View Full Version : HPA systems! which one?

04-16-2003, 05:16 PM
Everyone says HPA works much better with an automag than CO2, so what is the difference between tanks? I understand the CI and PSI, but is there any real difference between which brand of tank you buy? If so, what are some good brands? Thanks.

Mav D MagMan
04-16-2003, 08:42 PM
The difference in N2 tanks is not the tank itself (except for size and weight) But really the quality of the regulator.

Is it consistent in it's output?
Can it flow well enough to keep up with a high rate of fire?
Is it maintenance intensive/blow seals?
Does it regulate to the pressure I need? (there's high pressure regs and low)
Is it adjustable or preset?
Cost... etc

I'd reccomend cruising around internet paintball equipment dealers and looking into your price range/interests/preference (size etc.)

Then head over to a place like PbReview (www.pbreview.com) or hear and ask about a specific brand name.

Generalized questions like which gun/tank is best usually end up a chaotic mess of opinions ;)


Edit- The average automag runs well on a high pressure output (800psi+) tank with plenty of room for gas (they are known for higher than average n2 consumption)

Retro/RT valves are happiest (and run the best) on adjustable tanks (so that you can change reactivity etc.)

If you do your homework and buy a quality tank you'll probable be happy with the result!

04-16-2003, 08:56 PM
he couldn't have been more right. There are plenty of nice systems out there. just do your homework on them and know what you want out of a system. There are some good reviews out there(pbreview, like Mav said is a good one), and if they arent enough come back here and ask for detailed reviews from people like us. good luck

tc sting
04-16-2003, 09:02 PM
The major diffrence in hpa tanks besides the brands is the regulator. Thats why u will see many tanks the same size for diffrent prices such as a 68/3000 flatline for $250 and a crossfire tank for $160. Most of the tanks will work fine, though i caution you some will not preform as well as others since their recharge rate is not as fast as others. The cross fire preset screw in tank have a awsome recharge rate and very durable. I was able to find my aci bulldog II for a great price of only 130 new from my local proshop. Also you have a choice of preset or adjustable meaning a set out put pressure or a adjustable one to fine tune your markers gas input.

P.S. If you have ne questions pm me or catch me on aim @Tcsk8r06

tc sting
04-16-2003, 09:04 PM
I guess i type slow there were no responses to this post o well :D

04-16-2003, 10:41 PM
Thanks for all the help guys. I will definately comeback here if I have anymore questions.