View Full Version : My First Webciste, Check it out.

04-14-2003, 06:41 PM
Hey I just spent about 1 hour making this. I think its pretty kool. Tell me if you like it. If you don't please don't post anything cuz im tired of all the flaming

http://www.geocities.com/[email protected]/Paintball.html?1050356343935

04-14-2003, 07:14 PM
too much bandwith ill comment later(know alot about design now a days)

04-14-2003, 07:14 PM
I gonna move this to Friendly corner...

Your sites not working! :rolleyes: :)

04-14-2003, 08:21 PM
its pretty good i guess for a first time. Ive never built a web site so i dont know.

04-14-2003, 08:27 PM
its like every other geocities website out there :confused:

mine is an EXSTENSIVE work in progress
Features : Parent company that links to
Paintball Site : in dev.
Machining site : live progress
bandsite : live progress
other BS

04-14-2003, 11:42 PM
Not bad for a first website kba. I like statik's site. The band, silent outburst sounds really familiar. I'll have to look into that tomorrow. I used to be all into web design, makin fancy looking webpages. Then it occurred to me, I don't like to do work. I'll use this thread as an excuse to try to get hits to my website choads.net, it's in the sig. Out of all the sites I've ever made, I like that one the best. It's so simple, and really really easy to update, and fix problems. Hurray for php! Unfortunatly it's down in the summer because I take my server home with me.