View Full Version : Don't you just hate it when you see someone mistreat a marker?

04-10-2003, 11:34 AM
I went coyote/rabbit hunting with some friends during spring break and we all brought our paintball markers to play on someone's farmland. Well we had to walk through a little bit of woods along a hedgerow and one of my friends starts hackin down trees with his pbgun barrel.

Another friend of mine has yet to clean his gun in 2 years. It looks as if its growing mold or moss on the side of it, i can't imagine whats inside.

Even though both these friends have m98's i still cringe when i see someone do this....I mean with my gun, i clean it after every day of play, and i even polish it after every game and sometimes during games!

Your signature image is almost double the allowable size at over 56K. Please change it - cphilip

04-10-2003, 12:22 PM
Try this next time yall play.

When their marker jams up, run up to them and bunker 'em.
Brag/trash talk about how they could of easily prevented this if they had a working marker.
Repeat as desired.

Have fun. :D

04-10-2003, 12:55 PM
One of my favorite stories involves one of my teammates. A few years back, he was constantly complaining about his Spyder; it always jammed, would vent gas, chop balls, double fire, be a general demon. Oddly enough, i had the same exact gun, same exact internals, and yet i had no problems. So, i too his gun home, cleaned it, oiled it, and ran around 500 balls through it, no jams, not a single chopped ball, worked like a charm. He swore that he was oiling it before every game, and yet it still wouldn't work. So, i was watching him oil it up before a game one day, and figured it out. He's also a cyclist, and was using his chain lube to lube his gun. His chain lube was not only petroleum based, but was only rated for 40 degrees. So, not only was he ripping o-rings to shreds, but the c02 would actually freeze the lube he was using. very amusing to watch.

04-10-2003, 01:13 PM
Take advantage...ask if you can use the marker to stir a can of paint, or pry open that cooler with the rusty hinges ;)

04-10-2003, 01:19 PM
That's not nearly as bad as something I witnessed (though too late to prevent it).

I was at a big game, and a friend of a friend was using a borrowed ProAm. It was having some minor issues so he decided to take it apart, clean it and give it a good oil bath. Now the worst part is he had been around paintball for a few years, and did indeed know how to take it apart and put it back together correctly. None of us around him were prepared for the his final question as he was putting it all back together…

“Why is this oil blue and thick?”

He had ‘oiled’ the ProAm with blue loctite.

There were many people laughing, and one guy who was not. Needless to say, he had to spend the next couple games cleaning the semi dry loctite out of the ProAm.

04-10-2003, 01:54 PM
Has anyone ever played Medal of Honor Frontline on the PS2, after you do a certain thing (or i guess you could use a code), a video opens, its called Medal of Honor Paintball. Its a pretty good video, very funny, its all the producers and writers and stuff playing, but some time in the middle or near the end some guy drops a mag from like chest high. I was like "noooooo!" when i saw it drop

04-10-2003, 02:25 PM
whoa i need to find a rip of that video

Second time in same thread....Your signature image is almost double the allowable size at over 56K. Please change it - cphilip

04-10-2003, 02:46 PM
From a code page somewhere out there:

Paintball FMV sequence
Enter "COTOBREATH" at the Enigma Machine. If you entered the code correctly, green lights will flash. Then, select the "Movies" option and choose the "Extras" selection the view the FMV sequence.

Another site:

Paintball FMV sequence:
Enter MAGGOTAHOY at the Enigma Machine. Green lights will confirm correct code entry. Select the "Bonus" option underneath the Enigma Machine to enable/disable this cheat.

04-10-2003, 02:53 PM
I'm mostly a recreational paintball player. We just get together every sunday and play in the woods somehwere, I've never gone to a tourney or an indoor place (though I would love to someday).

Anyway... other than myself, I only know of one other person that is a part of this group that actually knows how to take his gun apart and actually cleans his gun. I'm a huge nerd about this stuff so I take rediculous care of my markers and they have always performed better than any other guns that my friends have used. Most of them shoot model98s or custom98s now but until this spring most of them had spyders/pirhanas/wal-mart specials and every single week someone would be having trouble with shredding, double firing, or the full-auto action. The first week we played this year there was one kid who tried to take his brand new electronic spyder apart and when he put it back together it didnt work and he didnt play one game yet. That same week we probably had about 8 people (out of 20) using guns that were actually shooting reliably. The others had to recock after every shot, or they were breaking more paint than not, or they werent shooting at all. When will these people figure it out?

04-10-2003, 03:17 PM
These people part of the 'How hard can it be crowd'?