View Full Version : NJ: Looking to start a pball club @ CCM

04-17-2003, 02:39 PM
Hey, any ballers out there that attend the County College of Morris, i'm trying to get the ball rolling on a paintball club for our school. I need a certain number of students to show interest (sign your name to the list) as well as a faculty advisor. Finding the advisor is proving to be a challenge, any recomendations would be appreciated. I already have a handful of people who are definately interested, and im looking for all the other players in school to step up and help make this happen. We all know how paintball works: someone new goes and has a blast, tells their friends, who tell their friends... Anyway, contact me by replying here or email me at [email protected]. Dont bother asking anyone from the school about this, it doesnt exist yet.

04-18-2003, 04:33 PM
to bad you didn't start this earlier. this is my last semester at CCM. Try a professor from the Criminal Justice program. there are a couple cool ones that might be interested in being the faculty advisor.

good luck.

04-18-2003, 11:48 PM
i already graduated from CCM. i dont know of any advisors that would help you out. its been about 2 years since ive been there. but if you guys are getting together and need some players please send me an invite. i could prob bring a few guys with me too. good luck with it all.