View Full Version : Is any one else hesitant to sell their old stuff?

04-15-2003, 08:49 AM
I have this constant debate in my head, whether I should sell parts, or stuff I no longer use. Along with constant upgrades to my Emag, comes surplus parts. I now have practically a complete Emag kit, minus a valve, board, and a few other parts. I have a chrome no rise body that got traded out for a ULE, and a sweet centerfeed Boomy.

Part of me says keep this stuff for some odd reason, and part of me says get a few bucks back from the hundreds I've dumped into Pball. I know I will never buy another twist lock Mag. My only other Mag might be an X mag, but thats slim, cuz I love my Emag.

Its not just the mag stuff either. I have other equipment that took up residence in the "surplus paintball" box. Now I know I'm not gonna sell everything, but wouldn't it make sence to get a little cash for things like the Boomstick, or the No-rise?

04-15-2003, 08:50 AM
I have to sell my old stuff to pay off the new stuff.

04-15-2003, 08:51 AM
If your so hesitant to sell it. Why dont you spend a little extra cash and rebuild all your spare stuff into a loaner. Never hurts to have a marker you can borrow out to a buddy.

04-15-2003, 09:10 AM
Well, the thing is as a Tournament player, I'm trying to streamline my gear. I'd rather not spend more money on extra stuff. The chances of me playing a rec game, and loaning out stuff is very slim. That's why I kept my Tippmann ;)

04-15-2003, 09:11 AM
I usually look at it as a use, or attachment issue.

If there isn't any use for it in the foseeable future, it's not hard to replace, and you can probably make a decent penny on it, I usually sell.

If I might use it yet, I'll keep it. For instance, I have a Chrome Emag Body and matching PFHL barrel laying around right now, because I'm trying a Warp out. I haven't totally commited to it, so I'm keeping the old parts...

If it's harder to get (VL3000 SHells for instance) or I have an attachment to it (My VM) I won't sell. I'd regret it down the road.

04-15-2003, 09:19 AM
Sell it! It's an upgrade path for some people so let it go to someone who will apreaciate it. And the sooner the better. Your never gonna use it and people out there are wanting it. I got my No Rise and the center feed Freak kit I used with it up right now for sale. I not gonna use it as I am now all Cocker barrels and the RTP was the only marker left to use that stuff on until yesterday. So why not let someone have it that realy wants it?

Never look back! ;)

04-15-2003, 09:22 AM
i am hesitant to get rid of stuff, but eventually you just have so much crap around you either nee to sell ity or build a new gun.
I try to consolidate my junk - for example, I have an xmag and got a ULE body and Xvalve for my regular mag so now I only need to have one type of barrel and one type of parts kit, etc.

It is hard to get rid of stuff though, there's always the "i could use this someday" thought.

04-15-2003, 09:48 AM
Here's my issue:
With the recent purchase of my X-Mag, I now have a two-month-old ULE-Mag lying around AND a ReTo Mag getting little use. I play an even mix of rec and not0so-serious tournament ball.

I don't want to give up the RT because the GF gave me the ReTro valve for my birthday. But on the other hand, I don't want ot give up the E-Mag because I may need a backup electro? I COULD use the RT as my backup, but that E-Mag is sooooo sweet.

Either way I could get a ULE body and standardize my Freak Kit and still have a loaner for a friend when we play rec.

Luckily I don't HAVE to sell either since Uncle Sam is fitting the bill for the X-Mag.

What to do, what to do...

Later ~ Dave

04-15-2003, 09:52 AM
Jam, I am personally glad you decided to get rid of some of that "old" stuff.

Strider, given up on the warp yet? Want to trade the body for a nice black HL body? ;)

04-15-2003, 09:55 AM
Oh, the dilema!

I am an almost eccentric hoarder. I keep everything! BUT, I just recently sold off a bunch of surplus PB stuff, it was all in excellent shape, but I really wasn't ever going to use it (except maybe that Warp Feed)

I sold...

Warp, with an E-Mag warp body, & a Turbo-Revy,

88/3000 PE tank,


and I even sold a Sluggo, right after I bought it!

I took the money, and upgraded my HALO ($50) bought and ULE mainbody ($145) LX ($60) and bought a couple Dye tank covers ($50)

I pretty much broke even, maybe even made a few bucks, and now I got stuff that I actually use!

04-15-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by hitech
Jam, I am personally glad you decided to get rid of some of that "old" stuff.

Strider, given up on the warp yet? Want to trade the body for a nice black HL body? ;)

Yeah, i bet you are.. ;) How's it working out? that's a fast trigger isn't it?

04-15-2003, 12:37 PM
I don't even have it in my hot little hands yet. And yes, it's killing me. Right now I'm trying to figure out how I want to hook up my warp. Don't know anyone who wants to trade for a warp body, do you? ;)

04-15-2003, 12:49 PM
Jonesie, you have a kick *** girlfriend to get u a retro valve lol i would never get rid of that rt

jedi, i say sell your old stuff and buy some new useful stuff with the money you make like russ did, that sounds like a good plan

04-15-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by hitech
Strider, given up on the warp yet? Want to trade the body for a nice black HL body? ;)
Hehe, not quite yet. Though, if I do abandon the warp, I'll be looking to end up with a Black PFHL Emag body. My Warp body is Black, and I'm hooked! :) Love the Tux mag look.