View Full Version : led in an intelied revvie

04-11-2003, 03:35 PM
would it be possible to put and led in a revvie so it would light up with intelied every time i shot. I would be using a blue led 276-316 from radio shack. if anyone could tell me how to do this it be awsome. also would it be possible to put the led in the trigger frame since the switch is there.

04-11-2003, 04:02 PM
Yea this is possible, because I have exactly that blue led in my revvy. Just make sure you check the voltages and put in a resistor if necessary (Ohms law to get the right resitor) to prevent the led from frying. Basically, you wire it in parallel with the power leads that go to the servo motor (pull the bottom off the case.) then put the led wherever you want. I put mine where a led is already spose to be(the power one) since my revvy was a 9v and didn't have one there to start. Same goes for the led in the grip frame.

04-11-2003, 06:36 PM
ok thanx

04-11-2003, 10:11 PM
Hehe, n/p