View Full Version : ULE Pronunciation

04-09-2003, 04:47 PM
What's the official way to pronounce ULE? Is it "You-Elle-Ee," "Oo-Lee," or something different?

04-09-2003, 04:55 PM

04-09-2003, 04:59 PM
Its the abrevation for Ultra Light Enginering ( im pretty sure) so the annitions are just said like letters - U.L.E. just like U.S.A. is short for United States of America.

04-09-2003, 05:13 PM
I've always pronounced it like "yule" (yoo·uhl), seems more fitting... I haven't had to speak it very often, though. This may turn into some sort of "tomayto" vs. "tomahto" debate.... and yes I know how to spell tomato, but how else can I differentiate the pronunciations? :cool:

Duke Henry
04-09-2003, 05:18 PM
Well, if you like sounding out the letters, it would sound like you-l-ee (U-L-E). I like to make it sound slick, so I prefer you-lee (U-LEE).

Or, if you want to get "foreign" you could always say "sans serrure de torsion"?


04-09-2003, 05:19 PM

04-09-2003, 05:23 PM
I say yule, just like the Christmas carols. :)

04-09-2003, 05:29 PM
Much like the abbreviation for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus is pronounced "ess-see-ewe-bee-ay." :)

Originally posted by pbguy888
Its the abrevation for Ultra Light Enginering ( im pretty sure) so the annitions are just said like letters - U.L.E. just like U.S.A. is short for United States of America.

04-09-2003, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by spantol
Much like the abbreviation for Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus is pronounced "ess-see-ewe-bee-ay." :)

OWNED (sorry, don't have a pic handy :D

Anyhow, I say it Yule, Y'all

04-09-2003, 05:46 PM
Whatayaknow? I found one :)

04-09-2003, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by darklord
I've always pronounced it like "yule" (yoo·uhl), seems more fitting... I haven't had to speak it very often, though. This may turn into some sort of "tomayto" vs. "tomahto" debate.... and yes I know how to spell tomato, but how else can I differentiate the pronunciations? :cool: Yule? Thats a log we burn on christmas!:rolleyes: :D

04-09-2003, 09:34 PM
You said "LOG".

04-09-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by M-a-s-sDriver
You said "LOG". Yes, log, "el oh gee, lawg":D ;) :p

04-10-2003, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by darklord
I've always pronounced it like "yule" (yoo·uhl), seems more fitting... I haven't had to speak it very often, though. This may turn into some sort of "tomayto" vs. "tomahto" debate.... and yes I know how to spell tomato, but how else can I differentiate the pronunciations? :cool:

But everyone knows it is pronounced Tomarto :D :D ;)

04-10-2003, 11:28 AM
i always pronounced it sort of like youre saying the word "you'll" except with more of an emphases on the L