View Full Version : ULE Bodies and Detents Notice

04-10-2003, 04:24 PM
ULE Owners,

A problem has cropped up with the detents going too far into the ULE bodies and not letting the balls drop in all the way. The quick fix is to add an additional black oring from your LVL10 kit up against the existing oring. Do NOT overtighten, just snug the detent body up tight and it should work fine.

We will make the appropriate adjustments in the bodies still in house but that means we will not be shipping more bodies until Monday.

Thanks for your patience,


04-10-2003, 04:28 PM
Just to clarify that would be one of the Orings that are around the carriers correct?

Thanks for the progress report Tom.

04-10-2003, 04:33 PM
I had that same question, but phil beat me to it.

Thanks for letting us know.

04-10-2003, 04:35 PM
And thats why Airgun Designs is the best company out there, they'll give tips and advice on your equipment to make it the best it can be, not to mention the large list of excellent products.

04-10-2003, 04:37 PM
Its the thin black oring around the outside of the carriers. You have one on each carrier and since you only use one you should not miss it.


04-10-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Shail
And thats why Airgun Designs is the best company out there, they'll give tips and advice on your equipment to make it the best it can be, not to mention the large list of excellent products.

Brown noser! :D

04-10-2003, 04:41 PM

04-10-2003, 04:44 PM
Umm admiting to a design flaw and giving a quick fix isnt tips or advice to making your marker work better ... its coming up with a solution to a problem that is annoying allot of people ...

If this was the case then Microsoft should be the god of operating systems since they issue new "tips and advice" on making their OS run better every week LOL :)

Either way kudos to Tom for admiting the issue and having a fix that allows people to use their new toys.


Originally posted by Shail
And thats why Airgun Designs is the best company out there, they'll give tips and advice on your equipment to make it the best it can be, not to mention the large list of excellent products.

04-10-2003, 04:53 PM

I feel so used Tom. :) I buy the body and now i have to perform a field mod? I think you should come here an do it for me! :) lol

Seriously, people it works nicely. I just performed the quick mod and it is pretty noticeable.

Thanks to AGD and the crew for the heads up.


04-10-2003, 05:49 PM
and if you dont have a lvl 10?

04-10-2003, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Jaymz
and if you dont have a lvl 10?

Buy one! You gonna need it!

04-10-2003, 05:55 PM
I had one but traded it for my z-grip, gonna get a barrel system first, rather break a few and shoot straight then the alternative, and I have yet to break one without my lvl 10 anyway.

Isnt it part of the warranty that defective parts will be replaced?

04-10-2003, 06:02 PM
PM me your mailing Address and I will mail you one of mine out tomorrow.

I am sure they will make a fix good but in the mean time that will get you buy until they are certain of a permanent fix.

04-10-2003, 06:07 PM

04-10-2003, 06:16 PM

04-10-2003, 06:18 PM
thats nice of you to do cphilip

04-10-2003, 06:20 PM
got your reply thanks a ton!

04-10-2003, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by Quackman71
thats nice of you to do cphilip

Thats just how I am...and it's the AO way! :)

04-10-2003, 07:24 PM
Skoad, dunno man. Thanks for the update AGD, I'll go work on my detent right now.

04-10-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Buy one! You gonna need it!
I beg to differ. I have a C/F Mini and the ONLY time I chop is when I forget to turn on my Revy. User error is no reason for me to buy one.

Originally posted by Skoad
Hopefully they'll think twice about shooting them out so fast next time.
Again, I beg to differ. AGD was only giving its customers what they want. So many people were clamoring for them, so they put them out ASAP.

It is, however, more evidence that barrel nubbins rock!

04-10-2003, 07:47 PM
Does this affect ALL the new ULE's? Mine seems fine. I do have my detent only finger tight.....

04-10-2003, 08:00 PM
Skoad, send me your addy in a PM and I send you one too. And I throw you in a AGD Sticker too!

