View Full Version : Upgrade time?

04-17-2003, 12:05 PM
hullo, long time reader, first time poster here.
Four years ago, I started to play paintball. After I relized this hobby might stick, I upgraded my walmart special pump marker to a 68automag<powerfeed right>. Things were good for a bt, and then died down. The nppl came thru Vegas last week, and for the past couple months I've got a lot of play time in and relize that I am long over due for an upgrade. Two years out of the game has left me way way behind.
I like my automag very much. I am thinking about puchasing another. I was looking at getting a x-mag valve, black ule mainbody, warp-feed, and flatline. <Yes I relize some items are on a huge backorder.>
Mainly I want to know what else I need to complete this setup. The warp-feed just allows one to repostion a hopper, right? You still need a hopper somewhere that feeds to the warpfeed? What is the difference between a 3000 and 4500 flatline? How does this relate to a scuba fill? Any store that fills a 3000 can fill a 4500, right? Should I get an intelliframe or no?
For all the cash this comes to, could I set myself up with a better marker? I play meybe twice a week at a field, or long weekends of woodball. I don't balk at disassembling and cleaning my mag, but I've never had to put together a cocker from component parts... If there is anything else you feel I should know, please post.

have fun

04-17-2003, 12:21 PM
the difference between a 4500 tank and a 3k is basically that the 4500 will get more shots per ci (app. 15 opposed to 10). yes, warp allows you to move the hopper to the side of the gun, eliminating hopper hits. yes, you do need a hopper to feed into warp. if you like the feel of the double trigger over a single, i would get an intelli. in addition to the x-valve, ule, warp, and flatline, i would reccomend a nice drop. you will also need a cocker threaded barrel because of the ule. it sounds like you will have a good setup once you are done :D

04-17-2003, 06:51 PM
btw, this should probably be in either paintball talk or maybe the tech forum ;)

04-17-2003, 06:55 PM
LX comes with the x valve (just in case you did not know) with the x valve you HAVE to have nitrogen