I have to work until I can play with it, I decided to check out the manual. It says in the manual "DO NOT USE A SIPHON TANK. IT WILL NOT WORK AND WILL MOST LIKELY DAMAGE THE PAINTBALL MARKER." Why is this? I ordered an anti-siphon tank from action village that I was planning on using after I install the bottom line kit, is that what they're talking about? Should I not use this tank on the minimag? I am forced to use CO2 and I'm going to install a ACI x-chamber, will it really damage the marker?

04-09-2003, 12:19 PM
A siphon and anti-siphon are two different tanks.

Anti siphon has a tube angled up out of the CO2 when you are running bottom line. It's a measure to ensure that you don't get liquid CO2 into the gun. Liquid CO2 can cause velocity spikes, crack and break orings and can freeze the gun.

A siphon tube is the opposite. It is angled down into the liquid CO2. Some guns require liquid to work. Why? I dunno. ;)

However, running an expansion chamber on a mag is a good idea and will be the second line of defense against getting liquid CO2 into the gun.

04-09-2003, 12:20 PM
Excellent, looks like I'm ok then. Thanks


04-09-2003, 12:21 PM
The anti-siphon tank is ok. Only siphon tanks are bad.

Siphon tanks put liquid directly into the gun. Liquid in the mag is very bad as it will expand when it warms and blow the o-rings apart in the gun.

Anti-siphon is good as it helps stop the flow of liquid up the air/gas lines to the gun. This combined with an expansion chamber will work nice on your gun and get you the best performance you can out of a CO2 powered mag.

When you get your anti-siphon tank, have it properly setup on your gun. The anti-siphon tube has to be oriented in the proper direction to work as an anti-siphon tank. If it is oriented upside down, it will function as a siphon instead.

MAGma 14
04-09-2003, 03:53 PM
athomas and dayspring said it all

04-09-2003, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by MAGma 14
athomas and dayspring said it all
They were probably typing at the same time but Dayspring was faster, he's done that to me before!

04-09-2003, 05:26 PM
just remember that when your tank comes.... if it does not have a mark of some-sort on it marking this way up when on the gun the you will have to take the tank and your mag to your local airsmith to have it setup for your mag.....

reason being... if there is no indicater for which part of the tank is supposed to be facing up ... you will be taking your chances and mostlikely have the tank work the opisite of how it is supposed to work....... which would be bad in this case....

04-09-2003, 07:40 PM
several markers were designed to run liquid CO2 in wintertime. Icon Z was the first one to use it. Palmer recommend running some of his markers as siphon, when weather gets really cold. (only when it is in freezing condition)

anti-siphon tank needs to be setup with the marker/drop forward, so that bent up tube stays on top. Otherwise, you have a siphon tank if tube is on the bottom. ;)

04-09-2003, 09:57 PM
yea well according to action village their anti siphon tanks are installed with smart parts on/off switches and the on off switch needs to be pointing up. when it's pointing up the anti siphon tube will be in the right place.

if it wasnt and my gun gets damaged i would have a lawsuit against them ehh? hehe

anyway thanks for all your help guys. I just got my level 10 installed a little bit ago and tomorrow I'm gonna finish fine tuning it and set up the x-chamber/anti siphon tank.
