View Full Version : Pump Kit Questions...

04-12-2003, 04:22 PM
I've built a nice mag pump and I've started trying to tweak it a bit.

Since the kit didn't come with a bumper... I reused the blue one on the classic valve. My only complain is that it requires more force to recock it with the pump.

I removed the blue blumper and just used the spring. Very nice pump action... but it want to occasionally recock on it's own.

I tried trimming it down so it fit inside the waffle spring... then it was better but would still ocassionally recock on it's own.

Then I saw the thread about PT Spacers causing bolt stick so I opened up my valve and found a good old style PT Spring. I tried taking that out... works but occasionally recocks on it's own.

So that's where it stands. I have a functional pump with a hard pump stroke or a great pump stroke on a semi-semi-auto.

Any ideas how to get the bolt to consistantly stick without using the blue bumper... it's close... just need that last bit to keep it from recocking. I considered cutting a turn off the bolt spring but wanted to pose the quesion here first.


04-12-2003, 04:35 PM

Used a RT Bumper and it's just right :)

04-12-2003, 04:46 PM
i use rt bumpers too. no problems at all.

04-12-2003, 05:30 PM

Used a RT Bumper and it's just right :)

04-12-2003, 05:53 PM
Ahh... so the clear bumper fixed this then? Good to know.

I have not run into it yet but I am about too. If my pump rod would ever get here.. :(

04-12-2003, 06:57 PM
cphillip...did you order from silverfox too?
he's two days away from getting a bad trader listing from me.
no rods after weeks and no answer on my request for a refund.
go here: http://www.paintballmaxx.com/customworks/index.asp
5$ shipped. call and you can order w/ credit card.

04-12-2003, 07:01 PM
Lee -- hey man its been about two weeks for me also .. no response and no money or rod. We have what we think is his home address. So I intended to see what I can do about this.

Originally posted by Lee
cphillip...did you order from silverfox too?
he's two days away from getting a bad trader listing from me.
no rods after weeks and no answer on my request for a refund.
go here: http://www.paintballmaxx.com/customworks/index.asp
5$ shipped. call and you can order w/ credit card.

04-12-2003, 07:08 PM
Yes I did and no reply from my last email and he told me he had them when I asked. So I dunno... Might be some kind of problem with him on his end. Lets give him a little while to see. The five bucks doesn't realy bother me its the waiting and not having one to finish is the issue.

I didn't know that Brad made em or I would not have bothered with this other joker.

04-12-2003, 07:15 PM
thanks lopxtc, let me know what you come up with. i'm in your corner.

cphillip: your a moderater right? can anything be done about this guy?
from what i've seen, some people get thiers and others didn't.
silverfox posted a thing about his wife being sick last week. i emailed him with best wishes and another request for info about my order. no response in a week.

brad was nice and to the point on the phone. was even willing to ship 2-3 day ,i payed usps priority rate over and above the 5$ per, since i'm desperate to get them, but his price is the same as silverfox....5$ shipped. i have some projects to finish that are lacking only the rods(hint hint nod and wink if anyones looking for pump mags :-))

04-12-2003, 07:23 PM
I know Brad. He is a Factory AGD tech as well. He is a good guy and does good work. I shoulda asked him first realy.

I think Silver has always been good but something happened so I am going to give him a little time to redeam himself. If its something serious I do not want to go making things bad for him.

I may give Brad a ring anyway though.

You know Brad does a tremendous job on low rising high rise center bodies too. He did a batch of them for me.

04-12-2003, 07:26 PM
cooler heads prevail...i guess thats why you're a moderater huh? you're right of course.

i'm sticking with my powerfeed. old fuddy duddy that doesn't like change....i made an exception for retro valves and lvl x's though :-)

are there plans to ever have a tech class in central florida?

04-12-2003, 08:28 PM
As far as pump rods.... I made mine... got some stainless steel rod from a buddy and just bent it up to match the blueprint.

I have found that making them a bit longer than specified is a good thing (in my opinion... ) just a tad longer... not a lot.


04-12-2003, 09:05 PM
lately ive had the same recocking problem as you have. i will have to get a rt bumper and try that.

as for rods. i have both one from silvedrfox and one i made out of a metal coat hanger. i perfer the one i made because i was able to tune the length of the pull.
this is what i did to adjust the length of pull. used a cut up bic pen cap. it may not work with a correct rod.