View Full Version : Why always someone gets mad?

04-13-2003, 08:04 AM
Everytime I play at my local field there seems to always be a person that gets mad after every match! Always someone saying "Oh he shot me TWICE" , "Owwie" ! I am like you are an idiot. I will keep shooting someone until they call themselves out or something and I don't care if they get mad because it is part of the game! Do they expect to go all day without gettint hit! That is pretty at my field. Besides I like to get hit every once and a while so I remember what it feels like and I remember it doesn't hurt! Am I right about shooting until they call themselves out?

johnny dee
04-13-2003, 08:31 AM
be nice to noobs, let them realize theyve been hit and let them call themselves out, than if next game they dont realize it shoot them all u want.

04-13-2003, 09:39 AM
Yea in recball i would not advise to keep shooting someone to call them selves out. Because if i am getting pounded with balls i dont have the natural reaction to stick my hand up. Yea the person will say they are out but the other person cant hear you.

04-13-2003, 10:41 AM
I am always worried my paint wont break or something and they will turn and shoot me! I have shooten a guy 6 times and only one broke! Yeah I definetly do my best to invite people to the game of paintball! I wont unload on them unless I know they would do the same to me or if they look like they need a good hit! lol!

04-13-2003, 01:25 PM
i had one little kid 13-14 scream at me cause i shot at him after he was out. didn't even hit him. i was starting a string that was going from his feet up towards his head. i only shot once and it landed a few feet short of him. then i noticed he was just kinda walking with his gun down. so i stopped. he screams and fires a few random shots in my direction. "i'm out! &#@*$" i scream back at him "well put your gun in the air. i can't hear you calling yourself out from the other side of the field. there's a game going on right next to me." i was on the tapeline with a game going on right on the other side of the net. after that i just left and joined another group.

c sherer
04-13-2003, 02:26 PM
heh... "shooten".

rec-ballers - gotta try to be nice to them - they are the bread & butter of the industry. We tourney ballers are the (VERY) few, really goofy idiots that don't mind getting bonus balled, but the vast majority of paintballers are rec-only. If we overshoot the rec ballers - especially first timers or newbs - then they quit playing, then their friends quit playing, then its only the die-hards and tourney ballers playing, then the industry dies from lack of sales, fields close down, research and development ceases and we all end up playing renegade in uncle joe's wooded area paying 25 cents per ball.


04-14-2003, 08:59 AM
Yeah, gotta give everyone a chance, but at the same time, everyone should learn the basics about playing- there was this one knucklehead yesterday who i tagged- at least I thought I had, but then he just stood there like he was watching the rest of the game... so, i tossed a couple more at him and he was pissed, but he was no newbie and the basic rule is put your gun up when your out and move off the field. that's not a very hard concept to grasp.

ReTro Boy
04-15-2003, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by bunkerhugger
Shoot them once then talk to them, give them a chance to check their hit and call themselves out.That's the best way to go. If they stay in with a clear hit, then give it to them...:D

...however, I agree with you that some people cry like little girls if they get hit more than once. They start screaming as soon as the second ball hits them...even if they are walking right through the middle of a fire fight. I just don't understand that...

04-15-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by *captain_cox*37
I have shooten a guy 6 times and only one broke!

haha that happened to me before, i got nailed by the same guy prolly 5 or 6 times before one broke (go jt jersey!) he thought i was cheating. afterwards i showed him the one hit and where the others bounced and he wasnt mad anymore.

i shoot at someone until i see that i hit them, and if they dont stand up i yell CHECK YOURSELF. if they keep shooting, ill keep shooting.

04-15-2003, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by ReTro Boy

...however, I agree with you that some people cry like little girls if they get hit more than once. They start screaming as soon as the second ball hits them...even if they are walking right through the middle of a fire fight. I just don't understand that...

Yeah I hate that. They will call themselves out and then walk right through the middle of a shootout and then they will get hit. The dumbest thing is that they get all p!ssy about it. Start screaming and yelling "I'm out, I'm out, don't shoot me you idiot". It is like GODDMN that is one dumb B!tch.

04-15-2003, 03:05 PM
hehe that's like one guy i know. he was running down the tapeline with his gun down. he got shot by one of his friends. he gets all pissy. he yells that he was out why the #$*% is he shooting? i was also right there. i tell him afterwards that i would've shot him too. you need to stick your marker up in the air when you're walking out. and don't run. it looks like you're trying to advance. the only reason i didn't shoot him is because i was the one that shot him out in the first place and i saw him call himself out. that was his first day at a real field.

04-15-2003, 03:13 PM
I would only get mad if I was just Walking off the field as slow as possible with my head down in shame, my gun up and some guy popped up and popped me. I might be a little ticked at the guy. Wouls not blame him all that much cause his adrenaline was going and stuff.

04-15-2003, 03:27 PM
I only get mad if they shoot the hand that I've raised to call myself out.

Otherwise I just chalk it up to accidental fire.

04-15-2003, 03:29 PM
Yeah that hurts when you get hit in the hand. I raise my gun or my hand really slow. It has worked so far.

04-15-2003, 03:34 PM
When it happened, I had been out for a little while. I had to switch hands to get up cause I was in a wierd spot. The same guy who got me sent another string of 7 or 8 balls my way. You could play connect the dots right down my arm and across my chest.

He claims that he finished firing the last shot before the first hit me and he couldn't stop....yea right.

