View Full Version : What kind of HPA system is this?

Frank (the spank)
04-14-2003, 11:12 PM
At my local shop they have a used tank in there for $200 and the manager says it's really good and goes for $400 new.. but I can't find it anywhere. He says it's made by PMI.

It has a Duck tank. It screws into the regulator with it's own threads, has a on/off valve, dual guages on the reg, and it has a weird drop... it sorta.. swivels. It has some connection to where you can pull it and twist the tank depending on how you're shooting at the moment.

again.. he says it's made by PMI but all I find for PMI's are screw in's..

I want a tank that doesn't suffer from shootdown. If this tank keeps up with my E-mag I think I'll pick it up.

Any ideas? Just wondering what it's called so I can find a review on the net.

04-15-2003, 12:20 PM
By duck tank I assume you mean nitro duck and as far as I know the only regs that can screw into them are nitro duck regs. It's probably a mega reg or micro reg http://www.nitroduck.com/

04-15-2003, 12:29 PM
Air America is selling their "Raptor" adjustable tanks for under $200 NEW. They come with a lifetime warranty.

Just thought I'd throw that out there...

Frank (the spank)
04-15-2003, 01:14 PM
Hmm.. he said PMI.. the tank said Nitro Duck.. ::shrugs::

Had two guages, was adjustable, and had a weird cradle that had some sorta socket that locked in one place and you could pull it, twist it and it would pop back into another place.

Why you would need a drop like that... I dont know, lol. But sorta cool.

Yeah I am thinkin' about the Air America tank. How is the flow rate? Sucks it doesn't have an output guage, how the hell am I gonna set it?!?

I know.. I can put a T fitting and a guage.. but that $200 tank will turn into a $300 tank and I can pickup a used 68/45 Flatline for around $300...

Ugh.. so many damn nitro systems, lol

04-15-2003, 03:44 PM
here are some pics of my old school mega reg. I'm pretty sure only nitro duck regs will fit on nitro duck tanks but I could be wrong. If you find it to be a nitro duck, I highly recommend it. The pics are here http://www.geocities.com/nuthynleft/buy.html

Frank (the spank)
04-15-2003, 06:02 PM
Hmm... thats pretty close.. next time I go in there I need to get a better look at it.


04-15-2003, 07:49 PM
My crossfire tank has a NitroDuck hydro on it with the duck and all. So maybe thats it.