And please change that image in your signature. Its too large and you are only supposed to use it once per thread.

04-10-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by deathstalker
I beg to differ. I have a C/F Mini and the ONLY time I chop is when I forget to turn on my Revy. User error is no reason for me to buy one.

I am talking about with this body. Low rise and center MAY end up feeding a little different than your used too. And without a Halo pushing it maybe even more so. Buy a level 10!

04-10-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Halliday
Does this affect ALL the new ULE's? Mine seems fine. I do have my detent only finger tight.....

There are so few out we not sure how many are affected but I can tell you several have said they were not affected. Just not enough feed back yet to say one way or the other.

04-10-2003, 08:39 PM
I applied this modification to my ball detent this afternoon. It seems to have fixed the problem. The force in which you tighten the detent is very important. Just snug it until you see the second O-ring (LX ring) squish a little. Look in your breach and confirm that there is no "detent housing/threads" sticking in past the wall of the body. Oil the ball lightly if you wish, and push it a few million times just to break it in. My balls now drop completely into the breach.

Sorry if I sounded like a fuming little girl, when I posted the initial problem. I've hated twistlock since before sliced bread. Getting a malfunctioning cocker threaded body was like opening a broken Lever Action Daisy Red Rider BB gun on Christmas morning. And then getting kicked in the balls on top of it. :D

Good luck to all who do this mod. Tom I know we all complain and nag you about getting stuff, but I'd rather wait the extra two weeks for a product, then to have to go through the frustration of quick fixes.

04-10-2003, 08:44 PM
Skoad - hey trying thinking a bit first before *****ing about something.

Ever thing to maybe use just a little but of blue or red locktite on the threads, set it so its not to far in and then letting it dry ?

See, I know it's killing you to think just a little bit but hey let's all pitch a fit because something isn't 100% idiot proof.



04-10-2003, 09:04 PM
hehe....tell us how you realy feel Rob! :)

Seriously folks shimming detantes of various kinds is kind of a normal thing for Cocker and Angel owners and such things that use these styles of detantes. They run into this from time to time with various manufactuerers detantes and they are used to this. Your just not used to it is all.

The real permanent fix may be something along this same lines anyway. Most likely one thicker O ring or something. And lets not assume you have an issue till you have an issue. O rings vary from one to another and some of yours may end up being fatter and you not have a problem and some may need two.

04-10-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by RobAGD
Skoad - hey trying thinking a bit first before *****ing about something.

Ever thing to maybe use just a little but of blue or red locktite on the threads, set it so its not to far in and then letting it dry ?

See, I know it's killing you to think just a little bit but hey let's all pitch a fit because something isn't 100% idiot proof.




Amen, brother! I actually had a post typed up with a suggestion of blue - but then then decided "screw it." The moaning about the "releasing them to early" just pissed me off to much - The original thread said that they were being sold pre-production and everyone knew that.

Jeez, some people will complain about anything.

Sorry I didn't make it by the shop today - got caught up at work. I'll be in tomorrow (hopefully) to pick up that feed tube.

Thanks for saying what we all were thinking.


04-10-2003, 11:05 PM
It wasn't hard to think of a fix... I had put 2 lvl x orings and the big one on it before I even checked the page. Some people just have a hard time thinking something through before they go cry about it. Anyways, very nice job Tom. I'm blowing off golf this weekend to go play with my new body :D

Sorry Skud-- You brought it apon yourself.

04-11-2003, 12:44 AM
God...I would have hated to have had Skoad be a part the Original Delrin Superbolt test....aaaaarrrgggghhhhhhh

04-11-2003, 12:59 AM
Guys lay off Skoad right now. Skoad send me the body back and I will refund your money. Once we get everything straightened out you can get another one.

Sorry for the problems.