But I'm not bitter or anything ;)

04-15-2003, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by BlackHalo
When it happened, I had been out for a little while. I had to switch hands to get up cause I was in a wierd spot. The same guy who got me sent another string of 7 or 8 balls my way. You could play connect the dots right down my arm and across my chest.

He claims that he finished firing the last shot before the first hit me and he couldn't stop....yea right.

But I'm not bitter or anything ;)

That is good man. I hate when people get all pi$$y all day just from one thing. They let someone mess up there whole day of paintball. I never let that happen.

04-15-2003, 08:54 PM
Yeah, I agree in a way. Some people are stupid enough to walk right behind someone I'm shooting at, and they walk slowly. Most of the time people are like forget it, because getting shot really doesn't bother me that much. But those noobs make a big deal out of it. Although I got mad at a guy who bunkered me once and justkept shooting and shooting, I bet he put over 25 welts on me. That sucked. Ref made him sit out for a couple games tho:D

04-15-2003, 09:08 PM
Unfortunately I get lit up all the time also. No hard feelings though, because its just apart of the game. But with new players I try to give em one shoot. Since normally they call themselves out with just feeling the hit. I never try to bonsu ball though. Thats the thing our sport just dosen't need.

04-16-2003, 09:33 AM
should be nice to recballers.....one experence i had with my second time i played it would make most people never want to play again....i already suffered from the mental disorder of paintball...anywho... it was at a local field not to many people fequenct 5 on 5 would be a good day there, well thats what the teams happend to be this time.. i got flanked by this guy with a timppan pro (this was 4 yrs ago) with the sniper barrel, double finger trigger he got the drop on me. i call my sell out and stood up and paint contiuned i turned around and it still continued the only thing that acutaly got the guy to stop was the ref jumped between us...needless to say that was a very uncool experense......but ya so be nice to rec ballers....not saying any here at AO would do this, hell no decent paintball player would have done this...i was just an easy newbie for someone with alot of aggression...its alll good though, cuz i'm a much better player now..

Rancid Milk
04-16-2003, 09:35 AM
I really only get fustrated when I get shot 6 plus times when I have my hand is raised and they just don't stop shooting.

Edited for clarity

04-16-2003, 01:28 PM
When you try and shoot someone obviously your not going to just shoot 1 time and expect to hit the guy, you are dumb if you try that. so if you get shot twice oh well.suck it up

04-16-2003, 04:50 PM
*sigh* What's with this "Be nice to rec-ballers" talk? I'm sure you all don't mean anything by it, but you act as though all rec-ballers are 10 years old, and only play recball becuase they are new and haven't "graduated" to tourny play.:rolleyes:

04-16-2003, 07:24 PM
I will be the first one to admit I will bonus ball you in a minute.Its not like I am doing it to be mean , but If I am not positive that you are out , and I see anything protrude , I light it up and ask questions after.
I always make sure to apoligize after the game if I did it really bad.And I always keep a cool head when its done to me.

E==Mag MAN
04-16-2003, 08:03 PM
I never overshoot anyone unless they have P.O'ed me then I will maybe give them a couple more for acting how did.

Rancid Milk
04-16-2003, 08:50 PM
I will be the first one to admit I will bonus ball you in a minute.Its not like I am doing it to be mean , but If I am not positive that you are out , and I see anything protrude , I light it up and ask questions after.

I understand that and am the same way... sort of. I don't light people up big time, but if I am not sure that they are out I at least fire a few shots their way until they yell or I see their hand clearly in the air.

04-16-2003, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Rancid Milk

I understand that and am the same way... sort of. I don't light people up big time, but if I am not sure that they are out I at least fire a few shots their way until they yell or I see their hand clearly in the air.

Lol , I am especially bad in a scenario.I like to be very mobile so its not unusual for me to come up on players who have already been eliminated walking out. A lot of times if they don't have their hands in the air and I see them , they get tagged.
I always end up having to apologize to someone, but its really a part of the game.A little hesitation can cost you big.

RT pRo AuToMaG
04-16-2003, 09:39 PM
I keep shooting until I know you're out. Alot of the kids at my field stop shooting when they think someone is out, and they usually end up getting bunkered. I'm sorry, I'd rather put a hopper on you then you eliminate me.

(BTW I'm a tourny player)

04-17-2003, 12:42 AM
Heh... I shot some nub kid the head as he walked 1 foot infrount of my bunker when I was letting ofaa a string!!1 LOL! I apologized... But damn... It was funny.

04-17-2003, 12:57 AM
it all depends on the scenario for me.

Tourney ball- I'm gonna keep shooting you til you're either pulled by the ref or you call yourself out and start walkin off the field. And if you don't call yourself out after i shoot you (obviously hit), you're gonna get a couple extras on the walk back.

Rec ball- I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, unless I personally know them (like my teammates, they can be pains sometimes with calling themselves out, they think everything is "splatter" and call for paint checks before going out). The only time I've ever overshot someone on a rec field was well deserved I think. I had a nice shot on the guy's lower leg, basically his ankle area. I was shooting a gx3 cocker at the time and i shot him in the foot twice. I saw them break, saw him jerk his foot back, and 5 seconds later it was clean and back in the old position. I couldn't believe it. So i shot him again, telling him to call himself out. Now this is where he gets really dumb, he kept putting his foot back where i could shoot it. Eventually he walked off the field limping becuase i emptied a hopper into his ankle. That was my only overshooting incident and it was because the other guy was blatantly cheating.

04-17-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by paintball8869
it all depends on the scenario for me.

yeah it depends on a lot of things for me. Like if they are new or anything.