View Full Version : Best barrel for my E-Mag?

Frank (the spank)
04-12-2003, 01:58 AM
So.. what do you all think is the best barrel out there for the E-Mag?

I keep hearing about the Boomstick. Is it the best? What size is good? not tooo long but something good for jungle ball. I'll use my stock crown point for speedball.

I keep looking for the Dye Boomsticks but I can't find any that sell them for center feeds. Any tips?


04-12-2003, 05:35 AM
I am fond of CP barrels. Smooth, sized bores, nice colors, lightweight and inexpensive. That's all I can ask for. :)

Custom Products (http://www.customproducts-az.com/)

They're selling the 2-piece barrels for $30 for the fronts & backs ($60 for a whole barrel) + $6 S&H. That's direct from CP.

04-12-2003, 10:06 AM
you can get any twist lock barrel, and for a fee of about $15-20, you can have one of the AO moderators mill it for centerfeed

i would also personally suggest the J&J Edge kit

04-12-2003, 11:28 PM

I love my 12 freak, shoots great and matches any paint. Sometimes you have to call to make sure places have barrels for center/vert feed. Look in the misc items for sale, you should find something there.

04-13-2003, 12:21 AM
go CP

anything but the freak.

04-13-2003, 02:21 AM
Agreed... Freak = overrated and overpriced

04-13-2003, 08:15 AM
What exactally is entailed in milling for center feed? Is it just a new locking hole or a new 'L' shaped groove?

04-13-2003, 01:29 PM
It converts your PF L/R feed barrel into a centerfeed barrel for the centerfeed bodys..

Frank (the spank)
04-13-2003, 01:58 PM
Lots of good info as always, Thanks guys! Damn... and I thought making a choice on an air system was hard, lol

What do you all think of the Dye Boomstick? Wat about the steel vs. Ti BoomSticks? I keep hearing they are the cats meow..

I want something to make my mag have a flatter shot with better range... I know I know... if I wanted that I shoulda got an autococker or somethin, but anything that can HELP and let me hit dead center would be good.

What size should I get? This will be for straight jungle play, I'm gonna use the stock crown for speedball and other tight spot games.

04-13-2003, 02:13 PM
A barrel is a bored & honed cylinder, nothing more, nothing less. You can spend $100+ on one, or $30...if it's the same diameter & smooth, they are essentially the same.

Throw different materials into the fray ($titanium$, stainless steel, aluminum, carbon fiber) and different finishes (anno'd, ceramic...) then you have all the nessessary variables to produce a gazillion different barrels. Don't forget about the porting, too! Then there is the multi-bore phenomena. Open your wallet, please.

Is a Boomstick a good barrel. Yes. Is it better than other good barrels? No. Is it worth the money, IMHO, No way.

There's someone around here that will mod a P/F barrel to C/F for a few bucks each...I don't remember who, though, sorry.

Size? .689" is a good all-around bore. I like 10" to 12" barrels.

04-13-2003, 07:49 PM
ok. you guys are going to hate me for this but from my experience, the best barrels i have used are the smartparts all american (quieter than hell for woods) in 16 inch( believe it or not more efficient because there is 8 inches before porting starts). Also, the ANS 3d genertaion 2 barrel is about my favorite small bore barrel. If you can find one at a decent price (35-45) pick it up!.


Frank (the spank)
04-14-2003, 10:37 PM
I was wondering, what kinda barrel is that on the picture of the X-Mags? The one in the frong that has the straight porting and is milled in the back. Looks cool, wonder how it shoots.