View Full Version : marker choice

04-17-2003, 09:07 PM
I am going to spend around 1100 for a new marker this summer but don't know what to get. Everybody and I mean Everybody around here shoot autocockers and I don't want one. I really don't have a way to try out all of the different markers so your personal experience would be helpful. Also if the gun need to run on N2 I need some of that money to buy a tank. Any help would be apreciated.
Ps. I usually play mid field

04-17-2003, 09:17 PM
youll want to try out anything first. this is an automag forum so you are gonna get a slanted opinion on what to get. i guess what you will want to go by is how are you with guns? electro vs non-electro, low vs high maintence, easy to work on or complex stuff like that. if you want a low maintence easy to work on elecro, go for an automag of some sort. mags are very reliable, easy to work on and maintain.

04-17-2003, 09:25 PM
i would get a used, upgraded e-mag.
from there, you should have money for a nice adjustable tank.

04-17-2003, 09:36 PM
Timmies are nice... me like timmy triggers... Emag triggers are nice too... never shot any other electro unless it was a sear tripper.

04-17-2003, 09:39 PM
depending upon if you want new or used. definitely new N2 4500psi preset tank (about 200) so that leaves about 900 for marker.(or do you need to get anything else?)

well, you have a lot of choices if buying new.

wdp angel speed
emag (with levelx)
vision impulse

if incluidng used, even more choices.
I bought a emag with n2 tank for 750 or so on ebay. so you will be saving probably 30% or more buying used.

I have 2 emag, 1 LED Dark angel, 2 cockers, 1 blazer, 1 typhoon, 1 mag pump. for myself, I prefer markers that I can maintain. I guess Angel speed is user maintainable, while older ones are harder.

I guess in high end markers, it comes to personal preference and playing style.. try them all, if you get a chance..

04-17-2003, 09:45 PM
I'm also looking to purchase a marker this Summer at around the same price range as you. Right now, I'm looking into the Viking, Angel Speed, and PBC Matrix. I also play mid-front at my local field, and over the next few months I'm going to be playing my first tournies (just to give you an idea of what kind of player I am).

04-17-2003, 09:49 PM
the marker will probably be new and that and the tank is all that I need

04-17-2003, 10:10 PM
I would definitely look at the angel speed. The angel guy wasn taking pre-order at 950 a piece. (they have lifetime service through them, so it is worth spending 50 bucks more than other places) they should be out sometime next month.

emag would be my second choice. make sure it comes with level x bolt though. (earlier ones did not) or emax. seen as low as 800bucks at pbgear.com. (don't know which vintage)

intimidator starts about 1000. which may make it outside your price range. well liked and used. I personally find them bit cheezy in construction. (Iam old fashioned that way) I would think angel speed is a better buy.

vision impulse: upgraded impulse is a nice marker. but definitely 650 plus upgrade would be in your price range.

Alkalmp viking: I've heard some good stuff, but heard also complaints about service and lack of upgrade.

oops. forgot matrix. I had LED with bolt kit and reg. LCD comes with them standard but 1000 bucks. TMC edition is 860. an dcomes with bolt and reg upgrade as well. bit of air hog, but quiet and fast shooting. with impulse and matrix, 88 ci tank may be recommended..

04-17-2003, 10:23 PM
angel. enough said

04-17-2003, 11:26 PM
2k2 Timmy with WAS board.

Nothing can beat that.

04-17-2003, 11:31 PM
Angel Speed is cheaper, and better than a timmy IMO. Its all preference though, I just think its a better deal.

04-18-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by minimag187
Angel Speed is cheaper, and better than a timmy IMO. Its all preference though, I just think its a better deal.

Have you even used a speed yet...?

04-18-2003, 10:50 AM
I also say emag or a nice timmy. But there are a whole lot other guns that are great.

Like Bushmaster W/ PDS -- http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/010-3031-1.html
And then you will have money for a nice tank and a barrel system.

Or a impulse W/ vison-- http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/010-8043-3.html

And maybe maybe might want to look at the orracle cocker--
