View Full Version : lol, I didn't even know (sponsor thingy)

04-14-2003, 10:12 AM
I decided I wanted a J&J Edge kit because a few people on my team use them and I enjoyed them. So I check online and find it for like 150 common everywhere, so the g/f is about to order (im poor, i'll take any help I can get ..lol) but I decide to wait til Monday since they dont ship weekends anyhow and I wanted to keep looking online.

So I'm at the Desert Cup watching part of my team play (they maxed all 6 games) and talking to the bug guy on the team (the head guy) and tell him about getting an Edge kit ... then he says "you do remember I told you we're sponsored by J&J right?" ...lol

So if I had ordered Saturday I'd a spent 150 bucks on a kit that I can get discounted from our sponsor...

Thank god for Procrastination!

Dave K

Will Wood
04-14-2003, 10:16 AM
lol wanna order me one too? ;) :)

Yea, procrastinating is good. :D

04-14-2003, 10:16 AM
My friend got one for only $115 and online! See
