View Full Version : stock impulse vs. stock mag

John V
04-15-2003, 04:45 PM
what is the better of the two? a stock impulse w/ vision eye or a stock mag w/ Level 10??
What makes it better than the other?

04-15-2003, 04:48 PM
Comparing a non-retro mechanical to an electro... I'd say the electro has a definite mechanical advantage.

04-15-2003, 05:12 PM
define better.

More durable? Higher ROF? Easier on paint?

John V
04-15-2003, 05:15 PM
better- best overall in all categories

04-15-2003, 06:05 PM
Well... you're getting into subjective stuff now. And, comparing an electro to a mechanical makes for a severe mismatch. An RT Pro is a much better match up... but still mech vs. electro.

You will be able to shoot faster with ANY electro vs. a stock Mag... and speed is usually the bottom line. Mags in general are super reliable/dependable. I have my opinions on the Impulse... based entirely on heresay rather than firsthand, so I won't mention... good or bad.

Try the guns out yourself, and pick what you like. I also wouldn't limit yourself to Impulses... there are other decent low cost electros as well.

04-15-2003, 06:45 PM
your not allowed to compare those two. they are opposite ends of the spectrum

04-15-2003, 07:02 PM
well, after owning a stock impulse and a stock mag at the same time (no vision or LX), i have one thing to say. i sold the imp and kept the mag. i just liked the mag better.

the mag never let me down, and was/is consistent.

the imp, wellllllll, that was another story. it was inconsistent, didnt always work, and i just didnt like it.(and yes, the max-flo was broke in).

in fact i still have the minimag, highly modded, but it is still in use.

John V
04-15-2003, 08:04 PM
there is a reason why i am asking this question in a post. I have an impulse right now and i like it and everything, its just sometimes messes up on me. Another thing is that its one of the most heavy guns ive ever held & is also big.

Im considering buying a RT Pro & need some suggestions on if its better to keep the imp or to go with a mag...

AIM: Jumper0515

04-15-2003, 08:32 PM
Wow, that picture is really scary....:eek:

John V
04-15-2003, 08:50 PM
yes i put this picture up as a joke.

04-15-2003, 08:57 PM
I've owned my Impulse since June of last year. It has NEVER FAILED ME! It is and will be my primary marker for a long time. My back-up is a sweet Mini-Mag with level 10. (ULE body in the mail!!! Yeah!) But my mag will always be backup to my Impy because no matter what,,,it's not as reliable! I have it pretty nicely tuned, but it still has hiccups! Last week it performed flawlessly for my friend!! But the week before that,,,,I almost threw the feakin thing! Nothing I or any of the mag guys could do would make it stop chopping! With the level 10!! Weird! I put it in the case, brought it out 7 days later, and I was once again proud to own it!!!! Figure it out! I didn't do anything to it, and it worked flawlessly! ?????? All this aside, they are very different machines, and both are an acquired taste. Best thing I can say is try both and go for the 'feels good' thing!

p.s. The Impy with the Halo B is hard to beat for speed! :)