View Full Version : Tomarow will be interesting....

Will Wood
04-12-2003, 08:40 PM
First tourney of the year tomarow.

Our 5th and 6th droped on us, they have to work. As of yet, maybe a random person on feild will join team, but My team, as well as another team, will be putting in a team with only 4 members, for a 5 man tourney.....

Hm, anyone ever done this lol?

04-12-2003, 08:46 PM
Feces occurs(use your thesaurus here). It's been done, but I'd try to get a random spare player too, call all your friends tonight!

04-12-2003, 08:47 PM
We went to a five man with 3 people because of family/injury and we gto 5th out of 12. We also went to a 5 man, and only 1 person had a functional gun (BAD BAD BAD luck) and we got 4th out of 11.

04-12-2003, 08:53 PM
Just try and emphasize gtetting someone off the break if you do play with 4. It shouldn't be an incredible disadvantage if you do play with 4, you just have to be smart and more careful with your moves, especially on the break.

Will Wood
04-12-2003, 08:57 PM
Auto loose 2 points/game if we do play with 4.

But we might get a fellow AOer to fill in.

We'll see..

04-12-2003, 08:58 PM
Do you have a left hander on your team? Or at least someone that can shoot left handed?

If so put them on right tape and play like a three man with an extra back man. Make sure everyone in the front knows to shoot cross field. Not directly down the tape. Two backs and two tape men. Strongest left shooters on the right side of the field.

You will do fine. DO NOT post on the break. Make your bunkers and set up and cross field fire and get angles on them.

04-12-2003, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Do you have a left hander on your team? Or at least someone that can shoot left handed?

If so put them on right tape and play like a three man with an extra back man. Make sure everyone in the front knows to shoot cross field. Not directly down the tape. Two backs and two tape men. Strongest left shooters on the right side of the field.

You will do fine. DO NOT post on the break. Make your bunkers and set up and cross field fire and get angles on them.
Are you stalking me??! :confused: :eek:

04-12-2003, 09:00 PM
No but I am watching you.... :D

04-12-2003, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
No but I am watching you.... :D

There you go again! But what does it all mean?!??? :(

Will Wood
04-14-2003, 10:40 AM
Well, it turned out we were to be down by 2 members, not 1. Luckily, j.t. on these forums showed up, I needed to buy his mask either way. The one kid that didn't show is now off the team.

so j.t., and another random kid, with a nice impy. My angel was having pressure problems, and instead of trying to figure that out, I just used a Freaked Tippmann for the day with a HPA. I also was playing with an injured leg lol, so it was out in the back for me. I hate back! Not only to I totaly suck at it, but I just hate it.

Rich's Cocker (Me on these forums) was all screwed, trigger was sticky, the thing in the back was flying out, but other then that it was very nice.

Seems the only person without a problem with their equipment, was j.t. with his classic Mag.

It was very nice to see other mags there as well, and one Emag. Lots of warps!! I think 8 people were using them.

Other then myself, j.t., and Me, I think only other AOer was Tyson Machado.

I loved the feild. I wish I could have played up front more. But the only time I tried, I caused myself lots of pain... I can't bend it (So I can't kneel down and play tight against a bunker) I did get the flag a few times, I just couldn't resist. It was out in the open, I really like that. Lots of bunkers around it. I don't think I got a single person out though :( Playing back just aint my style.

The actual tourney style was horrible. Everyone plays everyone once, and then the top 5 go into a playoff and do the same (Maybe even play each other twice, not sure). So it's pretty much 2 whole different tournies. We missed the playoffs by one place. I think that was darn good considering: Half our team didn't show up. 2 marker problems. (Cocker down, ment he used freinds RT=mad chopping. Not LX. Tried it with my warp at first, took off because he thought that was causing chops, then still choped but too lazy to put back on.)

The reffing.. They caught all the cheating, but they also had some bad decisions. I don't think they were penalized besided just being called eliminated. (Playing on after being hit, clearly, in hand for one instance, he knew it). I don't think anyone wipped or anything that bad, but there was alot of playing on after being shot clearly.

Into our games...

We got off to a good start. Almost maxxed the first game. I just made it into the feild in time, I was still chronoing the Tippmann after giving up on the Angel. In the first few games, we were top 3 I think. Then top 5. Then top 6. Just went downhill. Had a blast playing though, I think the last time I played was back in October (But playing in the September slam lol, long delayed)

I did horrible. I couldn't really do much in manuavering because of my leg. I was using a single trigger, which I cannot stand shooting, no matter how light. Just not my playing style. I don't think I even got a single person out. I mighta got out 1 or 2 in the homeplates, but who knows.

Out best man Jay was kicking butt as usual. Some nice moves.

Rich was doing ok, marker problems...

J.t. got a nice one shot one kill (er.. elimination :)) off at someone. He had to manually feed in each ball one by one, something wrong with his pf plug. Guy came around to bunker him, j.t. got him just in time. Did pretty good.

Random person - Didn't even get his name lol. He was doing good in the back with his impy. Good back play.

04-14-2003, 04:35 PM
Thanks Will, actually I wasnt the one about to be bunkered that time. It was Matt with his impulse, and even though i did manage to hit the guy with the one shot he bunkered Matt none the less. Luckily the ref saw me hit him before he got around to bunkering the poor kid.

An ok day overall considering all the problems we encountered though. The nice weather made up for it. :)

ps- My powerfeed plug was adjusted right, it was just that god awful Severe paint that was just HUGE (dont you love it when they run out of the cheap paint and you are forced to buy the expensive stuff and its crap anyways?). When it did make it through my powerfeed, it would fit so tightly in my barrel that level 10 would bounce right off of it. :eek: :mad:

Will Wood
04-15-2003, 10:38 AM
Posted on the MRPL (http://www.mrpl.org) forum:

I helped ref this tourney. The posts above confirm what I believe....99% of the players, spectators, and workers have a great time at these things and a few complain. Don't worry about the few, focus on the masses. You guys played and reffed a fun day in the sun doing what we like to do. Thanks, and see you at the next one. Oh, and one more thing, that team Usual Suspects had a player in a short sleeved dress shirt....you know the guy, he played with a rental Tippmann because his angel was choppin' balls.....if some team doesn't pick this guy up, you're missing the boat, because he is the spirit of the sport.

Yes, that guy with the rental tippmann is me :D Actually, it wasn't really chopping, I just couldn't get the pressure high enough for it to shoot more then a few feet lol.