View Full Version : Question for Timmy Owners

Top Secret
04-10-2003, 02:15 PM
Why is everyone raving over the clamshell frames? I love the .45 GZ frame and they are getting rid of it for the Texas Storm Clamshell. My emag has 'the hump' and AGD got rid of the hump on the newer emags and xmags. But all the Timmys are going to have an huge hump on the backstrap of the grip now. Whats the deal with this?

04-10-2003, 03:08 PM
because it's what the majority of people want now. If you don't like the hump, like me, buy a GZ, it's what i did and i never regret it. Best gun i've ever owned.

04-10-2003, 03:40 PM
Yes, the GZ frame is lovely. Thats why I bought my 2k2 with a gz frame. I didnt like the hump on the clamshell frame. Also the GZ frame looks uber cool on a 2k2 body.

As seen here

04-10-2003, 04:13 PM
all personal preference,, I love my clamshell