View Full Version : Excellerator 4.0 was a POS and now it is history!!!!!!

04-13-2003, 12:25 AM
Had to vent about this stupid marker. I bought it for my wife to use (when she used to show some interest in paintballing) and it has been nothing but a problem child!!! The stupid thing always needed work on it. I had finally sold the darn thing on Ebay but could not get it to stop leaking after 4 hours of work. Then I lost a part on it and gave up (refunded the guy his money).

Since I have my classic valve, powerfeed body (black ULE coming my way), and boomstick I think I'll take the extra parts and build another mag as a backup. As for the JT I think I'll take a sledgehammer to it. God I hate that marker. My automag, tippmann, and even the rebel seemed to follow logical rules when it came to trouble shooting but not that marker.

Feel better already after that vent......:D

04-13-2003, 09:32 AM
Happy Venting;) Yea one of my friends bought one has his first marker. He learned soon that he spent more time in the staging area then he ever played

04-13-2003, 11:10 AM
what went wrong with the excellerator? A friend of mine has had one for a year now, I had mine for 8 months with very minimal problems, much less than most of the other spyders/pirhanas at the field.

04-13-2003, 11:42 AM
yeah the JT excellerator is just like any other spyder. You will have almost the same problems of marcolines leaking and having a blender for a gun.

04-13-2003, 12:10 PM

If yours is not a problem child be thankful. I would clean and oil the thing after playing. Whether or not it leaked when I put it back together seemed to be a matter of chaos principle. I even tried not cleaning it but it seemed to be able to develop leaks all by itself.

As someone posted above some people find themselves in the staging area all the time with this marker. Maybe they had poor tolerance in manufacturing and you got a good one. Don't know but know I will not buy own a JT marker again!

04-13-2003, 12:17 PM
They sell the JT Excellerator at some SUPER walmarts now! lol! So I mean how good quality could it be! I know walmart has some good stuff but paintball equipment is not it!

04-13-2003, 01:07 PM
if you're just gonna take a sledgehammer to it, send it to me :) I'll pay shipping.

04-13-2003, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by paintball8869
if you're just gonna take a sledgehammer to it, send it to me :) I'll pay shipping.

Give me your address. There is one missing part to it that I lost while trying to fix the leak (part of the ASA) but you could probably just put a new ASA on it. I've read online that with some loctite and different o-rings (not the ones that came with the darn thing) it can actually be decent.

Once I get your address I'll calculate the shipping charges. It will be all yours.....