View Full Version : AO SoCal Paintball Birthday Party for Gibby!!!!!

04-15-2003, 03:04 PM
I'm throwing a paintball birthday party for my man!

When: Sunday May 4th
Time: 9am - 4pm
Where: California Paintball Park

Admission is paid for. All day air is $10.00 and a case of paint is $69.00 (they use Severe and Bangi).

If your interested in attending send me a pm. RSVP is April 22 so I can purchase the passes.

04-15-2003, 04:25 PM
Let me make a note that it's also her birthday on the 4th too!! :D

04-15-2003, 10:13 PM
Wheres California Paintball Park>?

04-16-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Quackman71
Wheres California Paintball Park>?
California Paintball Park near Magic Mountain in Castaic lake. PM me your email address and we'll send you an evite invitation with all the details. Anyone who is interested in joining us, feel free to PM me or TooDamnSweet and we'll definitely add you to the list!

04-16-2003, 07:13 PM
Man. It just happens to be on the weekend that my folks are visiting from Utah. Oh well. Hope you guys have fun and I'll have to meet up sometime else down the road.

04-18-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by RoadDawg
Man. It just happens to be on the weekend that my folks are visiting from Utah. Oh well. Hope you guys have fun and I'll have to meet up sometime else down the road.

AAAWWWW!!! I'm sorry you can't make it! But I'm sure we'll do it again.

04-18-2003, 06:45 PM
the only day im busy in may is the 4th just lucky...

04-19-2003, 04:06 PM
Don't worry, that sounds like the case for alot of ppl. Looks like our birthdays are busy days of the year LOL

Maybe we'll look into changing the date to Sat. May 3rd if that's easier for everyone.

04-20-2003, 10:03 PM
I'll be in Disneyland on that Sat with my 5 yr old nephew and 10 month old niece. It's their first time to Dland so I gotta be a good uncle and be there. I wouldn't be able to make it til 2 weeks after the original date. Anyways Happy early Bday to you both.

04-27-2003, 06:12 PM
EMAIL ME AT [email protected]

04-27-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Bonx0007
EMAIL ME AT [email protected]

Kewl, I just sent you the evite. If you didn't get it, send me a pm.

04-28-2003, 04:00 PM

Are any of you all going to Spatt2 (Shatner) I'm signed up up and would like to meet a few peaple in So Cal that are going. If so maybe I'll ditch practice and head north instead of south on Sunday. If I'm not imposing.


04-28-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by dmonahan

Are any of you all going to Spatt2 (Shatner) I'm signed up up and would like to meet a few peaple in So Cal that are going. If so maybe I'll ditch practice and head north instead of south on Sunday. If I'm not imposing.


Hey Darren,
Rey and I are attending Shatnerball II. I'm not sure if anyone else that's attending his party will be going. We went last year and had a GREAT time!
Ofcourse you're not imposing! If you want to attend forsure, pm me your email addy and I'll send you the online evite.

05-01-2003, 10:38 PM
thank you for all the info. I can't wait til sunday.

Rey you have a very special lady that is willing to do all this for you.(Not that your not worth it or anything ;) )Ups for TooDamnSweet!!!

05-02-2003, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Bonx0007
thank you for all the info. I can't wait til sunday.

Rey you have a very special lady that is willing to do all this for you.(Not that your not worth it or anything ;) )Ups for TooDamnSweet!!!
YUP! We're all looking forward to it. I know I can't wait! She's definitely a special person in my life. And don't forget, it will actually be her birthday on Sunday as mine would be the thing of the past(Saturday)...hehe!

Looking forward to catching up with you again Mark! :)

Definitely a SHWING for muh woman! ;)

05-02-2003, 08:11 PM
Wow! Thanks Mark, that was a nice thing to say. I know Rey loves paintball and thought this would be the perfect gift....along with the other "surprise" he got today.....

I'm sure he'll tell you all about it on Sunday. But, I'll say this, he was stamped with a clean bill of health LOL

You're special to me too sweetheart! You know I love you very much!

