View Full Version : Just bought an Automag RT, its pretty screwed up..advice/help?

04-12-2003, 06:44 PM
I just got an Automag RT and a 3000psi tank.. so i go get the tank filled, connect it, try to take a shot, and the gun shoots about 3 feet. This keeps happening for about 5 balls, until there is just a constant "hiss" of the compressed air being leaked.

my friend tries to take it apart and look, but i stopped him.

he had the 2 screwes on the left, and the 3 on the right off, the sight rail off, and the knob loosened under the back of the gun.he put everything back by putting the screws in the proper places, but to no specific tightness.

i put the tank back on, and now before i even shoot, theres a hiss of air leaking, and i'll dry shoot 2 times until the trigger stops releasing air..

im sorry i cant describe it much better.. but does anyone knwow what i can do to try to fix it myself without taking it an hour east to the paintball store?

04-12-2003, 07:53 PM
take the entire marker apart. inspect all orings for cuts and fit. Oil each one and put it back in. A few drops of oil in the asa when gassing it up and see what happens. Try to give us a better indication as to where the leak is coming from.

04-13-2003, 10:35 AM
Tell us where it leaks(i.e. down the barrel, out the back, etc). Or just get a parts kit, and replace all the o-rings and what not.

04-13-2003, 10:08 PM
it sounds like its coming out of the back of the gun. i wish i knew how to really tell you guys what was going on but i dont know much about the mechanics of this gun..

does anyone know any good detailed diagram's of the RT Mag so i can maybe take it apart safely, and put everything back together correctly with oiled O rings? thanks

04-13-2003, 10:39 PM

04-14-2003, 11:32 AM
The first thing would be to completely take the marker and valve apart and clean everything. Replace all worn parts. For a few bucks in o-rings, you will essentially be starting with a new marker.

Don't forget to use a good quality air tool oil for lubrication when putting the o-rings back in place.

When you put the marker back together, air it up and dry fire it to blow the excess oil out. Check for leaks and note their location if there is any.