04-11-2003, 01:02 AM
There is no problem with the detents. ANY gun that has the ball detent in to far will have problems. Thats why your supposed to adjust it BEFORE you shoot or use it. I just added a fatter Oring.;)

04-11-2003, 01:13 AM
I had an $1800 Cobra Mamba IR3 whose ball detent went in too far, what did TheAngelGuy do? Put another oring on it and told me not to keep it any tighter than hand tight. So it's not just the ULE body; nothing is perfect.

04-11-2003, 07:44 AM
Skoad, dont worry man. I freaked out too. It made me a little upset, but after coming on here, and discovering its a rather common problem, with an easy fix, I cooled off too. As a rep of AGD, I think Rob went a little over board, but we all get excited. I think your best option is to hang on to your ULE and try the mod. You'll be happy when it ends up working. Good luck. Lets all play nice. :D

04-11-2003, 07:52 AM
I love the way everyone jumps all over anyone who talks ill of AGD. It's like a religious cult or something. He had a legitimit gripe (maybe didn't come across very well), but some of you zealots need to calm down.

*wow what happened there, the whole thing just dissappeared*

04-11-2003, 08:41 AM
well, i'm not flaming anyone, but my personal opinion is that everyone needds to be a little self sufficient. paintguns are mechanical things and mechanical things often need adjustments- a loose feedneck needs some duct tape, a loose twistlock barrel needs some tape under the orings, a detent needs an extra oring. Who cares? is it the ned of the world? no. if I have somethign that doesn't work, I go to the box of parts and come up with a way to make it work. I don't just throw up my hands and cry.
think back to working on guns in like '90 and I needed a lot of homemade fixes. it's all good.

04-11-2003, 08:52 AM
so agd does this mean you will correct the cnc software so that future bodies will not require an o-ring or will these bodies always need somekind of detent shim?

04-11-2003, 08:54 AM
Skoad and Jaymz, your orings are on the way. And a couple o AGD stickers too!


04-11-2003, 08:58 AM
cphillip, thanks a lot man.

i deleted my posts because it seems people like to overreact to my overreactions.

04-11-2003, 09:01 AM
Its no biggie Skoad. Let me know if you need anything else once it gets there. I taped it to the back of my Business card in there so be carefull with it.

Anyone else out there need one?

04-11-2003, 09:40 AM
oh, and not all the ULEs are like this.

04-11-2003, 10:48 AM
We will be making the appropriate changes to the blueprint for the next run. Anyone who is unhappy with their current body can send it back for a refund. DO NOT call me in two months and say you decided you dont like it or want to trade for a new one. I am offering you your money back today so you can wait for the "debugged" ones like everyone else is waiting for Xmags.

There should be no reason to complain just send it back if its not what you expected. I'm sorry for the problems, I am more upset about this than all of you put together.


04-11-2003, 11:20 AM
Don't appologize, Skoad. The guy drops $150 on a product and has the audacity to expect it to work? Give him a break. As for RobAGD, you work for AGD, right? Is that how you regularly respond to your customers? :rolleyes:

04-11-2003, 12:50 PM
I agree with JAM and DB... but it seems like this issue is over and done with.... I could repeat what's already has been said, but i won't:)

04-11-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Its no biggie Skoad. Let me know if you need anything else once it gets there. I taped it to the back of my Business card in there so be carefull with it.

Anyone else out there need one?

I think I need one, but Im going to hold off on buying one until I get my body next week. I have a level X bolt but my spare parts got thrown out when I was moving from my old apartment to my new one in virginia. :mad:

04-11-2003, 01:13 PM
Sure! just PM me your address and I send you one just in case. If your body has not shipped it may be one of the hold backs that will be adjusted. But just in case I send one out to you.

04-14-2003, 12:46 AM
So ... The current Batch of ULE's will be sold with the so called O-ring Mod right, you aren't going to scrap them? (I know AGD always has those attic sales for tiny little anno flaws)

I personally don't care about a little O-ring on there. As long as it works with it :D

04-14-2003, 12:47 AM
Added the carrier o-ring to it and it worked flawlessly. Thanks AGD!:)

04-14-2003, 07:40 AM
So far I have been lucky and have no had any problems. I bought a puple ule, put it on my emag, no extra orings, no adjustments and it worked fine.

