View Full Version : ULE hosing

04-11-2003, 12:21 PM
Although this is a little technical I figure I would post it here as it relates to getting our beautiful ULEs going.

First off, THANK YOU to all in AGD. I was one of the more aggressive AO Members regarding the delay of these things but the end product is definitely a great thing. I really like how it looks, it is very solid, and worth the price.

The ball detent thing is a minor issue, as long as no long term issues exist with the carrier oring fix such as the detent falling out more easily it's a simple way to correct it. Plus, ever think that using the current setup might actually hold smaller bore paint better? Just an idea.

Now to my question (yes there is one): How is everyone connecting their airlines? I have an Xvalve that sits on the right, same side as the detent. I connect into the vertical adapter and I noticed that I can't use my minimag hose because of the ball detent, plus it has already scratched the detent and the quick disconnect scratches the body (which irritated me but it's not bad). I don't want an airline getting in the way of my trigger finger or pointer finger if I'm shooting with my middle so an airline from the valve to the drop forward won't work but the scratching crap has got to go. Can people post different effective ways they have their airline setup with the bodies and give some pros/cons of each? It could help us all out. Thanks!

04-11-2003, 12:30 PM
Air lines are different and depend on what lengths you want and such.

As for the scratching- here are some options

Shrink Wrap Tubing
Black Electrical Tape
Spiral Cable Wrapping from Radio Shack (Use this on both the Emag and the Xmag)
Macro Line

You're a smart guy. I'm sure you can figure this all out. :)

04-11-2003, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by QUINCYMASSGUY
Although this is a little technical I figure I would post it here as it relates to getting our beautiful ULEs going.

First off, THANK YOU to all in AGD. I was one of the more aggressive AO Members regarding the delay of these things but the end product is definitely a great thing. I really like how it looks, it is very solid, and worth the price.

The ball detent thing is a minor issue, as long as no long term issues exist with the carrier oring fix such as the detent falling out more easily it's a simple way to correct it. Plus, ever think that using the current setup might actually hold smaller bore paint better? Just an idea.

Now to my question (yes there is one): How is everyone connecting their airlines? I have an Xvalve that sits on the right, same side as the detent. I connect into the vertical adapter and I noticed that I can't use my minimag hose because of the ball detent, plus it has already scratched the detent and the quick disconnect scratches the body (which irritated me but it's not bad). I don't want an airline getting in the way of my trigger finger or pointer finger if I'm shooting with my middle so an airline from the valve to the drop forward won't work but the scratching crap has got to go. Can people post different effective ways they have their airline setup with the bodies and give some pros/cons of each? It could help us all out. Thanks!

you've got SS hose right? Wrap it in heat-shrink tubing that you can find at most radio shack or hardware stores. IF you've got a custom color body you can even find colored tubing to match

that'll solve the scratching issue..

I've seen alot of players do this.

04-11-2003, 12:37 PM
A little sarcasm there Dayspring huh? :D

I'm one step ahead of you in that I used electric tape on the actual steel hose. It's the quick-disconnect grip part that is proving to still be a risk of scratching, and it's hard to find something to prevent that.

With airlines, I know it can be different which is why I'm asking around for successful setups. I shoot lefty and righty and notice having it loop around behind can interfere with changing hands, the way I got it interferes with hand placement, etc. It would be cool hearing different people's approaches, thats what this is here for.

I am very happy with my Mag right now, I just think this is something that could help everybody out.

Evil Bob
04-11-2003, 12:42 PM
You can buy shrink hose in 3 foot lengths are Fry's, that'll give you plenty to work with in the event you over melt it or set it on fire and have to do it again.

Be sure to take your SS hose in with you so you can get the right size shrink hose, you want it to barely fit over the fittings so that you don't have to do alot of work to get it to shrink to the right size.

-Evil Bob

04-11-2003, 12:49 PM
The hose can't go over the Quick-Disconnect part though, right? The electric tape worked great for the hose itelf and doesn't look bad.

Evil Bob, do you have a specific setup you use for the quick disconnect/hose line? Right now thats my key issue, I might end up looping it around direct to the tank instead of through the vertical adapter first but the hose will get right in the way of how I hold the trigger frame and interfere in movements for tricky shots and stuff. How do you have it set up right now?

04-11-2003, 01:21 PM
Well, honestly, it's kind of a no-brainer. You run it long enough so you can angle it out of the way of everything. You put stuff around it so it won't scratch and you either angle your QD or proconnect away from the body so it won't scratch, or put it down near the tank connection.

Problem solved. Not brain surgery that requires a mass polling.

Originally posted by QUINCYMASSGUY
A little sarcasm there Dayspring huh? :D

I'm one step ahead of you in that I used electric tape on the actual steel hose. It's the quick-disconnect grip part that is proving to still be a risk of scratching, and it's hard to find something to prevent that.

With airlines, I know it can be different which is why I'm asking around for successful setups. I shoot lefty and righty and notice having it loop around behind can interfere with changing hands, the way I got it interferes with hand placement, etc. It would be cool hearing different people's approaches, thats what this is here for.

I am very happy with my Mag right now, I just think this is something that could help everybody out.

04-11-2003, 02:14 PM
Also check out the KAPP swivel elbows. They seem to stand off the gun a bit more, they work for me to keep my pro-connect off the gun.

04-11-2003, 02:20 PM
And these Kapp elbows can be used with steel cable and the quick disconnect? They're not just for microline? I may look at those. Thanks!

04-11-2003, 02:28 PM
The elbows are for SS hose. That is what I use them for. I run my QD off the back of my gun to make sure I have 100% clearance on my non c&c x-mag.

Top Secret
04-11-2003, 02:58 PM
Take a look at how my air hose is mounted. Its a 90 degree elbow going backwards to a pro-connect, followed with a 90 degree macroline down to the tank. Keeps the gun scratch free.

04-11-2003, 05:11 PM
The kapp swivel elbows are great, they stick out far enough for my q/d to clear the sight rail on my emag with a little extra space to spare.

Mine is hooked up to grease whip hose witch is a little thicker than the normal ss hose so you would have a little more space.

Plus you can change the way the hose points, somedays it can arch forward, somdays backwards, or like me its looks like a S from the valve to the asa.

04-11-2003, 05:18 PM
just another reason why sneaky owns a reverse retro valve... with the air inlet on the LEFT side of the gun :D :p

(no, i'm not selling it, so bite me)

04-11-2003, 06:43 PM
If you are really worried about it why don;t you put your QD on the other end of the hose and use a swivel elbow for ease of use. Thats what i had to do because my my slide check.