05-04-2003, 10:07 PM
The party was great, I hade a realy good time. Thanks again, TDS & Gibby. Here are a few pics from the party, sorry I dont know all the names so I wont add any, I leave that for you guys:D

05-04-2003, 10:09 PM
:D OPPS I forgot to change the date on the camera when I put in the batterys:D

05-04-2003, 10:13 PM

05-04-2003, 10:14 PM

05-04-2003, 10:17 PM
Hay look Gibby, TDS and family are going to be on TV:D

05-05-2003, 01:56 AM
Well I can help Nobody out with some names to Umm...action shots? First photo after Gibby and TDS is Bonx007. The one after that looks like Rey in a familiar position (staring at his gun wondering why it's not working...LOL :p )

05-05-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Bad_Knees
Well I can help Nobody out with some names to Umm...action shots? First photo after Gibby and TDS is Bonx007. The one after that looks like Rey in a familiar position (staring at his gun wondering why it's not working...LOL :p )
LOL!! You know me too well BK!! YOU'RE CORRECT!!! Actually, the chronic paint I was using was too big for my CP 1 pc barrel and it was getting stuck!! UGH!! Luckily, Nobody had an extra All American barrel and that seemed to work perfectly and shot really well throughout the day. Too bad you weren't there, like everyone said...IT WAS A GREAT DAY!!!

I just want to thank everyone who came...friends, people from work, and especially the players from AO!!! Nobody...thanks a lot for the great pictures! Of course, you caught me with my goofy smile in the first one...UGH!! Oh, and thanks again for letting me use your extra barrel...without that, I'm not sure what I would have used! :)

Bonx showed us he still had it while he rocked his emag and it made me jealous!! I had the chance to shoot it a few times and now I'm definitely focused on getting mine up and running.

Rogue was his usual self entertaining everyone at the field. He's also one aggressive player as I always saw him moving up. He came very close to eliminating the captain...ME! He worked his way up the hill and was about 40 yards away and still going strong. Unfortunately for him, the other captain, TDS, got shot out...hehe!!

Again, thanks again...the party wouldn't have been a success without all of you! Looking forward to playing again with you guys soon!

And last but not least...THANK YOU TO MY WOMAN!!! She went through a lot to make sure this party went through! I had a great time shooting her in the butt!! ;)

05-05-2003, 02:23 PM
HAPPY BDAY TO YA BOTH(a lil late, but oh well:p)

05-06-2003, 08:19 AM
gibby you b-day was a blast I look forward to getting together with all of you again.

05-06-2003, 01:34 PM
Thanks "bronx"...hehe! Yeah, seeing you again was great and all the other AOers!! I look forward to the next time we can go out and play! Maybe the new indoor field that you mentioned? I know my buddy Marvin got hooked and wants to get his own equipment. Mag anyone? Hehe! Till next time...take care!! :)

05-06-2003, 10:48 PM
Hay Warped I wish I had more pics but I was to busy playing:D The other shots are all to far away to identify iny of the players

05-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Hey Gibby. Sounds like you guys had fun. I had my fun to waiting in line for hours at Disneyland. Wish I could of joined you guys. How bout we all get together in June. Let's call it a So Cal AO day. LMK if you anyone would be able to make it.


05-15-2003, 08:59 PM
Hey RoadDawg, an AO Meet in June sounds good to me. Rey is itching to play again!

05-16-2003, 10:18 AM
Well in the pball talk forum DB is trying to get a Mega meet going on in July. Doesn't mean we all can't get together and play sometime before that. The 14th or 21st are the only saturdays that I can work with but any sunday I could go.

05-16-2003, 10:17 PM
We'll check out DB's thread.

I'll talk to Rey and see what days are good for him and one of us will get in touch with you to work out the details.

Here are a few pictures from birthday game on May 4th.

05-16-2003, 10:18 PM
Here's one of Bonx playing with Da Hula Mag!!!

05-16-2003, 10:18 PM
Gibby and Bonx

05-16-2003, 10:21 PM
Me and Bonx

05-16-2003, 10:21 PM
Me and the Ref

05-16-2003, 10:22 PM
After the last game, we're missing about 7 players who had to leave early..... :(

05-16-2003, 10:23 PM
Here's a special one of Nurse Mary Sunshine singing Happy Birthday to Rey at work....:D