04-14-2003, 10:18 AM
I was at TRev all weekend and shot 1 1/2 cases of paint. The ULE with the extra oring worked fine. I would note the paint was small, but worse case I would have needed another oring.

I have a richocett with the newer neck and with its orings fit in the vertical feed great. The hopper was tight and no issues. It was a really nice feel and a lot of people thought the gun looked great. I know of a few more people that want one now.

The only problem I had was once the gun did not recock on a ball it tried to reset on. I had to push the bolt the rest of the way back with my finger.

04-14-2003, 11:08 AM
God cphillip goes the extra mile for people...

Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to do the fix once I get it. I'm not mechanically inclined but that is why I use the darn mag. I don't like sitting in the staging area coming up with ingenious adjustments to get the marker to work. If you love to tinker that is great but maybe some of us do not. I'll eventually get a flatline tank but I'm not looking forward to figuring out how to mount it etc.....

When I preordered it I thought I was going to have to wait much longer (mine is being shipped). Everyone was clamoring that they needed the bodies yesterday and then are mad that we need to do some modifications on our own. Maybe we customers need to be a little patient on our preorders.

04-14-2003, 04:54 PM
Well, mine had no problems with it at all, didn't chop or anything when I played yesterday (like it would anyway with LX). I guess I'm one of the fortunates that don't need the extra o-ring.

04-16-2003, 08:46 AM
Got my ULE today and was shocked to discover how easy it was to add the o-ring to the detent (never had a marker with a detent like this before). This really isn't a problem at all.

Now I have to decide on a cocker threaded barrel and order it. Then the ULE will be in business.

04-16-2003, 04:52 PM
I say if we Rag on this guy Tom enough, he will scrap the whole project...and then we get NONE! I think Tom is thinking "VACATION". Lay off a little. Rob was correct on saying that all parts cant be made "idiot proof". This is an adjustable ball detent and therfore needs adjustment af some kind. Tom mentioned how to adjust it...not too tough.;) :D

04-16-2003, 05:37 PM
I am not mechanically inclined so I was worried I wouldn't be able to make the adjustment. Once got my ULE, however, I was surprised how easy it was. It really is a non issue.

04-16-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Tunaman
I say if we Rag on this guy Tom enough, he will scrap the whole project...and then we get NONE! I think Tom is thinking "VACATION". Lay off a little. Rob was correct on saying that all parts cant be made "idiot proof". This is an adjustable ball detent and therfore needs adjustment af some kind. Tom mentioned how to adjust it...not too tough.;) :D

Hear, hear!!!!

lack of grace
04-17-2003, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by ddinwdc
Don't appologize, Skoad. The guy drops $150 on a product and has the audacity to expect it to work? Give him a break. As for RobAGD, you work for AGD, right? Is that how you regularly respond to your customers? :rolleyes:

I agree with everything you said... I don't think I can find one post that Rob is actually kind to someone with a mag problem...I actually just looked.

05-14-2003, 10:33 PM
AGD, what did you do to the bodies that you guys took care of before you sent out? Did you use the LX o-rings like you suggested in this thread? How are the new batch of ULEs going to be fixed? I'm just curious. I was wondering whether or not it would be a big deal to try to find one right now or wait until I can get a new one straight from your online store. By the way... is there an ETA on the next batch? An approximate date would help alot...

05-15-2003, 08:30 AM
how do i get a new rail for my old RT so i can get a ule

chronic john
05-17-2003, 09:11 AM
hey im new to the site here but ive been usin mags since the first ones ... i love these new ule bodies ... how do i get 2 of them 1 in red and the 2nd in green ... any help would be greatly appreciated ...

