View Full Version : The next step for paintball??

04-15-2003, 03:46 PM
Well I personally have been waiting in anticipation to see whats next for paintball, X-Ball, Television, or an officially recognized sport.

In an attempt to get paintball to hte next level I have organized a high school paintball team competition. About 10 high schools will be competing in a game.

We are using NPPL rules in a 4-Man Format with a Scoreboard and such to keep track of points. We as well already have airbunkers and netting and carpet for the floor. You are allowed 8 players for each roster and points will be decided by official referees.

This is at an official indoor Arena located beside my highschool and is mostly used for hockey.

We are still short cash though and were wondering if there is anyone interested in sponsoring this event or anyone who could give it some publicity to get the word out.

Our hopes is that maybe other areas will get the idea if this is a success and it will help paintball become what we all want it to be.

Please post with your opinions on this, and please PM me if you can help in anyway at all, all opinions and help would be appereciated. There is no set date for this event but it will happen within the next few months.

Duke Henry
04-15-2003, 03:52 PM
One question: why 8 players allowed on a 4 man roster? Seems excessive.

Anyway, here is the main question: where are you located? Might help get responses...


04-15-2003, 04:06 PM
Located in

Belleville, Ontario CANADA

The reason for it being 8-man is because we did a vote with the schools and most were wanting 8 man because they figured they would switch between games with the 8 guys to give themselves a break and to get ready for the next game.

It might be lowered to 6 per roster because yes 8 is excessive but I am just trying to make everyone happy.

04-15-2003, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Duke Henry
One question: why 8 players allowed on a 4 man roster? Seems excessive.
I'm guessing backup