View Full Version : roller trigger problems!!!!!

04-16-2003, 09:04 PM
ok well i bout this trigger part and when i got it i new i was going to have to drill holes, but i didnt no that it wasnt going to come with insturctions for the dirll sizes. i spent an hour seacrching for the rite size bit. i rly think you guys can do better then that. i mean its raly anoying when u have to drill into something that is the size of a babys pinky finger 6 times to get the right bit size. also what u might think of doing in the future is telling them to drill strait though the triiger an instead of giveing us 4 secew u can use the a bolt type one. this way alls u have to do is slide the pin part through and put the screw rite into the pin. i dont no just a sujestion, because after the drilling the holes you urself have to make the treads in the trigger what a paint in the *** that was!!!!! after it was done it looke reletivly well and it works just fine which is the piont of the product. so its a great product but its just a real pain in the *** to install.

04-17-2003, 07:56 AM
WOW! That is the most unintelligable post I think I have ever read. My head hurts. ;)