05-17-2003, 10:24 AM
. I put the xtra o-ring in and it worked fine. Has AGD come out with electric only mag yet? Hmmmmmmmmmm ULE bodie, X-valve, Benchmark (best lookin rail) type rail , nice barrel and a hyper frame. Ano it like everyone else does and sell the shizzy out of them. WGP came around and look at them now. If you build it they will buy...........

05-19-2003, 04:27 PM
would getting a ULE fix my problem w/ hardcore bolt stick???? i posted in tech forum if you want to know more about my problem?? any help would be great so i can play soon! also is that problem fixed w/ the ULE detent majigger?? thanks

Happily Ever After
05-21-2003, 03:20 PM
I added the carrier o-ring and had perfect results.

06-18-2003, 01:36 PM
Man I hope the order I placed with AGD has the new/improved ULE body without this slight problem. If not... oh well, O-ring will work!

Because I broke down. Getting a mag. ULE body, Xvalve, intelliframe. And hopefully come IAO time I'll be there early and try to grab that ULE on/off goodies. That prototype was the only reason that made me finally get a mag again. I can finally have a mechanical marker with electronic feel! And without that gigantic block in front or E-mag pricetag to follow.

06-27-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Meph
Man I hope the order I placed with AGD has the new/improved ULE body without this slight problem. If not... oh well, O-ring will work!

Because I broke down. Getting a mag. ULE body, Xvalve, intelliframe. And hopefully come IAO time I'll be there early and try to grab that ULE on/off goodies. That prototype was the only reason that made me finally get a mag again. I can finally have a mechanical marker with electronic feel! And without that gigantic block in front or E-mag pricetag to follow.

What do you mean by "ULE on/off goodies?" Could you attach a link? Thanks.

07-01-2003, 10:14 PM
I just got a new RT-Pro and it came with a vavle that says Rt-Pro with an X in the background. Figure that is the new x valve right? So i dont have to upgrade it? And also got the ULE body in black (just got it 6/28)is the ball detent fixed? Just one more to go... I've tried pretty hard to get the barrel twist lock assembly off but it doesn't seem to move a bit! just how hard do i have to hammer it out ?

07-02-2003, 07:30 AM
It can be a real bear sometimes. It comes out the top so turn it ocer set it in a bench oput sometin on the twist lock and hammer away.

07-02-2003, 11:09 AM
Yea I read other threads last night and knocked it out with no effort today. Guess I was hammering on the wrong side, opps. Thanks for the tip tho sporty. Now can someone please let me know on my two other questions. Thanks a million.

07-04-2003, 03:02 AM
i want to get a new ball detent for my ULE body, but which detent fits the body? autococker or angel ?? or are they both the same?

07-29-2003, 03:28 PM
hey cphilip can u mail me a agd sicker ive got the level 10 so i dont need the black ring thingy thanks man

matt vaught
47170 northgate
canton, MI 48188

08-19-2003, 10:04 AM

The valve in your RTP is the newest valve. If the valve is all black, then it's all aluminum.

The detent threads are Angel as are the feedneck threads.

09-02-2003, 11:12 PM
will a ULE fit on a stock rail without modification?

09-10-2003, 09:21 PM
All ULE owners with this problem should get a sticker to compensate for the dollar or two spent on a new o-ring...

Brock Barlow
#214-383 Arrowstone Dr.
Kamloops, BC, Canada
v2c 1p9

Heh, heh, allriiight!

09-28-2003, 12:19 PM

Just curious if this only applys to the stock dentents. What about aftermarket ones?

09-28-2003, 12:58 PM
yeah i dont have lvl 10. i know i should get it but i cant for now. what should i do? im really havin a problem with this. seriously and truthfully.. AT LEAST ONE CHOP A GAME!!! AT LEAST! i just got my ULE on friday and played saturday. this is a big problem. some one please help me!

