View Full Version : harness/pack?

04-11-2003, 09:49 PM
what size pack do you front players use? right now it's not much of a problem because at the moment i'm only playing 3 on 3, some times 5 on 5 mainly at my freinds house, so normally just my hopper is more than enough. but once my shop gets their feild set up, we plan on entering some of the tourney's they're gonna hold. but will something like a 3 pod be good enough? including the hopper that's 600. any of you front players (rec or tourney) use more? i originally considered a 5 pod, but that's just under a 1/2 case, and that's what i'll go threw in an a day at the feild (only about 500 in a day at my freinds house)

04-11-2003, 10:21 PM
3 or 4 pods is a good size for a front.
i have seen people do fine with 2.

04-12-2003, 09:49 AM
depends on wut kind of player u are... i play 5 0n 5 matches at friends houses and i dont even use a full hopper (but i havent got my mag yet..lol).... i have a jt 2 pod harness which does good for me but 80% of the time i dont use it.

ps:.. good luck in math class...hahahaha (u know wut i mean)


04-12-2003, 04:04 PM
I have one of the Redz 2.3 and I rarely use more than a hopper + one pod in a 5 man. I don't think I pulled a pod in any game @ Mardi Gras this year. But then again, none of our games lasted more than 2 minutes! ;)

Later ~ Dave

04-12-2003, 04:42 PM
You should be alright with 2 or 3 pods. Just don't use you paint really stupidely!

04-12-2003, 05:50 PM
Any harness/packs you guys recommend from:

Im planing on getting the Dye Attack Pack (4 Pod)

Don't mean to hi-jack your thread :)

04-12-2003, 06:10 PM
I am getting the paintball junkies pro pack!


04-12-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Jonesie
none of our games lasted more than 2 minutes! ;)

Later ~ Dave

Where you winning them or losing them :D ?