09-28-2003, 01:00 PM
and its the carrier o-ring that i need?

09-28-2003, 01:11 PM
could i get this at a Home Depot?

what size is the o-ring and is the material "Buna"??

please let me know. thanks

09-28-2003, 04:31 PM
nevermind its fixed. i went to homedepot, found the right size and put that baby on there. hasnt chopped a ball in 300 shots. cya

10-11-2003, 06:48 PM
i fired about 1000 shots (Dry+Balls) through my ULE and my bolt (LX) stuck in my body and would not come out. i finally got it out and the ball detent was no longer. The white thing and the spring were gone. Is this due to the problem posted in this thread. Will AGD send me a new one or replace it. It is BRAND NEW!

10-14-2003, 07:43 PM
Ok... this is kind of on topic for this.

I seem to be getting a hook right on each shot from my ULE body (I have already tried several different barrels) - I noticed the detent went in a long ways, I put two extra level ten o-rings in there. Does this stand a chance of fixing my hook? Im curious and too dark for testing tonight.

10-22-2003, 07:22 PM
i just want to say i have a ULE triger kit and it works perfectly

10-24-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by paintballpapa
i just want to say i have a ULE triger kit and it works perfectly
Josh, you have a ULT trigger kit, not a ULE body. Did you even read this thread?

11-05-2003, 09:25 AM

I recently purchased a Chord body and am now chopping balls for some reason, I have a level 10 kit which seems to be working fine when i partially stick a squeedgy through the breach or barrel end. Trouble seems to occur when I shoot strings of paint, single shots ok but if i increase rate of fire or low quality paint, chops in the breach occur. It is not the detent that is causing the problem neither. Strange as it never chopped b4. Can anyone help?

11-05-2003, 09:45 AM

12-10-2003, 06:46 PM
Hello i am thinking about getting one of the ULE vert feed bodies but i got a question. Can you still use your quick connect barrels with this body i understand that it has autococker threads? :confused:

big echo
12-25-2003, 01:55 PM
i just got a ule body for x mas tried to install it every thing was going fine until i tried to put the valve-bolt asembely in and it would not fit. btw i have a level 10. so then i just tried the bolt to see if it would fit in the brech and it wouldnt

01-14-2004, 12:56 AM
hello 21 century!!!!!!!!!!!!

just join the online era and have found that my problem with my ule isnt just me :rolleyes: AGD I would like some one to email me a response for my body because before I was able to go online I had to use the old kidneys. and with the body I have the milling is off by so much that with three orings and a litte file work to the front of the ball detent it finally clears but now the thing gets lose just about every game. and for you that read this and have nothing better to do and say well lock-tite it in well,... NO it a expendable high wear item THATS WHY IT HAS TREADS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! thx a mag shooter that loves his little hot rod

01-31-2004, 05:51 PM
Is the ULE body worth getting? I'm debating wethere I should get it or not.

01-31-2004, 09:07 PM

If you have problems with your ULE body that you believe are machining defects, you need to call AGD and get an RMA number.

Those kind of things can't be fixed over the forum and AGD Factory Tech Support does not reply to requests on this forum.

02-01-2004, 02:04 AM
My detent ball (the nylon white ball) on my week old Mag disappeared, havn't even shot paint through it yet. Is this the same problem everyone else is having. Or is this all in relation to feeding problems?

02-09-2004, 06:30 AM
Sgellybean1986 - yes the ULE body is worth getting to lighten the load, but make sure you get the X-Valve to go along with it.

03-17-2004, 04:55 PM
Has this problem been fixed in the production? I just placed my order and i do not have my LVL 10 installed anymore so whats my fix if the problem is still happening?

03-23-2004, 10:50 PM
AGAIN! Is this fixed with all the ULE's sold now? I just got mine today. (3-22-04)

01-30-2005, 01:06 AM
I just bought a ule body from someone in the package, and it had this problem. Its fixed now since i put the oring in it.